XDF-百日行动派(Day 1 - Day 50)

《100 Words Almost Everyone Confuses》

Day 1 (2019.03.01 11:00 - 13:00, Pomo Time * 5)

1. adverse

  • Oxford: adj. 不利的;有害的;反面的
  • 关系词汇
    • adversely adv. 逆地,反对地
  • 例句翻译
    • “And let thy blows, doubly redoubled, / Fall like amazing thunder on the casque / Of thy adverse pernicious enemy” (William Shakespeare, King Richard II): 让你的打击像惊雷一般,一个接着一个的降落在恶敌的盔甲之上。
    • “Most companies are fearful of adverse publicity and never report internal security breaches ” (Peter H. Lewis, New York Times): 大多数公司都害怕负面宣传,从不报告内部的安全漏洞。
    • As it ascended, the balloon was caught in an adverse current and drifted out to sea.: 气球在上升时被逆流捕获飘到了海上。
  • 词汇造句
    • To survive in adverse circumstances.
    • Staying up late has an adverse effect on health.

2. affect(1)

  • Oxford: v.
    • 影响;使改变
    • (感情上)打动,震动,使悲伤(或怜悯)
    • (疾病)侵袭,感染
  • 金山词霸: n.
    • 感情,情感,心情
    • 精神病学: (表露或觉察到的)情绪反应
  • 关系词汇
    • affected: adj. 假装的;做作的;受到影响的,vt. 影响;假装;使…感动
    • affecting: adj. 感人的;动人的
  • 例句翻译
    • Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar.: 通货膨胀影响美元的购买力。
    • “Then, far off in the distance, from the mountains on each side of us began a louder and a sharper howling—that of wolves—which affected both the horses and myself in the same way” (Bram Stoker, Dracula).: 接着,从我们大山两边遥远的距里传来了狼群响亮而尖锐的嚎叫,以相同的方式影响了马匹和我。
    • Rheumatic fever is one of many afflictions that can affect the heart.: 风湿发热是影响心脏的众多疾病之一。
  • 词汇造句
    • It will affect all of us.
    • Your opinion will not affect my decision.

Day 2 (2019.03.02 12:00 - 13:00, Pomo Time * 3)

3. affect(2)

  • v.
    • To put on a false show of; simulate: 假装;佯装;装出…的样子
      • “He wheedled, bribed, ridiculed, threatened, and scolded; affected indifference, that he might surprise the truth from her” (Louisa May Alcott, Little Women).: 他欺骗,贿赂,嘲笑,威胁,责骂;他惊讶于从她那里得出的真相,但装出一副无所谓的样子。
    • To have or show a liking for: 喜爱,表示出……的喜好
      • affects dramatic clothes: 喜欢戏服
      • 名词形式即为 affection,常用表达为 have a great affection for, 意思等于 like … very much。
    • To tend to by nature; tend to assume: 趋向于,倾向具有
      • In my chemistry class, we study substances that affect crystalline form.: 在化学课上,我们研究晶体状的物质。
    • To imitate; copy: 模仿,效仿
      • “Spenser, in affecting the ancients, writ no language” (Ben Jonson, Timber).
      • imitate v. 模仿,intimate adj. 亲密的,intimidate v. 威胁
  • 关系词汇
    • affecter: a person who makes a real or pretence show of liking, being, or knowing something. (Collins - affecter)
  • 词汇造句 (Merriam-Webster)
    • She affected indifference (=she pretended that she did not care), though she was deeply hurt.
    • She affects (=feigns) a warm friendly manner.
  • 背景知识
    • 《Little Women》: Little Women is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888), which was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. Following the lives of the four March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy—the novel details their passage from childhood to womanhood and is loosely based on the author and her three sisters. 按美国的计算方式,本书共3部,其中《小妇人》(Little Women)和《好妻子》(Good Wives)为一部中的两章,后两部为《小绅士》(Little Men)及《乔的男孩们》(Jo’s Boys)。 (Wikipedia - Little Women)
    • writ: a simple past tense and past participle of write. (Dictionary - writ)

4. aggravate

  • Collins: v.
    • To make worse or more troublesome (= make sth. worse): 加重;使恶化;加剧
      • “Drinking alcohol (especially heavy drinking) or taking tranquilizers or sedating antihistamines shortly before bedtime can aggravate snoring by reducing muscle tone” (Jane E. Brody, New York Times).: 饮酒或在睡觉前不久用镇静剂或镇静抗组胺药会由于肌肉张力减少从而加剧打鼾。
    • To rouse to exasperation or anger; provoke.: 激怒;使恼火
  • 词汇造句 (Collins)
    • Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.
    • What aggravates you most about this country?

Day 3 (2019.03.03 19:40 - 20:50, Pomo Time * 2)

5. alleged

  • Collins: adj. 声称的;被断言的;涉嫌的
    • “Cryptozoology is the study of unexplained and alleged sightings of strange creatures not documented by standard zoology” (Chet Raymo, Boston Globe).: 传说动物学是对未被解释或据说被发现的奇怪生物,而且未被标准动物学记载的研究。
  • 关系词汇
    • allege v. (未提出证据而)断言,指称,声称
      • ~ (that) …
      • it is alleged (that) …
      • be alleged to be, have, etc. sth
        • He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.: 他被指控虐待犯人。
      • ~ sth
    • allegedly adv. 依其申述,据说
  • 词汇造句
    • … a list of alleged war criminals.: 战争嫌犯名单 (Collins)
    • Several of the notable films of recent times like Mr Selfridge or Downton Abbey, Luther. But the rest we have such a wide range of vehicles, ranging from the oldest one we’ve got is a 1904 Hispano-Suiza which allegedly, and I use the word because one doesn’t know definitely. Allegedly is the only one in the world. (BBC): 最近一些著名的电影,像《塞尔福里奇先生》、《唐顿庄园》和《卢瑟》。我们收藏的车,种类十分广泛,最古老的一辆是1904年的西斯帕罗苏扎,它据说,我用“据说”一词,是因为没有人确定。据说它是世界上仅有的一辆。

6. all right

++ all right 居然有这么多意思++

  • Collins & Oxford: adj.
    • In good condition or working order; satisfactory: 令人满意的
      • The mechanic checked to see if the tires were all right.: 技工检查轮胎是否正常。
    • Acceptable; agreeable: 可接受的
      • “Men are all right for friends, but as soon as you marry them they turn into cranky old fathers, even the wild ones” (Willa Cather, My Ántonia).: 男性可以令朋友接受,但一旦你嫁给他们,他们就会转变为坏脾气的老父亲,甚至是野蛮的老父亲。
    • Average; mediocre: 尚可;还算可以
      • The performance was just all right, not remarkable.: 表演尚可,并不出彩。
    • Correct: 确实;的确
      • These figures are perfectly all right.: 这些数字完全正确。
    • Uninjured; safe: 安全健康(的);平安无恙(的)
      • The passengers were shaken up but are all right.: 乘客们受到了惊吓,但都安然无恙。
  • Collins & Oxford: adv.
    • In a satisfactory way; adequately: 令人满意地;可接受地
      • “Cobol was designed to be somewhat readable by nonprogrammers. The idea was that managers could read through a printed listing of Cobol code to determine if the programmer got it all right. This has rarely happened”(Charles Petzold, New York Times).: COBOL(一种编译语言)是一种为非程序员可读而设计。这个想法是为了管理人员可以通过阅读COBOL代码的印刷清单来确定程序员是否令人满意。这很少发生。
    • Very well; yes. Used as a reply to a question or to introduce a declaration: 行;可以
      • All right, I’ll go.: 没问题,我来做。
    • Without a doubt: 无疑,确实
      • “They (Bonobos) are chimpanzees, all right, but almost the reverse of their more familiar cousins (PhoebLou Adams, Atlantic Monthly).: 他们(倭黑猩猩)确实是星星,但是几乎与他们的近亲相反。
  • Collins: ::n. (All right is also used before a noun.)::
    • He’s an all right kind of guy really.: 他这个人很不错。
  • all right 还有一些约定俗成的语义 (Collins)
    • 懂吗?;清楚吗?;好吗?
      • I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?: 我明天见你,好吗?
    • 就这样吧,那么(表示想结束一项活动,开始另一活动)
      • All right, Bob. You can go now.: 就这样吧,鲍勃,你现在可以走了。
    • 唉,喂(表示责难或威胁某人)
      • All right, let’s stop playing games. Hand over the goods right now.: 唉,别耍花招了。马上将货物交过来。

Day 4 (2019.03.04 16:16 - 18:00, Pomo Time * 3)

7. altogether

  • Collins: adv.
    • Entirely; completely; utterly: 完全;全然;全部地
      • The three-year-old, then, is a grammatical genius-master of most constructions, obeying rules far more often than flouting them, respecting language universals, erring in sensible, adultlike ways, and avoiding many kinds of errors altogether.(Steven Pinker, The Language Instinct).: 三岁的孩子,是一个熟悉大多数结构的语法天才,遵守规则要比轻视它们多的多,尊重语言的普遍性,以明智的、像成人一样的方式犯错,可以完全避免各种各样的错误。
    • With all included or counted; all told: 总共
      • “There were altogether eight official Crusades” (The Reader’s Companion to Military History, Robert Cowley).: 一共有八个官方的十字军东征
    • On the whole; with everything considered: 总体来说;总之;基本上
      • Altogether, I’m sorry it happened.: 总而言之,我很抱歉发生了这件事。
  • Oxford: n.
    • A state of nudity.: 一丝不挂;赤身裸体
      • The artist’s model posed in the altogether.: 艺术家的模特赤身裸体。
  • 扩展词汇
    • Oxford: ::altogether 和 all together 含义不同::
      • altogether: 总共或完全地(英式英语)
        • We have invited fifty people altogether.: 我们共邀请了五十人。
      • all together: 全部在同一地方或同一时间
        • Can you put your books all together in this box?: 你能把你的书都放进这个箱子里吗?
  • 词汇造句
    • Altogether, it was a delightful town garden, peaceful and secluded.: 总体上说,这是个令人愉快的城市花园,宁静而偏僻。
  • 背景知识
    • 十字军东征(拉丁语:Cruciata;伊斯兰世界称为法兰克人入侵;1096年-1291年)。这是一系列在罗马天主教教皇的准许下的战役,由西欧的封建领主和骑士对他们认为是异教徒的国家(地中海东岸)发动持续近200年的宗教战争。十字军东征最初参与成员,例如:骑士、商人、农民,多数是自愿的,受拜占庭帝国之邀,参与夺回圣地战争。这些十字军也非拜占庭帝国主力部队。东正教徒也参加其中几次十字军。参加这场战争的士兵配有十字标志,因此称为十字军。Wikipedia - 十字军东征

8. among

  • prep.
    • In the midst of; surrounded by: 在…中;被…所环绕
      • A tall oak tree grew among the pines.: 高大的橡树生长在松树的环绕中。
    • In the group, number, or class of: 在某个群体/类别当中
      • “Santería has a growing following among middle-class professionals, including white, black and Asian Americans” (Lizette Alvarez, New York Times).: 波特兰的中产阶级学究越来越多,包括白人,黑人和亚裔美国人。
    • In the company of; in association with: 与…在一起
      • I spent the summer in Europe traveling among a group of tourists.: 我和一群旅行者们在欧洲度过了一个夏天。
    • By many or the entire number of; with many: 为…之间所共有
      • “It has long been a tradition among novel writers that a book must end by everybody getting just what they wanted, or if the conventional happy ending was impossible, then it must be a tragedy in which one or both should die” (Molly Gloss, Wild Life).: 一本书必须以每个人都得到了他们想要的东西结束,或者当传统的幸福结局不可能时,它必定是以一个或所有人物都应该死的悲剧,这在大多数小说作者中一直是一个传统。
    • With portions to each of: 分配;在…之间均分
      • Distribute this among you.: 把这个在你们当中分一下。
    • With one another: 在你们/我们/他们之间
      • Don’t fight among yourselves.: 不要在你们之中打架。
  • 词汇造句
    • …a little house among the trees.: 掩映于树丛中的小房子

Day 5 (2019.03.05 10:20 - 11:50 , Pomo Time * 3)

9. assure

  • 词性: v.
    1. To inform positively, as to remove doubt: 向…保证;使…确信;使…放心(目的是消除疑虑)
      • ~ sb (that … / of sth)
        • We assured him of our support.: 我们向他保证给予支持。
        • The ticket agent assured us that the train would be on time.: 售票员向我们保证火车将准时。
    2. To cause to feel sure: 使确信
      • ~ sth / ~ sb sth
        • The candidate assured the electorate that he would keep his promises.: 候选人向选民保证他会遵守诺言。
        • Victory would assure them a place in the finals.: 胜利将确保他们能参加决赛。
    3. To give confidence to; reassure: 我可以向你保证;相信我
      • “Katharine assured her by nodding her head several times, but the manner in which she left the room was not calculated to inspire complete confidence in her diplomacy” (Virginia Woolf, Night and Day).: Katharine 多次点头向她保证,但是她离开房间的方式并不能完全鼓舞她对外交的信心。
    4. To make certain; ensure: 确保,保证
      • “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty”(John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address).: 这段话选自肯尼迪著名的就职演说,意思是「让每一个国家都知道,无论它们对我们抱有善意还是恶意,我们都准备付出任何代价、承受任何重任、迎战任何艰险、支持任何朋友、反对任何故人,以使自由得以维系和胜利。」
    5. Oxford: 弄清;查明
      • ~ yourself of sth / ~ yourself that …
        • She assured herself that the letter was still in the drawer.: 她查清楚信仍然在抽屉里。
        • He assured himself of her safety.: 他确定她是安全的。
    6. Chiefly British To insure, as against loss.: (mainly British) 给…保险,以防意外(尤指人寿险)
  • ::注意:::这个单词的前 3 个意思其实差不多,但其实每个单词之间都有微妙的差别,这其实就体现了措辞的精确性问题。第 1 个意思的语境是有人对某件事情表示疑惑或怀疑,不相信这事儿会发生;第 2 个意思相当于 ensure,语境是说话人想强调真的是这样;而第 3 个意思的语境是有人表示担心或害怕。
  • ::再注意:::Assure, ensure 和 insure 都指「使稳固或有把握」,但只有 assure 用来指人,有「使某人放心」的意思。虽然 ensure 和 insure 在一般情况下可以互换,但现在只有 insure 广泛用于美国英语中,商业中意指「给人或财产保险以防意外」。
  • 关系词汇
    1. assurable adj. 可保证的
    2. assurer, assuror n. 承保人;保证者;保险公司

10. auger

  • 词性: n.
    • Any of various hand tools, typically having a threaded shank and cross handle, used for boring holes in wood or ice: 木螺钻,螺旋钻(用于木材钻孔)
      • threaded shank: 螺纹柄【shank n.(工具的)柄,杆】
        cross handle: 十字柄
      • “He can himself build a cabin with the three necessary implements: an ax, a broadax, and an auger” (Michael Ennis, Architectural Digest).: 有三样工具他就能够自己建造一个小木屋:斧头,大斧,和一个螺旋钻
        • A drill bit: 钻头 【drill n. 电钻;(反复)练习】
    • A machine having a rotating helical shaft for boring into the earth.: 用于钻入地面的,有旋转螺旋轴的机械。
      • A rotating helical shaft used to convey material, as in a snow blower.: 用于输送物料旋转的螺旋轴,如在吹雪机中
  • 词性: transitive verb(及物动词)
    • To bore by means of an auger: 用钻子钻洞于
      • The fishermen augered a hole in the ice: 渔夫在冰面上用螺旋钻钻孔。
        • bore vt. 令人厌烦。vt. & vi. 挖, 掘, 钻, 开凿(洞、井、隧道等)。n. 令人讨厌的人或事物, 麻烦

Day 6 (2019.03.06 20:00 - 21:00 , Pomo Time * 3)

11. augur

  • 词性: noun
    1. One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens.: (古罗马的)占兆官
    2. A seer or prophet; a soothsayer.: 先知,占卜者
  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To predict, especially from signs or omens; foretell.: 预言
    2. To serve as an omen of; betoken: 预示;成为……的预兆;预言
      • Early returns augured victory for the young candidate.: 早起的选举结果预示着这位年轻候选人的胜利。
  • 词性: intransitive
    1. To make predictions from signs or omens.: 作预测
    2. To be a sign or omen: 成为预兆
      • A smooth dress rehearsal augured well for the play.: 顺利的彩排对这出戏来说是个好兆头
  • 关系词汇
    1. augural adj. 前兆的;占卜的
  • 生疏词汇
    1. ::dress rehearsal: 彩排:: (以下为 merriam-webster 的定义)
      • a full rehearsal (as of a play) in costume and with stage properties shortly before the first performance
      • a practice exercise for something to come
    2. Prophet n. 先知【The Prophet [伊斯兰教创始人] 穆罕默德
    3. well-grounded education 基础牢固的教育

12. average

  • 词性: noun
    1. The value obtained by dividing the sum of a set of quantities by the number of quantities in the set. Also called arithmetic mean (用一组数之和除以该组数的个数,也称算术平均值): 平均数;均值
      • The average of 2, 5, 8, and 11 is 6.5.: 2, 5, 8和11的均值是6.5。
    2. A number that is derived from and considered typical or representative of a set of numbers.: 一般的;通常的;普通的
    3. A typical kind or usual level or degree: 正常数量;一般水平
      • “My basic athletic skills—quickness, speed, coordination, all those things—were a little above average, but what I could do better than anybody my age was anticipate what a pitcher was going to throw and where he was going to throw it” (David Huddle, The Story of a Million Years).: 我的基本运动技能——反应,速度,协调,所有这些都略高于平均水平,但是我可以比任何同龄人做的都要好的是我可以预料投手会投什么,扔到哪里。
    4. The ratio of a team’s or player’s successful performances such as wins, hits, or goals, divided by total opportunities for successful performance, such as games, times at bat, or shots: 平均率(某一运动队或运动员之成功次数,如赢球、击球、射门与成功的总机遇和比赛次数的比率,代表平均成绩
      • The team finished the season with a .500 average.: 一个以500分的平均成绩结束了本赛季
      • a batting average of .274: 平均274分的击球成绩
  • 词性: adjective
    1. Computed or determined as an average: 中级的
      • “By ten o’clock average windspeed is forty knots out of the north-northeast, spiking to twice that and generating a huge sea” (Sebastian Junger, The Perfect Storm).
    2. Being intermediate between extremes, as on a scale: 中等的
      • The teacher offered extra help for students with average grades.: 老师对中等的学生进行了额外的帮助。
    3. Usual or ordinary in kind or character: 一般的;通常的;普通的。
      • The firm conducted a poll of average people.: 公司对普通人进行了调查。
  • 词性: verb
    • transitive
      1. To calculate the average of: 计算……的平均值
      2. To do or have an average of: 调和,拉平
    • intransitive
      1. To be or amount to an average: 平均;作为或达到一个中间值
        • Some sparrows are six inches long, but they average smaller.: 有些麻雀可达六英寸长,但它们平均要小些。
        • Training costs for last year averaged out at £ 5,100 per trainee.: 去年每个培训生的培训费用为 5100 英镑
  • 生疏词汇
    1. devide: 可用于数学中表示“除”。
      • Divide eight by two you get four.: 以二除八得四。
    2. derive from: 起源于,可以用被动形式表达,也可以用主动形式表达。
    3. coordination n. 协调性
    4. anticipate v. 预测

Day 7 (2019.03.07 10:00 - 10:30, 15:40 - 16:30 , Pomo Time * 4)

13. averse

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Having a feeling of opposition, distaste, or aversion; strongly disinclined: 不愿意的;反对的(语境:带有一种方案、不喜欢或不欣赏的感觉的;强烈地避开的)
      • “Cheating on schoolwork has simmered on as long as there have been students averse to studying” (Christina McCarroll, Christian Science Monitor).: 只要有学生反对学习,在作业中作假就会发生。
      • He’s not averse to publicity, of the right kind.: 他不反对正当的宣传。
  • 关系词汇
    1. aversely adv. 逆地,反对地
    2. averseness n. 厌恶,反对
  • 词汇辨析
    • Who isn’t averse to getting adverse reactions to their ideas? Averse normally refers to people and means “having a feeling of distaste or aversion,” as in As an investor I’m averse to risk-taking. People sometimes mistakenly slip in adverse for averse in these constructions with to. However, adverse normally does not refer to people, but rather to things that are antagonistic or contrary to someone’s interests. Thus we say We’re working under very adverse (not averse) circumstances and All the adverse (not averse) criticism frayed the new mayor’s nerves.: 在一些 to 的结构中,人们有时候会错误的使用 adverse 替代 averse。adverse 通常不指人,而是指一件与人们意愿敌对或相反的事情。所以,我们用 adverse 来修饰 circumstance 和 criticism,意为「不利的环境」和「不利的评价」,
  • 生疏词汇
    1. distaste n. 不喜欢;反感;厌恶
    2. aversion n. 厌恶;讨厌;反感
    3. simmer v. 用文火炖;煨。(冲突、争吵等)酝酿,即将爆发
    4. antagonistic adj. 对抗的;敌对的;有敌意的 [SYN] hostile
    5. disincline adj. 不愿的,不想的 [SYN] reluctant
    6. fray v. (使) 烦躁,恼火

14. between

  • 词性: preposition
    1. a&b
      • a. In or through the position or interval separating: 在……之间
        • “The shapes of the shoulder bones indicate that the animal may have swung by its arms between the branches of trees”(Lisa Guernsey, Chronicle of Higher Education): 肩骨的形状指示这个动物可以通过手臂在两个树枝间摆荡。
        • “Between 1970 and 1995, the average American’s yearly sugar consumption increased from 120 pounds to 150 pounds”(Richard A. Knox, Boston Globe).: 从1970年到1995年,美国人的平均年糖消费量从120磅增加到150磅。
      • b. Intermediate to, as in quantity, amount, or degree: (数量、年龄等)介于…之间
        • It costs between 15 and 20 dollars.: 它的花费介于15到20英镑之间。
    2. Connecting over or through a space that is separating: 在(两地)之间(穿梭)
      • I walked down the long path between the cabin and the lake.: 我沿着小木屋和湖之间的小路走着。
    3. USAGE PROBLEM Associating or uniting in a reciprocal action or relationship: 【用法疑难】结合,联合;因相互的行为或关系而联系着
      • The mediator hammered out an agreement between workers and management.: 调节人确定了工人和管理者之间的协议。
      • The professor noted a certain resemblance between the two essays.: 教授注意到这两篇文章有某些相似之处。
    4. In confidence restricted to: 你我之间(的秘密);只限于你我之间;我俩私下说说
      • Between you and me, he is not qualified.: 不过你我之间说说,他是不合格的。
        • confidence n. 秘密,机密
    5. a&b
      • a. By the combined effort or effect of: 通过共同努力;一起
        • “Sickly, it began to occur to him that between them, they might have killed the old man by mistake” (Jane Stevenson, London Bridges).: 糟糕的是,他们可能一起误杀了老人。
      • b. In the combined ownership of: 合用;共享
        • They had only a few dollars between them.: 他们只有几块美元。
    6. As measured or compared against: 权衡;与……做比较
      • “She went to the butcher’s to choose between steak and pork chops” (Sinclar Lewis, Main Street).: 她去肉店在牛排和猪排之间选择。
  • 词性: adverb (usually ::in between::)
    1. In an intermediate space, position, or time; in the interim.: (空间或时间上)在中间;在当中;在……当中
      • The house was near a park but there was a road ** in between**.: 房子在一处公园附近,但两者之间隔着一条马路。 (Oxford)
        • in between 在中间的状况。e.g. My roommates disagreed and I was caught in between.: 我的室友不同意,我被夹在中间进退两难。
  • 生疏词汇
    1. hammer out sth. : to arrive at an agreement or solution after a lot of argument or discussion: 经过仔细的推敲和讨论制定出。
    2. to occur to sb. : (of an idea or a thought 观念或想法) to come into your mind 被想到;出现在头脑中
    3. intermediate: adj. 中间的;中级的
    4. interim: adj. 临时的,暂时的;中间的;间歇的。n. 过渡时期,中间时期;暂定

Day 8 (2019.03.08 15:30 - 17:00 , Pomo Time * 3)

15. blatant

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Unpleasantly loud and noisy: 喧嚣的(令人不愉快地发出高声的活嘈杂的)
      • “There are those who find the trombones blatant and the triangle silly, but both add effective color” (Musical Heritage Review).: 有人发现了长号的喧嚣和三角铁的不实用,但是两者都增色了不少。
    2. USAGE PROBLEM Thoroughly or offensively conspicuous or obtrusive:【用法疑难】显眼的,炫耀的(完全地或让人生厌地惹人注目的或炫耀的)
      • The child was caught telling a blatant lie.: 这个孩子被发现明目张胆的说谎。
  • 关系词汇
    1. blatancy n. 喧哗,喧闹
    2. blatantly adv. 喧闹地;公然地
  • 词汇辨析
    • Blatant and flagrant both attribute conspicuousness and offensiveness to certain acts, but the words differ in emphasis. Blatant means “offensively conspicuous,” and thus emphasizes the actor’s failure to conceal the act. Flagrant, on the other hand, means “conspicuously offensive,” and emphasizes the serious wrongdoing inherent in the offense. Thus many actions, from an infraction of the rules in a football game to a violation of human rights, may be blatant or flagrant, depending on what is being emphasized. If the act is committed with contempt for public scrutiny, it is blatant If the act seems extreme in its violation of norms, it is flagrant.: blatantflagrant 都是指某种行为的引人注意和令人生厌。它们的区别在于强调的东西不同。其中,blatant 强调没有隐藏这种行为,而 flagrant 强调过错本身的严重不道德行为。如果某个行为是处于对公众检查的漠视而做的,那么就是 blatant,如果是极端地违反常规,那么就是 flagrant。
    • Blatant and (to a much lesser extent) flagrant are sometimes used as synonyms of obvious, in contexts where there is no immediate connection to human behavior, as in What surprised us was that they went ahead with the idea in spite of the blatant danger of the approach. This usage has traditionally been considered an error, and it is not surprising, therefore, that most of the Usage Panel dislikes it. In our 2004 survey, only 42 percent accepted the sentence just listed.: 较小程度上,在上下文与人类行为没有直接联系的时候,blatantflagrant 可以有时可以用作 obvious 的同义词。这种用法传统上被认为是错误的。
  • 词汇造句 (Oxford)
    1. It was a blatant lie.: 那是个赤裸裸的谎言。
    2. He just blatantly lied about it.: 他简直是睁着眼睛说瞎话。
    3. a blatant appeal to vanity: 无耻的虚荣心的要求
    4. a blatant attempt to whitewash his country’s misdeeds.: 掩盖他所在国家的罪行的无耻企图。
    5. flagrant child abuse: 明目张胆地虐待孩子
    6. a flagrant violation of human rights.: 公然违反人权
  • 生疏词汇
    1. silly adj. 愚蠢的;不明事理的。不实用的;闹着玩的
    2. conspicuous adj. 显眼的, 明显的
    3. obtrusive adj. 过分突出的;(难看得)显眼的,扎眼的
    4. norm n. 标准;常态

16. capital

  • 词性: noun
    1. a&b
      • a. A town or city that is the official seat of government in a political entity, such as a state or nation: 首都;首府
        • Trenton is the capital of New Jersey.: 特伦顿是新泽西州的首府。
      • b. A city that is the center of a specific activity or industry: (工商业活动的)中心
        • Many consider Milan to be the fashion capital of the world.: 许多人认为米兰是世界的时尚之都。
    2. a&b
      • a. Wealth in the form of money or property that is used or accumulated in a business by a person, partnership, or corporation, and is often used to create more wealth.: 资本,资产
      • b. Human resources considered in terms of their contributions to an economy: 人力资源
        • “Castro’s swift unveiling of his communist plans provoked a flight of human capital”(George F. Will, Newsweek).: 他的共产主义计划迅速暴露人力资源的流失。
    3. The remaining assets of a business after all liabilities have been deducted; net worth.: 【会计学】资产净值(一个企业在扣除了所有债务后所余资产)
    4. a&b: 股本,股本总额;资产阶级(一组或一阶层的资本家的总称)
      • a. The total amount of stock authorized for issue by a corporation, including common and preferred stock.
      • b. The total stated or par value of the permanently invested capital of a corporation.
        • par value 股票的票面价值
    5. An asset or advantage: 资源或优势
      • “He has profited from political capital accumulated by others” (Michael Mandelbaum, Foreign Affairs).: 从由别人累聚的政治资本中获利。
    6. A capital letter.: 大写字母
  • 词性: adjective
    1. First and foremost; principal: 第一位和首要的;最主要的
      • We were faced with a decision of capital importance.: 我们面临着一个十分重要的决定。
    2. First-rate; excellent: 一流的;优秀的
      • Planning a kayaking trip is a capital idea !: 计划皮划艇旅行是一个绝妙的想法!
    3. Relating to or being a seat of government: 政府的(关于或是一个政府所在地的)
      • Albany, New York, is a capital city.: 奥尔巴尼是纽约州的首府。
    4. Punishable by or involving death: (犯罪)情节严重的,可判处死刑的
      • Treason is a capital offense.: 叛国罪是一个死罪。
    5. Of or involving wealth and its use in investment: 资本的,资产的(属于或关于金融资产的,尤其是属于或关于那些增加了一个企业净值的词产的)
      • “A multi-billion-dollar capital improvement plan has produced construction, physical improvements, and repairs” (Peter Edelman, Searching for America’s Heart).: 数十亿美元的资本改善计划已经用于建筑建造、物理改善和维修。
  • 特殊用法 (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary)
    1. with a capital A, B, etc.: used to emphasize that a word has a stronger meaning than usual in a particular situation (强调有特别含义的字眼)真正地,名副其实地,不折不扣地
      • He was romantic with a capital R.: 他纯属浪漫派。
  • 词汇辨析
    • Capital and capitol are terms that are often confused, mainly because they refer to things that are in some way related. The term for a town or city that serves as a seat of government is spelled capital. The term for the building in which a legislative assembly meets is spelled capitol.: capitalcapitol 是经常被混淆的术语,主要是因为它们所指的事情存在某种方面的联系。表示作为政府所在地的一座城镇或城市的术语拼写是 capital。表示一个立法大会开会的建筑的词语拼写为 capitol。
  • 生疏词汇
    1. unveil v. 为…揭幕。公布;推出;出台
    2. deduct v. 扣除;减去
    3. issue v. 发行;分发

Day 9 (2019.03.09 10:30 - 10:50 , Pomo Time * 1)

17. capitol

  • 词性: noun
    1. A building or complex of buildings in which a state legislature meets.: 国会大厦(一国的立法机构开会的建筑或建筑群)
      • complex - n. 综合楼群(由众多大楼或一座主楼和诸多辅楼组成)
        a sports complex - 综合体育场
        an industrial complex (= a site with many factories) - 工业建筑群
    2. Capitol: The building in Washington DC where the Congress of the United States meets.: 美国国会大厦,国会山庄(华盛顿特区的一幢建筑,美国国会在此举行会议)

18. complement

  • 词性: noun
    1. 补充物;不足整体所需要的量或数字;补救(组成一个整体的两部分中的一个或两个互相补充)
      • a. Something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings to perfection.
      • b. The quantity or number needed to make up a whole
        • The tree had kept its boughs unshattered, and its full complement of leaves (Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House of the Seven Gables).
      • c. Either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other.
    2. An angle related to another so that the sum of their measures is 90°.: 余角
    3. A word or words used after a verb to complete a predicate construction; for example, the phrase to eat ice cream is the complement of the predicate We like to eat ice cream.: 【语法】补语
    4. A complex system of proteins found in normal blood plasma that combines with antibodies to destroy pathogenic bacteria and other foreign cells.: 【生化】(血清中的)补体(在普通血清中由抗体组成的破坏病原细菌与外来细胞的一种复杂的蛋白系统,也作 alexin)
  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To serve as a complement to: 补充;补足;使完美;使更具吸引力
      • “When chiles are dried, their flavor intensifies, and sometimes they take on a smoky, sweet flavor that complements the heat” (Corby Kummer, Atlantic Monthly).: 当辣椒脱水干燥后,它们的味道会增强,有时还会散发出烟熏味和甜味,以补充热量。
      • Roses in a silver bowl complement the handsome cherry table.: 银碗中的玫瑰更为这张漂亮的樱桃色桌子添彩
  • 词汇造句 (Oxford)
    1. We’ve taken our full complement of trainees this year.: 我们今年接收的实习生已满员。
  • 生疏词汇
    1. bough n. 粗树枝;大树枝
    2. plasma n. [物]等离子体;[医]血浆;[矿]深绿玉髓
    3. intensify vt. & vi. (使)增强, (使)加剧

Day 10 (2019.03.10 22:00 - 22:20 , Pomo Time * 1)

19. compliment

  • 词性: noun
    1. An expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation: 恭维,赞美、羡慕或祝贺的表达方式
      • I took their interest in my screenplay as a compliment.: 我把他们对我电影剧本的兴趣当作一种赞美。
    2. A formal act of civility, courtesy, or respect: 敬意(文明、客气或尊敬的正式行为)
      • “You must give me leave to judge for myself, and pay me the compliment of believing what I say”(Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice).: 你必须让我自己去判断,并且对相信我我所说的话表示感谢。
    3. compliments Good wishes; regards: 致谢;祝贺;致意
      • Extend my compliments to your parents.: 向你的父母致意
  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To pay a compliment to: 向……道贺;向……敬意
      • The mayor complimented the volunteers who had cleaned up the park.: 市长称赞了打扫公园的志愿者。
  • 生疏词汇
    1. praise n. 称赞;赞扬;崇拜;荣耀。vt. 赞美,歌颂;表扬。vi. 赞美;赞扬
    2. screenplay n. 电影剧本

20. comprise

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To consist of; be composed of: 由……构成;由…组成
      • “The French got what became known as French Equatorial Africa, comprising several territories” (Alex Shoumatoff, Vanity Fair).: 几个领地组成的法属赤道非洲地区。
    2. To include; contain: 包含;包括
      • “The word ‘politics’ . . . comprises, in itself, a difficult study of no inconsiderable magnitude” (Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers).: “政治学”这个词,本身就包含了一个复杂广大的学问。
    3. USAGE PROBLEM To compose; constitute.: 【用法疑难】组成;构成
      • Put together the slaughterhouses, the steel mills, the freight yards … that comprised the city.: 构成这个城市的是屠宰场、制钢厂、运货场等。
  • 词汇辨析
    • 传统规则认为整体 comprises (包括)部分;部分,compose (组成)整体。而严格用法是:The union comprises 50 status.(联邦包括50个州);Fifty states compose / constitute / make up the Union.(50个州组成联邦)。虽然许多作家仍然坚持这个规则,但是 comprise 越来越多地取代了 compose。

Day 11 (2019.03.11 17:40 - 18:10 , Pomo Time * 1)

21. consul

  • 词性: noun
    1. An official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country and represent his or her government’s commercial interests and assist its citizens there.: 领事
    2. Either of the two chief magistrates of the Roman Republic, elected for a term of one year.: 罗马共和国的两位主要指法官,任期一年。
    3. Any of the three chief magistrates of the French Republic from 1799 to 1804.: 1799年至1804年期间法国三位主要指法官中的任何一位。
    1. con′su·lar - adj. 领事的;与领事(或领事工作)有关的
    2. con′sul·ship′ - n. 领事的职位或任期

22. con·vince

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To bring by the use of argument or evidence to firm belief or a course of action: 使确信;使信服;使相信
      • “I was now quite convinced that she had made a fresh will, and had called the two gardeners in to witness her signature. Events proved that I was right in my supposition” (Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair at Styles).: 我现在十分去信她已经有了新的意愿,并打电话给两位园丁来见证他的签字。这件事证明我的推测是正确的。
    1. con·vinc′er - n. 说服者
    2. con·vinc′i·ble - adj. 可说服的,可使信服的。

Day 12 (2019.03.12 16:53 - 17:40 , Pomo Time * 2)

23. coun·cil

  • 词性: noun
    1. a&b&c
      • a. An assembly of persons called together for consultation, deliberation, or discussion.: 委员会
      • b. A body of people elected or appointed to serve as administrators, legislators, or advisors.: 市政委员会;地方议会
      • c. An assembly of church officials and theologians convened for regulating matters of doctrine and discipline.
    2. The discussion or deliberation that takes place in such an assembly or body.: (特定人群参加的正式)会议
  • 词汇辨析
    • Council, counsel, and consul have similar pronunciations but are never interchangeable, although their meanings are related. Council refers principally to a deliberative assembly (such as a city council or student council), its work, and its membership. Counsel pertains chiefly to advice and guidance in general and to a person (such as a lawyer or camp counselor) who provides it. Consul denotes an officer in the foreign service of a country.: Council 主要是指审议会议(例如城市议会或学生会),其工作和成员的资格。Counsel 是关于提出建议或指导以及提供建议或指导的人。Consul 表示一个国家驻外事务处的官员。
      • pertain - vi. 适合;属于;关于
        denote - vt. 表示,指示
        foreign service - 驻外事务处,美国国务院的一部门

24. coun·sel

  • 词性: noun
    1. The act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation: 讨论
      • Frequent counsel among the members kept the committee informed.: 成员之间经常讨论并向委员会汇报情况。
        • consultation - n. 磋商(会议),咨询,专家会诊
    2. Advice or guidance, especially as solicited from a knowledgeable person: 劝告,忠告;建议
      • “I wish to engage your keener faculties, your logic and reason, so that you are able to discern a greater truth than I can. In short, I seek counsel and instruction” (Audubon’s Watch, John Gregory Brown).: 我希望调用你更敏锐的才能,你的逻辑和推理能力,因此你能够比我看的更真实。总之,我寻求建议和指导。
      • He had always been able to count on her wise counsel.: 他总能从她那里得到明智的建议。
        • solicit - vt. & vi. 恳求, 请求, 乞求
          keen - adj. 锋利的;热衷的,热心的,渴望(做某事);激烈的,紧张的;良好的;敏锐的,敏捷的
          faculty - n. 能力,才能
          discern - vt. 识别;领悟,认识。vi. 看清楚,辨别
          in short - 总之, 简言之
    3. Private, guarded thoughts or opinions: 将自己的意见保密;不暴露自己的意图
      • The quiet loner always kept his own counsel.: 独行者总是把自己的想法埋在心里。
    4. A lawyer or group of lawyers giving legal advice and especially conducting a case in court.: 律师
  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To give counsel to; advise: 建议,劝告(做某事)
      • “An Owl, in her wisdom, counseled the Birds that when the acorn first began to sprout, to pull it all up out of the ground and not allow it to grow” (Aesop, Fables: The Owl and the Birds).: 猫头鹰,通过他的智慧劝告鸟类,当橡子刚开始发芽时,将它们全部拖出地面,不让它们发芽。
        • acorn n. 橡子,栎实
    2. To recommend: counseled care in the forthcoming negotiations.: 提供专业咨询
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To give or take advice.: 提出忠告;商讨
    1. coun′sel·or, coun′sel·lor - n. 顾问,参事
    2. coun′sel·or·ship - n. 顾问,参事之职

Day 13 (2019.03.13 16:40 - 17:30, Pomo Time * 1)

25. dis·creet

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise *self-restraint *in speech and behavior; circumspect: (言行)谨慎的,慎重的,考虑周到的(以谨慎和理智的自我控制为特征的,做事谨慎理智的,或在言行上表现出谨慎和理智的自我控制;周到的)
      • “After-hours clubs are proliferating and are still the city’s best-kept secrets. One need only make discreet inquiries as to the whereabouts of such places” (Doris Pike, Boston Magazine).: 工作后俱乐部正在激增,仍然是这个城市保存最好的秘密。人们只需要对这些地方在哪儿进行谨慎的询问。
      • The villages of East Anglia are marked by beautiful churches with fine towers.
        • be marked by - 有…的特点 / 性质【Def.】if something is marked by a particular quality or feature, it’s a typical or important part of that thing】
          • prudent - adj. 谨慎的;节俭的;精明的
            prudence - n. 谨慎;慎重;精明
            proliferate - . 激增;剧增
        • 【SYN】multiply
        • 【Def.】Books and articles on the subject have proliferated over the last year.: 过去一年以来,论及这一问题的书和文章大量涌现

          whereabouts - n. 下落,去向

        • He showed great reluctance to reveal his whereabouts.: 他极不愿意说出他的去向。

          self-restraint - adj. 自我克制,自我约束
          circumspect - adj. 小心谨慎的

    1. dis·creet′ly - adverb. 谨慎地,小心地
    2. dis·creet′ness - noun. 谨慎,用心深远

26. dis·crete

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Constituting a separate thing: 分离的;不相关联的;个别的
      • “Although hypertext may well turn out to be no more than an amusing detour in the history of the written word, its most ardent fans foresee a future in which traditional narratives would become obsolete, and discrete, self-contained books would also give way to vast interlinked electronic networks” (Michiko Kakutani, New York Times Magazine).: 虽然超文本可能不过是文字历史上一个有趣的绕道而已,它最热情的粉丝预见到未来——传统叙事将过时且分离,自有书籍也将给庞大的互联网让路。
        • hypertext - n. 超文本
          detour - n. 绕行的路;迂回路;兜圈子
          ardent - adj. 热情的;热心的;激烈的;燃烧般的
        • an ardent supporter of free trade: 自由贸易的热心支持者

          self-contained book - 自成一体的书

    1. dis·crete′ly - adverb. 分离地,离散地
    2. dis·crete′ness - noun. 组件
  • 词汇辨析
    • Because they are pronounced the same way, discreet and discrete are sometimes confused in print. Discreet means “prudent in speech and behavior”: He told me the news but asked me to be discreet about it. The related word discrete means “separate, distinct”: The summer science program consists of four discrete units.: discreetdiscrete 因为这两个单词读音完全相同,所以经常在拼写的时候被误用,discreet 是指在讲演或行为中深谋远虑,discrete 是指分离,分开。

Day 14 (2019.03.14 17:00 - 19:00 , Pomo Time * 4)

27. dis·in·ter·est·ed

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Free of bias and self-interest; impartial: 无偏见的,无私欲的;公正不阿的
      • “Debates on the fluoridation issue are passionate and polemical. For this reason disinterested scientific opinion on fluorides in the water supply, which is itself hard to come by, is not always the basis for public policy” (Ellen R. Shell, Atlantic Monthly).: 关于饮用水氟化问题的辩论充满了激情和好辩。因此,对供水系统中公正的科学观点本本身就很难得到,并不总是公共政策的基础。
      • self-interest - n. 自私自利,利己之心,impartial - adj. 不偏袒的
        • Debates on the fluoridation issue are passionate and polemical. For this reason disinterested scientific opinion on fluorides in the water supply, which is itself hard to come by, is not always the basis for public policy.
          • disinterested scientific opinion on: 对…的公正的科学观点
            come by: 弄到,获得(稀有或不容易得到的事物)
            fluoridation - n. 加氟作用,氟化反应
            passionate - adj. 热情的;狂热的
            polemical - adj. 辩论法的,辩论术的,好辩的,挑起争端的
    2. USAGE PROBLEM Not interested or having lost interest; indifferent.: 【用法疑难】不感兴趣的;不关心的;冷漠的
      • supremely disinterested in all efforts to find a peaceful solution: 对试图找到和平解决的方法而做出的努力很不感兴趣
    1. dis·in′ter·est·ed·ly - adverb
    2. dis·in′ter·est·ed·ness - noun

28. ef·fect

  • 词性: noun
    1. Something brought about by a cause or agent; a result: 结果(由某种原因或行为而产生的事;结果)
      • “Every cause produces more than one effect” (Herbert Spencer, Essays on Education).: 每一个原因都产生不止一个效果。
        • agent - n. 原动力,动因【Def.】someone or something that affects or changes a situation
        • Technological advances are the chief agents of change.: 技术进步是变革的主要推动力。
    2. The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence: 影响,效用(能引起某种结果的力量;影响)
      • The drug had an immediate effect on the pain.: 这个药对止痛能立刻生效。
      • The government’s action had no effect on the trade imbalance.: 政府的行为对商业不均衡毫无作用。
    3. A scientific law, hypothesis, or phenomenon: 假设,现象(科技规律、假设或现象)
      • the photovoltaic effect.: 光电效应
    4. Advantage; avail: 利益;效益
      • avail - n. 没结果,无效果
        • be to / of no avail
        • 【Def.】if sth you do is to no avail or of no avail, you do not succeed in getting what you want
        • We searched the whole area but all to no avail. Robbie had disappeared.: 我们搜遍了整个地方但毫无结果,罗比失踪了。
      • The lawyer used the words of the witness to great effect in influencing the jury.: 律师实用证人的话对影响陪审团产生了良好的效果。
    5. The condition of being in full force or execution: 开始实施/生效/有效
      • This new regulation goes into effect on January 1.: 新的规定将于1月1日生效。
    6. (电影)特效,特技;(刻意制造的)效果,印象
      • a. Something that produces a specific impression or supports a general design or intention
        • The strange lighting effects emphasized the harsh atmosphere of the drama.: 灯光效果强调出这出戏残酷无情的气氛。
      • b. A particular impression
        • These large windows give an effect of spaciousness.: 大窗户给人一种空旷感
          • spaciousness - n. 宽敞,宽松
      • c. Production of a desired impression
        • spent lavishly on dinner just for effect.: 晚餐吃得很奢侈浪费只是为了面子上好看。
    7. The basic or general meaning; import: 大意是;意思是;有这个(或那个)意思
      • 定义: used to show that you are giving the general meaning of what sb has said or written rather than the exact words
      • ::用法: to the effect that … | to this/that efˈfect::
        • He said he was greatly worried, or words to that effect.: 他说他有一些担心,或说了类似的话。
        • He left a note to the effect that he would not be coming back.: 他留下一张字条,大意是他不回来了。
        • She told me to get out - or words to that effect.: 她叫我滚开,或说了类似的话。
          • import - n. 重要性;含义
        • 【Def.】importance or meaning
        • a matter of no great import: 无关紧要的事
    8. effects Movable belongings; goods.: 动产;可移动的财产;货物
  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To produce as a result; cause to occur: 产生;达到目的
      • “It is known that the English pointer has been greatly changed within the last century, and in this case the change has, it is believed, been chiefly effected by crosses with the fox” (Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species).
    1. in effect: In essence; to all purposes: 实质上;本质上
      • testimony that in effect contradicted her earlier statement: 证词实际上与她以前的话相反
        • testimony - n. (法庭上证人的)证词;证明, 证据
          in no small part: 很大一部分
    1. ef·fect′er - noun. 起作用的人或事物
    2. ef·fect′i·ble - adjective. 有效的;起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象

Day 16 (2019.03.16 23:19 - 23.40 , Pomo Time *1 )

31. e·nor·mous·ness

  • 词性: noun
    1. The state or condition of being very great in size, extent, number, or degree: 巨大,很多,极大
      • “Stubb’s whale had been killed some distance from the ship. It was a calm; so, forming a tandem of three boats, we commenced the slow business of towing the trophy to the Pequod. And now, as we eighteen men with our thirty-six arms, and one hundred and eighty thumbs and fingers, slowly toiled hour after hour upon that inert, sluggish corpse in the sea; and it seemed hardly to budge at all, except at long intervals; good evidence was hereby furnished of the enormousness of the mass we moved.” (Herman Melville, Moby-Dick).: 鲸鱼在船的附近被杀死了。那时候没有风,所以我们组成了三条船的队伍,开始把战利品拖到 Pequod 上。现在,我们 18 个人,用 36 个胳膊,180 个手指,一小时又一小时地在海上那个一动不动的,疲软的尸体上工作。除非间隔了很长时间,不然它看起来没有根本没有移动。这是我们我们所移动那块尸体非常巨大的最好证明。
    1. e·nor′mous - adjective. 巨大的,极大的, 庞大的
    2. e·nor′mous·ly - adverb. 巨大地,庞大地

32. en·sure

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To make sure or certain; insure: 保证;确保;担保
      • “The world is still engaged in a massive armaments race designed to ensure continuing equivalent strength among potential adversaries”(Jimmy Carter, Inaugural Address).: 世界仍在进行大型的军备竞赛,来确保潜在敌人的持续同等实力
        • ::enˈgage in sth | enˈgage sb in sth::: (使)从事,参加【(formal) to take part in sth; to make sb take part in sth】
          • Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities.: 他甚至在监狱里还继续从事犯罪活动。
          • She tried desperately to engage him in conversation.: 她用尽办法要他跟她谈话。

Day 17 (2019.03.17 23:00 - 23:30, Pomo Time * 1)

33. fac·toid

  • 词性: noun
    1. A piece of unverified or inaccurate information that is presented in the press as factual, often as part of a publicity effort, and that is then accepted as true because of frequent repetition: 仿真陈述(很可能不真实但给信以为真)
      • “What one misses finally is what might have emerged beyond both facts and factoids—a profound definition of the Marilyn Monroe phenomenon”(Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, New York Times).: 人们最终错误的是超越事实和仿真陈述的可能性 - 对玛丽莲梦露现象的深入定义
    2. USAGE PROBLEM A brief, some- what interesting fact.: 有趣消息(尤指有关不太重要事情的)
      • Here’s a pop factoid for you.: 告诉你一个广为流传的趣闻。
    1. fac·toi′dal - adjective.

34. few·er

  • 词性: adjective
    1. The comparative form of few. Amounting to or consisting of a smaller number: (用于形容词和限定词后)几个,少数的
      • The catcher played fewer innings than the shortstop did.: 接球手的赛局比游击手少。
  • 词性: pronoun
    1. A smaller number of persons or things: 少数人或事物
      • Chris ate six slices of pizza, and Lee had fewer.: 克里斯吃了六片披萨,而李则吃的少。
      • The trouble is that few want to buy, despite the knockdown prices on offer.: 问题是尽管要价极低,却很少有人想买

Day 20 (2019.03.20 22:00 - 22:30 , Pomo Time * 1)

39. for·te

  • 词性: noun
    1. Something in which a person excels: 专长;强项
      • “Our senator had the misfortune to be a man who had a particularly humane and accessible nature, and turning away anybody that was in trouble never had been his forte” (Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin).: 我们的参议院不幸成为一个具有特殊人性和无障碍本性的人,拒绝任何陷入困境的人从不是他的专长。
    2. The strong part of a sword blade, between the middle and the hilt: (演奏)用强音

40. gen·der

  • 词性:
  • (语法中名词、代词或形容词的)性
    • a. A grammatical category used in the classification of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.
    • b. The distinguishing form or forms used.
  • Sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture.: 性;性别
  • (统称)男性,女性
    • a. The condition of being female or male; sex.
    • b. Females or males considered as a group: The linguist studied expressions predominantly used by one gender.

Day 21 (2019.03.21 19:40 - 20:30 , Pomo Time * 2) ✅

41. hope·ful·ly

  • 词性: adverb
    1. In a hopeful manner.: 怀着希望地;满怀希望地
    2. USAGE PROBLEM It is to be hoped: 【用法疑难】但愿
      • 【Def.】[sentence adverb] a way of saying what you hope will happen, which some people think is incorrect
      • Hopefully, it will stop raining before the game starts.: 但愿在游戏开始之前,雨就会停。
      • Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring.: 婚姻是一种为了更好或为了更坏的结合,但愿它能够长久。

42. im·pact

  • 词性: noun
    1. The striking of one body against another; collision: 撞击;碰撞;撞击力
      • The impact of the meteorite left a large crater.: 陨石的碰撞留下了一个巨大的陨石坑。
        • meteorite - n. 陨石;陨星;陨铁
          crater - n. (撞击或爆炸形成的)坑,弹坑
    2. The effect or impression of one thing on another: 影响;作用
      • The report gauges the impact of automation on the lives of factory workers.: 该报告估计了自动化对工厂工人生活的影响。
        • gauges - v.(常指用某种仪器)测量,测定,算出;判断,判定(人的行动、情感或意图)。n. 测量仪器;计量仪;(评价或判断的)事实,依据,标准;测量仪表。
    3. The power of making a strong, immediate impression: 影响力
      • Unfortunately, the candidate gave a speech that lacked impact.: 不幸的是,候选人的报告缺乏影响力。
  • 词性: verb (ĭm-păkt′)
    • transitive
      1. To pack firmly together.: 压紧
      2. To strike forcefully: 用力撞击
        • The astronomers observed meteorites impacting the lunar surface.: 天文学家观察到陨石撞击月球表面。
      3. USAGE PROBLEM To have an effect or impact on: 【用法疑难】(对…)产生影响
        • The manufacturing industry has been impacted by recent trade agreements.: 制造业受近期贸易协定的影响。
    • intransitive
      1. USAGE PROBLEM To have an effect or impact.: 【用法疑难】对……产生影响

Day 22 (2019.03.22 23:15 - 23:35 , Pomo Time * 1) ✅

43. im·peach

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal: 弹劾(在适宜的法庭上指控(官员)在职期间又不正当行为)
      • The House of Representatives impeached Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998; neither was convicted.: 众议院于1868年控告安德鲁·约翰逊,1998年控告比尔·克林顿;都没有被定罪
        • convict - v. 判定…有罪
        • improper conduct - 不正当行为
    2. To challenge the validity of; try to discredit: 对(某事物)怀疑,提出异议(怀疑……的合法性;试图使丧失信用)
      • The lawyer impeached the witness’s credibility with a string of damaging questions.: 律师用一系列有害的问题怀疑证人的可信性。
        • validity - n. 有效性
          discredit - v. 损坏(某人或某物)的名声(可信度)【Def. to make people stop respecting or trusting someone to something】
        • The company’s lawyers tried to discredit her testimony.: 公司的律师企图质疑她的证词
    1. im·peach′a·ble - adjective. 可控告的,可弹劾的
    2. im·peach′er- noun.
    3. im·peach′ment - noun. 控告,检举;弹劾;怀疑
  • 词汇辨析
    • 这个单词的严格用法指的是个官员被弹劾、审判、然后被判有罪或被判无罪释放的过程;而模糊的用法反映的是恼火公民并不在意这个官员到底是通过法律手段被强制离开岗位还是选择辞职以避免进一步的出丑。

44. im·ply

  • transitive verb
    1. To involve by logical necessity; entail: 包含有(包含于逻辑必然中;使必要)
      • “School would be a complete change: it implied a long journey, an entire separation from Gateshead, an entrance into a new life” (Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre).: 学校包含一段漫长的旅程,与盖茨黑德完全分离,开始新生活。
        • logical necessity - 逻辑必然性
          entail - v. 使必要
    2. To express or indicate indirectly: 暗示:间接地表达或表示
      • “‘Oh, shut up!’ murmured his brother Dan. The manner of his words implied that this fraternal voice near him was an indescribable bore” (Stephen Crane, The Little Regiment).: ‘哦,闭嘴!’他哥哥丹小声咕哝。 他的话暗示着他接近兄弟般的声音是一个难以形容的无聊的人“。
        • murmur - v. 小声嘀咕
          fraternal - adj. 兄弟的
          indescribable - adj. 难以名状的;无法形容的
          bore - n. 令人厌烦的人/事

Day 23 (2019.03.23 12:30 - , Pomo Time * ) ✅

45. in·cred·i·ble

  • adjective
    1. So implausible as to elicit disbelief: 不能采纳的;难以相信的(如此不真实而令人难以置信的)
      • gave an incredible explanation of the cause of the accident: 对事故发生的原因作了令人难以置信的解释
      • “The next instant we were flying headlong through the air toward the surface of the lake a hundred feet below. Men have told me since that I never made that dive, or that I greatly overestimated the distance, and I admit that as I look back at it now it appears incredible” (Rex Stout, Under The Andes).
        • headlong - adv. 仓促地,换不择路地【Def. very quick;u, without looking where you are going】
        • implausible - adj. 难以置信的,不像真的
          elicit disbelief - 引发怀疑
    2. Extraordinary: 极好的,异乎寻常的
      • dressed with incredible speed: 以惊人的速度穿好了衣服
      • “My father . . . became a busker and then a singing waiter and then a songwriter, and he felt incredible gratitude to this country for giving him the chance to become who he became” (Mary Ellin Barrett, Newsweek).
        • busker - n. 街头艺人
          feel incredible gratitude to - 对……感到极其感激
    1. in·cred′i·bil′i·ty - noun. 不能相信
    2. in·cred′i·ble·ness - noun
    3. in·cred′i·bly - adverb
  • 词汇辨析
    • incredible 经常被不精确地(loosely)用来表示 extraordinary 和astonishing。incredulous 通常表示「怀疑」,偶尔也会被延伸来表示「表现出怀疑」。你也许时不时地看到 incredulous 被用来表示 incredible,但这个用法并没有得到确认(well-established),并被普遍认为是错的。

46. in·cred·u·lous

  • adjective
    1. Disbelieving or doubtful; skeptical: 怀疑的;不相信的
      • incredulous of stories about flying saucers: 对有关飞碟的故事表示怀疑
      • “Before me the ice parted to reveal the cold, muddy swirl twisting below. . . . That’s when common sense and terror hit and I headed for shore. . . . When I reached land, I looked back, incredulous that I’d thought I could actually make it across” (William Least Heat-Moon, River-Horse).
        • swirl - n. 漩涡
          common sense - 常识
    2. Expressive of or showing disbelief: 表示怀疑的
      • an incredulous stare.: 充满疑问的注视
    3. USAGE PROBLEM Hard or impossible to believe.: 【用法疑难】难以置信的
      • 注:这个用法疑难在 incredible 的辨析里已经解释。
    1. in·cred′u·lous·ly - adverb. 不相信地;怀疑地
    2. in·cred′u·lous·ness - noun. 不相信

Day 24 (2019.03.24 20:08 - 20:40 , Pomo Time * 2) ✅

47. in·fer

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To conclude from evidence or reasoning: 推断;由证据或根据得出结论
      • “Unlike many other functions, reading cannot be studied in animals; indeed, for many years the cerebral localization of all higher cognitive processes could be inferred only from the effects of brain injuries on the people who survived them” (Sally E. Shaywitz, Scientific American).: 与许多其他功能不同,阅读不能在动物中研究。实际上,长期以来大脑对所有更高等认知过程的定位只能通过脑损伤对幸存者的影响来推断。
        • cerebral - adj. 运用智力的;理智的;冷静的
    2. To hint; imply.: 暗示,暗指,意味着(许多人认为此用法不正确)
    1. in·fer′a·ble - adjective. 能推理的,能推论的
    2. in·fer′a·bly - adverb.
    3. in′fer·ence - noun. 推断结果,结论;推论,推理,推断

48. in·flam·ma·ble

  • 【SYN】flammable
  • adjective
    1. Easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly; flammable: 易燃的;易着火的
      • “Slurry decomposes in storage and produces a mixture of gases. . . . All are unpleasant, some can be inflammable, and one in particular, hydrogen sulphide, is extremely poisonous to humans and animals alike” (Edna O’Brien, Wild Decembers).
        • decomposes - v. 分解,腐烂
        • ignite - v. 点燃,(使)燃烧,着火;激起,使激动
          flammable - adj. 易燃的,可燃的
    1. in·flam′ma·bil′i·ty - noun. 易燃,可燃性
    2. in·flam′ma·bly - adverb. 易燃地

Day 25 (2019.03.25 10:26 - 12:00, Pomo Time * 4) ✅

49. in·sure

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. 为…投保;给…上保险
      • a. To provide or arrange insurance for
        • “In the past two years, the number of patients (who are) insured by managed care plans has grown by about one-third” (Lisa Belkin, New York Times Magazine).: 在过去的两年中,被管理照看计划的病人数量增加了约三分之一。
      • b. To acquire or have insurance for
        • “More than 300,000 laptops were stolen last year alone, and so the company insures each bag with a computer compartment for up to $1,500 if it’s stolen in the first year” (Stephanie Cook, Christian Science Monitor).: 仅去年一年就有超过300,000台笔记本被盗,因此,如果在第一年被盗,该公司会为每个装有计算机的行李提供最高1,500美元的保险。
    2. To make sure, certain, or secure: 保证,肯定或确定
      • “By relying primarily on voluntary cooperation and private enterprise . . . we can insure that the private sector is a *check * on the powers of the governmental sector and an effective protection of freedom of speech, of religion, and of thought” (Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom).: 通过主要依靠自愿合作和私营企业的方式,我们可以保证私人部门是政府部门权力的约束并有效保护言论,宗教和思想自由。
        • sector - 部门;扇形,扇区
          check - n. (对政治等权利的)规定,条令,约束
  • 词汇辨析
    • assure / ensure / insure:三个单词意思都是「确定,肯定」。只有 assure 能用来指人,表示让某人放心(set the mind at rest)」。如:The ambassador assured the Prime Minister of his loyalty 。虽然 ensure 和 insure 大体上是可以互换的,但现在只有 insure 在美国英语中被广泛用来表示「保障某人或财产遇到危险」。
    1. in·sur′a·bil′i·ty - noun
    2. in·sur′a·ble - adjective. 可保险的,适合保险的

50. i·ro·ny

  • 词性: noun,Plural: i·ro·nies
    1. 反语
      • a. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.: 反语(用词语表达与他们字面意思相异或相反的用法)
        • literal meaning - 字面意思
      • b. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.: 反语句(以表面含义与实际含义相反为特征的表达或措辞)
        • utterance - n. 言论,言辞
          be marked by - 具有……的特点
          apparent meaning - 表面含义
          intended meaning - 实际含义
      • c. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.: 反语(一种文学风格,使用这类对比以达到幽默或修辞的效果)
        • employ - v. 采用
          rhetorical effect - 修辞效果
    2. 与期望相违背
      • a. Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.: 讽刺意味(可能被期望的与实际发生的情况不一致)
        • Incongruity - 不一致,不协调
      • b. An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity.: 具有讽刺意味的事(显然具有这样一种不一致时间、结果或情形)
        • occurrence - n. 发生的事情
    3. The dramatic effect achieved by leading an audience to understand an incongruity between a situation in a play and its accompanying speeches, while the characters remain unaware of the incongruity; dramatic irony.: 戏剧性反讽
    4. 还有一个义项书里没有列出来,但我觉得很有意思——Socratic irony 佯作无知(苏格拉底式的佯作无知)
    1. i·ron′ic - adjective. 讽刺的;反话的
    2. i·ron′i·cal·ly - adverb. 嘲讽地;挖苦地

Day 26 (2019.03.26 19:32 - 19:53, Pomo Time * 1) ✅

51. ir·re·gard·less

  • 词性: adverb
    1. 〈口〉〈非规范〉不管,不顾,不注意
  • 词汇辨析
    • Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing. Coined in the United States in the early 20th century, it has met with a blizzard of condemnation for being an improper yoking of irrespective and regardless and for the logical absurdity of combining the negative ir– prefix and –less suffix in a single term. Although one might reasonably argue that it is no different from words with redundant affixes like debone and unravel, it has been considered a blunder for decades and will probably continue to be so.: 许多人错误地认为 irregardless 是正式语体(formal style)中的规范用法。实际上,这个词主要用于不标准的口语和随意的(casual)写作中。这个词在 20 世纪早期的美国被创造(coin),因为两个原因遭到了大量的(a blizzard of)指责。其一,它是 irrespective(不论)和 regardless 的错误结合(yoke v.);其二,一个否定前缀 in- 和否定后缀 -less 同时在一个单词里出现,这件结合太没有逻辑了(logical absurdity)。尽管你也可以合理地争辩说这种情况和 debone(把骨头去掉)或 unravel(解开,阐明)这种拥有冗余(redundant)的词没什么区别,但它一直都被认为是个愚蠢的错误(blunder)并将一直被这么认为。
      • blizzard - n. 暴风雪;暴风雪似的一阵;大量(或大批)
        condemnation - n. 谴责
        improper - adj. 不合适的,不适当的
        yoke - v. 使强行结合;把…硬拼凑在一起
        absurdity - n. 极端无理性,悖理;荒谬
        redundant - adj. 不需要的,多余的
        blunder - n. (因无知、粗心等造成)的错误。vi. 犯错误

52. its

  • 词性: adjective
    1. The possessive form of it. Used as a modifier before a noun: 它的,他的,她的(用于表示某物属于某东西、地方、动物、婴儿等)
      • The airline canceled its early flight to New York.: 航空公司取消了最高去纽约的航班。

Day 27 (2019.03.27 22:16 - 22:26 , Pomo Time * 0) ✅

53. it’s

  • 释义
    1. Contraction of it is.
    2. Contraction of it has.

54. ku·dos

  • noun
    1. Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement.: (因行为或成就而获得的)荣誉,赞誉,名声

Day 28 (2019.03.28 15:35 - 17:00, Pomo Time * 5) ✅

55. lay

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. a&b
      • a. To place or put, especially on a flat surface or in a horizontal position: 放下
        • I laid the baby in the crib.: 将孩子放入小童床。
      • b. To put or place in a certain position or condition: 使处于(放入或使达到一特定的状态或位置)
        • The remark laid him open to criticism.: 这句话让他受到了批评。
    2. To put in place; set down: 铺设(安装或铺放)
      • The workers are laying tiles down in the kitchen.:工人在厨房里铺设瓷砖。
    3. To produce (an egg or eggs).: 生产,贮存
    4. To cause to subside or become calm: 使静下来(使减退;使平静或减轻)
      • “. . . chas’d the clouds, and laid the winds” (John Milton, Paradise Regained).
    5. To put in order; prepare: 安排(安排就绪或准备妥当)
      • “He did not look at her but busied himself with his breakfast. . . . He prepared coffee and laid the table” (Carson McCullers, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter).: 他没有看她,而是忙着吃早餐。他准备好咖啡,整理好桌子。
        • put in order - 整理,检修
    6. To spread over a surface: (在某物上)摊开,涂,敷;用一层 … 覆盖
      • The artist lays paint on the canvas.: 艺术家把涂料涂在油画上。
    7. To impose as a burden or punishment: 使负担(使加负担或处罚)
      • The police officer laid a fine on the offender.: 警察向罪犯罚款。
    8. To put forth; present for examination: 提呈(呈交以受审查)
      • The lawyer laid the case before the court.: 律师向法院提出了诉讼。
    9. To place or give (importance, for example): 注重(授予或给予重要性)
      • The teacher lays great value on correct grammar.: 老师对得体的语法给出了高分。
    10. To assign; charge: 怪罪(提出谴责或控诉)
      • They laid the blame on us.: 他们把责任归咎于我们。
    11. To place (a bet); wager: 下注;打赌
      • At the race track, the gambler laid $100 on his favorite horse.: 在赛道上,赌徒在他最喜欢的马上押了100美元。
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To produce an egg or eggs: 下蛋
      • The hens stopped laying suddenly.: 母鸡突然就不下蛋了。
  • 词性: noun
    1. The way in which something is situated or organized: 地形,地貌;形式
      • “Duane peered through the branches and studied the lay of the land” (Zane Grey, The Lone Star Ranger).: Duane 通过树枝仔细的看,研究地貌地势。

56. leave

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To go out of or go away from: 离开:从…走出或原理
      • After she finished the report, she left the office.: 她写完报告后离开了办公室。
    2. To end one’s association with; withdraw from: 脱离:使自己避免与…的联系或参与。
      • After ten years in the service, he left the navy for civilian life.: 服役了十年后,他脱离海军恢复平民生活。
    3. To go without taking or removing; forget: 留下:没有拿走或移走
      • I left my book on the bus.: 把我的书留在公共汽车上了。
    4. To allow to remain unused: 维持:使或允许保持闲置
      • I left some milk in the glass.: 我在玻璃杯里留了一点牛奶。
    5. To allow to remain in a certain condition or place: 维持:使或允许保持某一特定状态
      • He left the lights on all night.: 他整晚都把灯开着了。
    6. To give to another to control, act on, or use; entrust: 交付,托付:转角给另外的人让他控制或采取行动
      • Leave all the details to us.: 将细节都交给我们。
    7. To give by will; bequeath: 遗赠
      • “Jonah argued that men liked to make a surprise of their wills, while Martha said that nobody need be surprised if he left the best part of his money to those who least expected it” (George Eliot, Middlemarch).: 乔纳认为,男人喜欢对自己的遗嘱感到惊讶,而玛莎说,如果他把最好的部分留给那些最不期望的人,那就没有人会感到惊讶“
    8. To have as a result, consequence, or remainder: 成…的结果:作为结果、后果或遗迹而拥有
      • The car left a trail of exhaust fumes.: 车子留下废弃的痕迹。
      • Two from eight leaves six.: 8 - 6 = 2
    9. NONSTANDARD To allow or permit; let.: 【非标准】准许;许可
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To set out or depart; go: 离开:出发或离开;走
      • We left after lunch.: 我们饭后出发
    1. leave alone or let alone To refrain from disturbing or interfering with: 听…自便;随…去;不打扰
      • “‘Leave my books alone!’ he said. ‘You might have thrown them aside if you had liked, but as to soiling them like that, it is disgusting!’” (Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure).: 请把我的书单独留下来。如果你喜欢的话,你可能会把他们丢在一边,但是就像这样弄脏他们一样,这是令人恶心的。

Day 29 (2019.03.29 21:45 - 22:40 , Pomo Time * 3) ✅

57. less

  • 词性: adjective (A comparative of little)
    1. Not as great in amount or quantity: (数量上)较少的(在数或量上不大的)
      • I have less money than I did yesterday.: 我比昨天的钱少了。
    2. Lower in importance, esteem, or rank: 较不重要的,较差的,身份较低的:重要性、名声或级别较低的
      • The speaker was no less a person than the ambassador.: 这位演讲者是一个地位不比大使地的人。
    3. Consisting of a smaller number.: 由较小的数字组成
  • 词性: preposition
    1. With the deduction of; minus: (用在数字或数量前)扣除,减去
      • Five less two is three.: 5 - 2 = 3
  • 词性: adverb
    1. The comparative of little. To a smaller extent, degree, or frequency: 较少地:范围、程度或频率更小地
      • “We replaced and screwed down the lid, and, having secured the door of iron, made our way, with toil, into the scarcely less gloomy apartments of the upper portion of the house” (Edgar Allan Poe, The Fall of the House of Usher).: 我们替换并拧下了盖子,将铁门固定,通过辛勤劳作去往房子上部几乎不那么令人沮丧的公寓。
  • 词性: noun
    1. A smaller amount: 较小数
      • She received less than she asked for.: 她的收入低于她的要求。
    2. Something not as important as something else: 没有别的东西那么重要。
      • People have been punished for less.: 人们收到了较少的惩罚。
    1. less than Not at all: 毫不;完全不;一点都不
      • He had a less than favorable view of the matter.: 他对那种事情一点也不抱好感。
    2. much less or still less Certainly not: (用于否定句后)更何况,更不用说
      • I’m not blaming anyone, much less you.: 我根本就没有责怪任何人,更不用说你了。

58. let

  • 词性: verb
    1. To give permission or opportunity to; allow: 允许,准许,同意(某人做某事)
      • I let them borrow the car.: 我让他们借走了车。
      • The inheritance money let us finally buy a house.: 遗产总算让我们买了房子。
    2. To cause to; make: 让;使
      • Let me know what happens.: 让我知道发生了什么。
    3. Used as an auxiliary verb to express a command, request, or warning: 作为助动词 (auxiliary) 用于祈使句 (imperative) 中,表示命令、请求、建议、假设或警告
      • Let’s finish the job!: 让我们来完成工作吧。
    4. Used as an auxiliary verb to express a proposal or assumption: 作为助动词 (auxiliary) 用于祈使句 (imperative) 中,表示命令、请求、建议、假设或警告
      • Let x equal 3.: 设 x = 5
    5. To permit to enter, proceed, or depart: 允许:允许进入、前进 (proceed) 或出发 (depart)
      • “When we returned home, we let the dogs out, as we always did, to run around before they were shut in for the night”(Lydia Davis, St. Martin).: 回到家时,我们会像往常一样让狗出去,它会在晚上被关进去之间跑来跑去。
    6. To permit escape; release: 放走;释放;让…逃走
      • Who let the air out of the balloon?: 谁把气球里的气放了。
    7. To rent or lease: 出租(房屋、土地等)
      • The landlord lets rooms to students.: 房东把房间租给了学生们。
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To become rented or leased: 被出租 (rent),被租用 (lease)
      • The apartment lets for $900 a month.: 这套公寓 900 美金一个月出租。
    1. let alone
      1. Not to mention; much less: 更不用提;更别说
        • “Their ancestors had been dirt poor and never saw royalty, let alone hung around with them” (Garrison Keillor, Lake Wobegon Days).: 他们的祖先穷得要命,从来没有见过王族成员,更不用说和他们在一起了。
      2. or leave alone To refrain from disturbing or interfering: 不打扰:防止打扰或干扰
        • “‘Let me alone! let me alone!’ sobbed Catherine. ‘If I’ve done wrong, I’m dying for it. It is enough!’”(Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights).
    2. let go To cease to employ; dismiss: 停止 (cease to) 雇佣;解雇 (dismiss)
      • The factory let 20 workers go.: 工厂解雇了20个工人。

Day 30 (2019.03.30 19:04 - 19:41 , Pomo Time * 2) ✅

59. lie

  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To place oneself at rest in a flat, horizontal, or resting position; recline: 躺:处于一种倒下的、水平的或斜卧姿势的休息状态;平卧
      • He lay under a tree to sleep.: 他躺在大树下睡着了。
    2. To be in a flat, horizontal, or resting position: 躺:处于一种倒下的、水平的或斜卧姿势的休息状态;平卧
      • “I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet” (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein).: 我收集了我周围的生活工具,为了在我脚下的无生命之物中注入一种火花。
    3. To be or rest on a surface: 摆放:被放在一个水平面上或被一个水平面支撑着
      • Dirty dishes lay on the table.: 脏盘子被放在桌子上。
    4. To be located: 位于:占据一个位置或地方
      • The lake lies beyond this hill.: 翻过这座山就势湖。
    5. To remain in a certain position or condition: 处于…状态:处于一种特定的状况
      • The dust has lain undisturbed for years.: 这些灰尘多年来一直没有被碰过。
    6. To consist or have as a basis: 存在;内含
      • “Eric was pleased, but he always reminded himself that his success lay in promoting the talent of others” (Louis Auchincloss, Her Infinite Variety).: 埃里克很高兴,但他从未忘记他成功的基础在于提高其他人的才能。
    7. To extend: 延伸
      • Our land lies between these trees and the river.: 我们的土地位于这些书和那条河之间。
    8. To be buried in a specified place: 被埋在某个地方
      • His ancestors lie in the town cemetery.: 他们的祖先长眠于这个城镇的墓地。
  • 词性: noun
    1. The manner or position in which something is situated, as the surface or slope of a piece of land.: 某物所处的状态 (manner) 或位置,如一片土地的表面或斜坡 (slope)

60. lit·er·al·ly

  • 词性: adverb
    1. In a literal manner; word for word: 照字面地;直(译)地
      • The scholar translated the Greek passage literally.: 学者逐字翻译希腊文章。
    2. In a literal or strict sense: 完全地,认真地,在确切或严格的意义上
      • Don’t take my remarks literally.: 别把我的话当真。
    3. USAGE PROBLEM Really; actually. Used as an intensive before a figurative expression: 【用法疑难】真实地;确切地;在修饰语前表强调

Day 31 (2019.03.31 22:46 - 23:35, Pomo Time * 4)

61. mass

  • 词性: noun
    1. A measure of the amount of matter contained in or constituting a physical body: 大堆;许多;大量
      • “The Sun will swallow the planet Mercury and its outer rim will reach beyond the present orbit of Venus. Our sister planet will no longer be there, however, because as the Sun has lost mass, its gravitational pull on Venus (and Earth) has become less, and these planets have moved away from the encroaching fires” (James Trefil, Smithsonian).: 太阳将吞噬水星,它的边沿将超过木星当前的轨道。无论怎样,我们的姊妹星球将不复存在,因为太阳已经失去了许多,它对金星(和地球)的引力越来越小,这些星球已经离开了侵蚀的火焰。
    2. A unified body of matter with no specific shape: (聚成一体的)一团,一堆,一块
      • “Cooks throughout the many nations also use yams, cassavas, green bananas and plantains. These staples are tasty on their own or combined with other ingredients to make a starchy mass for scooping up savory dishes” (Jonell Nash, Essence).: 遍及许多国家的厨师也使用山药,木薯,绿香蕉和大蕉。这些主食可以单独使用,也可以和其他原料共同制成淀粉块用于舀取美味的菜肴。
    3. A large but nonspecific amount or number: 一大群的;大批的
      • A mass of people entered the stadium.: 一大群人进入了体育馆。
    4. The principal part; the majority: 重要部分,主要
      • The mass of the continent was visible from the rocketship.: 在宇宙飞船上可以看到大陆的主要部分。
    5. The physical bulk or size of a solid body: (物理学中的)质量
      • The huge mass of the ocean liner crept into the harbor.: 巨大的邮轮缓慢驶入港口。
    6. masses The body of common people or people of low socioeconomic status: 群众;平民百姓
      • “Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” (Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus).
  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To gather into a mass: 使集合
      • “The population massed itself and moved toward the river, met the children coming in an open carriage drawn by shouting citizens, thronged around it, joined its homeward march, and swept magnificently up the main street roaring huzzah after huzzah!” (Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer).: 人群聚集在一起,移向河流,遇见坐在敞篷马车上,被呼喊的人群拉着的孩子们,他们围在车旁,加入回家的队伍,咆哮声壮观的扫遍主要道路。
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To be gathered into a mass: 聚集起来,聚集
      • The hikers massed together to stay warm.: 远行者聚在一起取暖。
  • 词性: adjective
    1. Of, relating to, characteristic of, directed at, or attended by a large number of people: 一大群的;大批的
      • mass communication.: 大量信息
    2. Done or carried out on a large scale: 大批的
      • mass production.: 大批投产
    3. Total; complete: 广泛的
      • The mass result is impressive.: 完整的结果令人影响深刻。

62. mean

  • 词性: noun
    1. Something having a position, quality, or condition midway between extremes; a medium.: 中间
    2. A number that typifies a set of numbers, especially an arithmetic mean or average.: 平均数, 平均值
    3. Either the second or third term of a proportion of four terms. In the proportion ⅔ = 4/6, the means are 3 and 4.
    4. means (used with a singular or plural verb) A method, a course of action, or an instrument by which an act can be accomplished or an end achieved: 方法;手段;工具(means 用于此意时单复数同形)
      • The solar panels provide a practical means of using the sun’s energy to generate electricity.: 太阳能板提供切实可行的方法来使用太阳的能量发电。
    5. means (used with a plural verb) Money, property, or other wealth: 收入;财富;金钱
      • The mayor was a person of means and bankrolled his election campaign.: 市长是一个有钱人,资助他的竞选活动。
  • 词性: adjective
    1. Occupying a middle or intermediate position between two extremes: 中间的,平均的
      • The school district analyzed the mean test scores of each class.: 学校分析了每个班级的平均测试分数。
    2. Intermediate in size, extent, quality, time, or degree; average.: 中间;中庸;折衷
    1. by any means In any way possible: 无论如何
      • We must fix this problem by any means.: 无论如何我们都必须解决这个问题。
    2. by no means In no sense; certainly not: 决不;丝毫不;一点儿也不
      • By no means should you go sailing in rough weather.: 绝不要在恶劣天气里航行。

Day 32 (2019.04.01 22:34 - 23:00, Pomo Time * 1)

63. me·di·an

  • noun
    1. Something that lies halfway between two extremes; a medium.: 中线
    2. The middle number of a sequence having an odd number of values or the average of the two middle values if the sequence has an even number of values. For example, in the sequence 1, 2, 5, 10, 19, the median is 5; in the sequence 7, 8, 12, 16, the median is 10.: 中值,中位数
    3. a&b
      • a. A line that joins a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side.
      • b. The line that joins the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid.
  • adjective
    1. Located in or extending toward the middle: 中央的
      • The lanes of traffic were separated by a median barrier.: 中间的障碍物将小路分成两侧。
    2. Constituting the middle value in a set of numbers: 中值的
      • The statisticians analyzed the median score.: 统计学家分析了中间的成绩。

64. mis·chie·vous

  • adjective
    1. Causing mischief; naughty: 淘气的, 顽皮的
      • “I’ve left my young children to look after themselves, and a more mischievous and troublesome set of young imps doesn’t exist, ma’am”(Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows).
    2. Showing a tendency or intent to play pranks or tease: 恶作剧的
      • The child cast a mischievous glance.: 孩子投来恶作剧般的一瞥。
    3. Causing injury or damage: 恶意的;不友善的;捣乱的
      • The hard drive was destroyed by a mischievous computer virus.: 硬盘因恶意计算机病毒而损坏。

Day 33 (2019.04.02 23:05 - 23:30 , Pomo Time * 1)

65. nu·cle·ar

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Of, relating to, or forming a nucleus: 原子核的
      • The biologist studied the cell’s nuclear membrane under a microscope.: 生物学家在显微镜下研究细胞核膜。
    2. Of or relating to atomic nuclei:
      • “December 2 [1942]: Scientists at the University of Chicago achieve the first sustained nuclear chain reaction in human history” (Alan Brinkley & Davis Dyer, eds., The Reader’s Companion to the American Presidency).: 1942年12月2日,芝加哥大学的科学家们在人类历史上实现了第一次持续的核连锁反应
    3. Using or derived from the energy of atomic nuclei: 核能的
      • “An attack on a nuclear power plant would not automatically mean a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl” (Sonya Yee, Christian Science Monitor).: 对核电站的袭击不会自动意味着切尔诺贝利灾难的灾难。
    4. Relating to, having, or involving atomic or hydrogen bombs: 核武器的
      • “In the early 1980s, the U.S. experienced a nuclear hysteria—a morbid, near panicked fear of nuclear apocalypse” (Charles Krauthammer, Time).: 在20世纪80年代早期,美国经历了核危机——一种病态,对核毁灭近乎惊慌失措的恐惧。

66. pa·ram·e·ter

  • 词性: noun
    1. A variable or an arbitrary constant appearing in a mathematical expression, each value of which restricts or determines the specific form of the expression.: 参数
    2. a&b&c
      • a. One of a set of measurable factors, such as temperature and pressure, that define a system and determine its behavior and are varied in an experiment.: 参量
      • b. USAGE PROBLEM A factor that restricts what is possible or what results.: 决定因素
      • c. A factor that determines a range of variations; a boundary: 范围
        • The principal of the experimental school made sure that the parameters of its curriculum continued to expand.: 实验学校的校长确保其课程的覆盖的范围继续扩大。
    3. USAGE PROBLEM A distinguishing characteristic or feature.: 界限

Day 34 (2019.04.03 22:32 - 22:42 , Pomo Time * 0)

67. pe·nul·ti·mate

  • adjective
    1. Next to last: 倒数第二的
      • “His cause for beatification, the penultimate step before sainthood, is still on course” (Alessandra Stanley, New York Times).
    2. Of or relating to the next-to-last syllable of a word: 单词的倒数第二个音节的
      • The word renewal has penultimate stress.: renewal 的第二个音节重读。
  • noun
    1. The next to the last.: 倒数第二

68. per·suade

  • transitive verb
    1. To cause (someone) to do or believe something by means of argument, reasoning, or entreaty: 劝说;说服
      • “Lord cardinal, will your grace / Persuade the queen to send the Duke of York / Unto his princely brother presently?” (William Shakespeare, Richard III).
    1. per·suad′a·ble - adjective. 可以说服的,容易说服的
    2. per·suad′er - noun. 说服者

Day 35 (2019.04.04 22:21 - 23:00 , Pomo Time * 2)

69. pe·ruse

  • transitive verb
    1. To read or examine, typically with great care: 阅读;读
      • “He that shall peruse the political pamphlets of any past reign, will wonder why they were so eagerly read, or so loudly praised” (Samuel Johnson, The Rambler).: 那些应该仔细阅读有关过去君王的政治小册子,都会惊奇于为什么他们如此热衷阅读或者如此大声的赞美。
    1. pe·rus′a·ble - adjective. 可阅读的
    2. pe·rus′al - noun. 熟读;精读
    3. pe·rus′er - noun. 细读者

70. phe·nom·e·non

  • noun
    1. (Plural: phe·nom·e·na) An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses or with aid of instrumentation: 现象
      • “Typical manifestations of T cells at work include such diverse phenomena as the rejection of a foreign skin graft and the killing of tumor cells” (Gary W. Litman, Scientific American).: T细胞在工作中的典型表现包括像排斥移植的外来皮肤和杀伤肿瘤细胞等现象。
    2. (Plural: phe·nom·e·nons) A remarkable, significant, or outstanding person or thing: 杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物)
      • “In an industry famous for cutthroat competition, this summer’s reality TV shows have become a pop culture phenomenon and left a string of stunned TV executives scrambling to catch up” (Lauren Hunter, cnn.com).: 在一个以残酷竞争而著名的行业中,今年夏天的真人秀节目已成为一种流行文化现象,并让一群震惊的电视经理争先恐后的追赶。

Day 36 (2019.04.05 22:27 - 23:18, Pomo Time * 4)

71. plus

  • 词性: conjunction
    1. Added to: 加;加上
      • Three plus two equals five.: 3 + 2 = 5
    2. Increased by; along with:
      • Their strength plus their spirit makes them formidable.: 他们的力量随着他们的精神变得强大。
    3. USAGE PROBLEM And: 【用法疑难】而且;还有
      • I bought a dining table, plus four chairs and a mirror.: 我买饿了一个餐桌,还有四把椅子和一个镜子。
  • 词性: adjective
    1. Positive or on the positive part of a scale: 正(数)的;在零以上的
      • a temperature of plus five degrees.: 零上五度
    2. Added or extra: 额外的
      • a plus benefit.: 额外益处
    3. Informal Increased to a further degree or number: (用于数字或数量后)多于…的
      • “At 70 plus, he is old enough to be metaphysical” (Anatole Broyard, New York Times Book Review).: 70岁以后他足够有资历成为玄学派诗歌的人。
    4. Ranking on the higher end of a designated scale: (用于给学生作业评分)好于…的,高于…的
      • I received a grade of B plus in chemistry.: 我取得了B+的化学成绩。
    5. Relating to or designating an electric charge of a sign opposite to that of an electron; positive.: 正极
  • 词性: noun
    1. The plus sign (+).: 加号
    2. A positive quantity.: 正(数)
    3. A favorable condition or factor: 有利因素;好处
      • The clear weather was a plus for the golf tournament.: 晴朗的天气有利于高尔夫竞标赛。

72. pre·cip·i·tate

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To throw from or as if from a great height; hurl downward: 猛然摔下
      • “The finest bridge in all Peru broke and precipitated five travelers into the gulf below” (Thornton Wilder, The Bridge of San Luis Rey).: 整个秘鲁最好的桥梁破坏了,将五个旅客摔进下面的海湾。
    2. To cause to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely: 使(通常指不好的事件或形势)突然发生
      • The political scandal precipitated a torrent of legislative reforms.: 政治丑闻使洪水般的立法改革发生。
    3. To cause (water vapor) to condense and fall from the air as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.: 使沉淀,使淀析
    4. To cause (a solid substance) to be separated from a solution: 使分离
      • The chemist precipitated the minerals from the water by adding borax.: 化学家向水中添加硼砂来分离矿物。
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To condense and fall from the air as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.: 凝结
    2. To be separated from a solution as a solid.: 沉淀,淀析
  • 词性: adjective (prĭ-sĭp′ĭ-tĭt)
    1. Moving rapidly and heedlessly; speeding headlong: (指行动)急促的,迅猛的
      • The meteorologists tracked the tornado’s precipitate course.: 气象学家跟踪龙卷风的迅猛进程。
    2. Acting with or marked by excessive haste and lack of due deliberation; reckless: (决定)仓猝的,贸然的
      • They soon came to regret the precipitate decisions.: 他们很快就为贸然的决定感到后悔。
    3. Occurring suddenly or unexpectedly: 突然的
      • The pundits couldn’t explain the precipitate rise in oil prices.: 专家们无法解释油价的突然上涨。
  • 词性: noun
    1. A chemical solid or solid phase separated from a solution.: 〈化〉沉淀物;析出物;冷凝物

Day 37 (2019.04.06 23:13 - 23:23, Pomo Time * 0)

73. pre·cip·i·tous

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Resembling a precipice; extremely steep.: 险峻的;陡峭的
    2. Having several precipices: 险峻的;陡峭的
      • “The Duchy of Grand Fenwick lies in a precipitous fold of the northern Alps and embraces in its tumbling landscape portions of three valleys, a river, one complete mountain with an elevation of two thousand feet and a castle” (Leonard Wibberley, The Mouse That Roared).: 大芬威克公国位于阿尔卑斯山北部的一个陡峭的山丘,拥抱三个山谷的倾泻而下的景观,河流,一座海拔两千英尺的完整山峰,一座城堡。
    3. USAGE PROBLEM Extremely rapid, hasty, or abrupt; precipitate.: 突然的;急剧的

74. pre·scribe

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To set down as a rule or guide; impose or direct: (人、法律、规则)规定,指定
      • “In all well-governed states too, not only judges are appointed for determining the controversies of individuals, but rules are prescribed for regulating the decisions of those judges” (Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments).
    2. To order the use of (a medicine or other treatment): 开(药、处方)
      • The doctor prescribed antibiotics and plenty of bed rest.: 一生开了抗生素并要求充足的卧床休息。
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To establish rules, laws, or directions.: (人、法律、规则)规定,指定
    2. To order a medicine or other treatment.: 开(药、处方)

Day 38 (2019.04.07 23:09 - 23:36, Pomo Time * 1)

75. pres·ent·ly

  • 词性: adverb
    1. In a short time; soon: 不久;随即
      • “She thought she must have been mistaken at first, for none of the scarecrows in Kansas ever wink; but presently the figure nodded its head to her in a friendly way” (L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz).: 她觉得她一开始就是错的,因为堪萨斯州的稻草人都没有眨眼,但不久后它正以友好的方式向她点头。
    2. USAGE PROBLEM At this time or period; now: 目前;现在;此时
      • Springfield is presently the capital of Illinois.: 斯普林菲尔德目前是伊利诺伊州的首府。

76. prin·ci·pal

  • 词性: adjective
    1. First, highest, or foremost in importance, rank, worth, or degree; chief: 首要的;最主要的;最重要的
      • The principal character in Gone With the Wind is Scarlett O’Hara.: Gone With the Wind 的主角是 Scarlett O’Hara。
    2. Of, relating to, or being a financial principal, or a principal in a financial transaction.: 财务交易的,与财务交易有关的,或与财务交易有关的主管。
  • 词性: noun
    1. A person who holds a position of presiding rank, especially the head of an elementary school or high school: 大学校长;学院院长
      • The rowdy students were sent to the principal’s office.: 捣乱的学生被送到了校长办公室。
    2. A main participant, as in a business deal.: (尤指商务或法律事务的)当事人,委托人
    3. A person having a leading or starring role: 主要演员;主角
      • The director cast the chorus before casting the principals.
    4. a&b: 本金;资本
      • a. A financial holding as distinguished from the interest or revenue from it.
      • b. A sum of money owed as a debt, upon which interest is calculated.

Day 39 (2019.04.08 23:00 - 23:28, Pomo Time * )

78. pro·scribe

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To forbid; prohibit: 禁止
      • The government proscribes the importation of certain plants.: 政府禁止某些仪器的进口。
    2. To denounce; condemn: 告发,谴责
      • “In June 1580, Philip II had proscribed William as ‘the chief disturber of our state of Christendom’ and offered twenty-five thousand ecus to anyone who might venture to kill him” (Simon Schama, American Scholar).: 1580年6月,菲利普二世谴责威廉为“我们基督教国家的主要骚扰者”,并向任何冒险杀害他的人提供了二万五千欧元。
    3. To banish; outlaw: 驱逐
      • After the coup, the monarch was proscribed and ordered to leave the country.: 政变之前,君主被驱逐并被要求离开国家。

79. renown

  • noun
    1. The quality of being widely honored and acclaimed; fame.: 名望; 声誉
    1. re·nowned′ — adjective. 有名的;享有声誉的

Day 40 (2019.04.09 21:43 - 22:00, Pomo Time * 1)

81. sac·ri·le·gious

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Grossly irreverent toward what is or is held to be sacred: 犯渎圣罪的;该受天谴的
      • “Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope / The Lord’s anointed temple” (William Shakespeare, Macbeth).
    1. sac′ri·lege (săk′rǝ-lĭj) — noun. (对圣地或圣物的)亵渎,渎圣
    2. sac′ri·le′gious·ly — adverb. 冒渎地
    3. sac′ri·le′gious·nes — noun.

82. sea·son·a·ble

  • 词性: adjective
    1. In keeping with the time or the season: 合时令的
      • “The weather was fair and seasonable, but Mary wore flannel underclothes beneath her dress and a heavy cloak as well”(Michael Crummey, River Thieves).: 天气很适宜,但是玛丽连衣裙里穿着法兰绒内衣,和一件厚重的披风。
    2. Occurring or performed at the proper time; timely: 及时的
      • The pundits praised the government’s seasonable intervention in the trade dispute.: 行业内称赞政府及时介入贸易纠纷。

Day 41 (2019.04.10 23:00 - 23:15, Pomo Time * 0)

83. sea·son·al

  • 词性: adjective
    • Of or dependent on a particular season: 季节的;季节性的;随季节变化的
      1. “Among the important soil properties are natural soil drainage, permeability, . . . load bearing capacity, depth to water table, seasonal wetness, shrink-swell capacity and soil structure” (Bobbi McDermott, Yuma Sun).: 其中重要的土壤特性是自然土壤排水和渗透性,承载能力,水位深度,季节性适度,收缩膨胀能力,土壤结构。
    1. sea′son·al·ly — adverb. 季节性地

84. sen·su·al

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Of, relating to, given to, or providing gratification of the physical and especially the sexual appetites: 喜欢感官享受的;耽于肉欲的
      • “The modern geisha is the aristocrat of the huge industry that has evolved through the centuries to cater to Japanese men’s sensual desires” (Jodi Cobb, National Geographic).
    2. Relating to or affecting any of the senses or a sense organ; sensory.: 肉欲的;愉悦感官的\\\\

Day 42 (2019.04.11 22:35 - 23:29, Pomo Time * 4)

85. sen·su·ous

  • adjective
    1. Of, relating to, or derived from the senses: 性感的;耽于肉欲的
      • “Though he turned the pages with the sensuous joy of the book-lover, he did not know what he was reading, and one book after another dropped from his hand” (Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence).
    2. Appealing to or gratifying the senses: 愉悦感官的
      • The sculpture featured sensuous curves juxtaposed with sharp facial features.
    3. Easily affected through the senses.

86. set

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To put in a specified position; place: 放置
      • I set the book on the shelf.: 我把书放在书架上。
    2. To put into a specified state: 使处于某种状况
      • With a push he set the wagon in motion.: 他推了一下,马车就运动起来。
    3. To put into a stable position: 放置
      • She set the fence post into a bed of concrete.: 他把栅栏柱子打进混凝土地基。
    4. To restore to a proper and normal state when dislocated or broken: (断骨)复位;接(骨)
      • The doctor set the broken bone.: 医生接上断骨。
    5. To adjust for proper functioning: 调整好
      • We set the mouse traps to prevent infestation.: 我们设置好捕鼠器以防其大量滋生。
    6. To adjust (an instrument, tool, or device) so that some desired condition of operation is established: 设置
      • She set the alarm clock for 7:00.: 她把闹钟设置到7点。
    7. To arrange tableware on or at in preparation for a meal: 摆放餐具
      • “‘Where’s Papa going with that ax?’ said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast” (E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web).: 弗恩对她母亲说:爸爸拿着斧头要去哪?他们已经摆放好了餐具准备吃早饭。
    8. To arrange (hair) in a certain style, as by rolling it up with clips and curlers.: 固定发型;做头发
    9. a&b: 排版
      • a. To arrange (type) into words and sentences in preparation for printing.
      • b. To arrange (matter to be printed) into type.
    10. a&b: 为 … 谱曲;给 … 配乐
      • a. To compose (music) to fit a given text.
      • b. To write (words) to fit a melody.
    11. To represent the unfolding of (a drama or narrative, for instance) in a specific place: 在特定的地方标志(如戏剧或叙事)的展开
      • The play Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona.: 罗密欧与朱丽叶在维罗纳上演。
    12. To make as a rule or guideline; establish: 树立(榜样)
      • You should set an example for your younger brother.: 你需要给你的弟弟树立榜样。
    13. To decide on; appoint or designate: 决定,确定(日期、价格、目标或水准)
      • They set June 6 as the day of the wedding.: 他们把婚礼定在6月6日。
    14. To detail or assign (someone) to a particular duty, service, or station: 分配;布置;指派
      • The guards were set around the perimeter.: 守卫被要求在附近巡逻。
    15. a&b: 镶嵌
      • a. To put in a mounting; mount
        • The jeweler set an emerald in a pendant.: 珠宝商将绿宝石镶嵌到项链上。
      • b. To apply jewels to; stud
        • The museum displayed a tiara that was set with diamonds.: 博物馆展示了镶嵌了钻石的皇冠。
    16. To cause to sit: 使坐下
      • The host set the woozy guest on the couch.: 主人把这个昏昏欲睡的客人放在沙发上。
    17. To position (oneself) in such a way as to be ready to start running a race.: 准备好开始赛跑。
    18. To pass (a volleyball), usually with the fingertips, in an arc close to the net so that a teammate can drive it over the net.
    19. To fix at a given amount: 使花费;使破费
      • The judge set bail for the defendant at $50,000.: 被告的保释金是50000美元。
    20. To point to the location of (game) by holding a fixed attitude. Used of a hunting dog.
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To disappear below the horizon: (太阳)落山,落下
      • The sun set at seven that evening.: 那天晚上太阳7点落山。
    2. To sit on eggs. Used of fowl: 孵化
      • The hens were setting.: 母鸡正在孵蛋。
    3. To become fixed; harden: 凝固;凝结;变硬
      • It will take 12 hours for the cement to set.
    4. To become permanent. Used of dye.: 使永久
    5. To become whole; knit. Used of a broken bone.: 把(断骨)复位;接(骨)
    6. NONSTANDARD To sit.: 使坐下

Day 43 (2019.04.12 21:34 - 22:34, Pomo Time * 4)

87. sex

  • 词性: noun
    1. a&b: 性别;性
      • a. The property or quality by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions:
        • Through amniocentesis, the sex of a developing fetus can be determined.
      • b. Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, of this classification:
        • The college’s policy is that no student is allowed to have visitors of the opposite sex after midnight.
    2. Females or males considered as a group.
    3. The condition or character of being female or male; the physiological, functional, and psychological differences that distinguish the female and the male.: 性别特征
    4. Sexual intercourse.

88. sit

  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. a&b&c&d
      • a. To rest with the torso vertical and the body supported on the buttocks: 坐
        • “I was leaning against a bar in a speakeasy on Fifty-second Street, waiting for Nora to finish her Christmas shopping, when a girl got up from the table where she had been sitting with three other people and came over to me” (Dashiell Hammett, The Thin Man).: 我正靠在第五十二街的一家地下酒吧里,等着Nora的圣诞节购物结束。这时一个女孩从桌子上站起来走到我身边,之前她和另外三个人坐在一起。
      • b. To rest with the hindquarters lowered onto a supporting surface. Used of animals: 坐
        • The dog sat at the foot of my bed.: 狗坐在床前。
      • c. To perch. Used of birds.: 栖息
      • d. To cover eggs for hatching; brood: 孵化
        • The hen sat on her eggs.: 鸡在孵化他的蛋。
    2. To be situated or located: 位于;坐落在
      • The farmhouse sits on a hill.: 农舍坐落在小山丘上。
    3. To lie or rest: 躺或休息
      • The dishes are sitting on a shelf.: 盘子放在架子上。
    4. To pose for an artist or photographer.: 坐着让人画像(或照相)
    5. To occupy a seat as a member of a body of officials: 作为…的成员
      • Gerald Ford sat in Congress before becoming president.: 杰拉尔德福特在担任总统之前曾在国会任职。
    6. To be in session: (议会)开会;(法院)开庭
      • The Supreme Court does not normally sit in the summer.: 最高法院通常不在夏天开庭。
    7. To remain inactive or unused: 呆在原处不动;不轻举妄动
      • Your expensive skis are sitting gathering dust in the corner.: 你昂贵的滑雪板正坐在角落里落灰。
    8. To affect one with or as if with a burden; weigh: 负担
      • Official duties sat heavily upon the governor’s mind.
    9. To fit, fall, or drape in a specified manner: 以特定的方式安装、下落或覆盖
      • That jacket sits perfectly on you.: 你穿这件夹克很不错。
    10. To be agreeable to one; please: 让人接受
      • The idea didn’t sit well with any of us.: 这个主意并不是很能让我们接受。
    11. To keep watch or take care of a child; babysit: 代人临时照看小孩;当临时保姆
      • On weekends, I make extra money by sitting for the neighbors.: 周末,我为邻居照看小孩来赚零花钱。
  • 词性: intransitive verb
    1. To cause to sit; seat: 使就坐
      • The ushers sat the wedding guests in the pews.: 招待员招待婚礼的客人坐在长椅上。
    2. To sit on (eggs) for the purpose of hatching.: 孵化
    3. To provide seating accommodation for: 提供座位住宿
      • This concert hall sits 1,000 people.: 这个音乐厅可以容纳1000个人。

Day 44 (2019.04.13 22:06 - 23:06, Pomo Time * 4)

89. that

  • 词性: pronoun
    1. Used to refer to the one designated, implied, mentioned, or understood: 那个
      • What kind of soup is that?: 那个是什么种类的汤?
    2. Used to indicate the farther or less immediate one: 那个(指代在时间、空间上离自己稍远的人或物,尤用于指示;有两个以上的事物时,that 指较远的那个)
      • That is for sale; this is not.: 那是安全的,这个不安全。
    3. those Used to indicate an unspecified number of people: 指代不确定的数量或人
      • The aide wrote down the names of those who refused to attend the meeting.
    4. Used as a relative pronoun to introduce a clause, especially a restrictive clause: 那,那个(用于限制性从句)
      • They towed the car that had the flat tire.: 他们拖着那辆憋了的汽车。
    5. In, on, by, or with which
      • The director returns to New York City each summer that the concerts are performed.: 导演在每个举行音乐会的夏季都要回纽约。
  • 词性: adjective
    1. Being the one singled out, implied, or understood: 那;那个
      • Those mountains are seventy miles away.: 那些山脉距离70英里。
    2. Being the one further removed or less obvious: 那;那个
      • That route is shorter than this one.:那条路比这条短。
  • 词性: adverb
    1. To such an extent or degree: 那么,那样
      • Is your problem that complicated?: 你的问题很难吗?
    2. To a high degree; very: 十分,非常
      • No one took what he said that seriously.: 没有人十分认真对待他说的。
  • 词性: conjunction
    1. Used to introduce a subordinate clause stating a result, wish, purpose, reason, or cause
      • She hoped that he would arrive on time.: 他希望他能够准时抵达。
      • He was saddened that she felt so little for him.: 他很伤心因为她对他没有什么感觉。
    2. a&b&c
      • a. Used to introduce an anticipated subordinate clause following the expletive it occurring as subject of the verb.
        • It is true that dental work is expensive.: 牙科确实很贵。
      • b. Used to introduce a subordinate clause modifying an adverb or adverbial expression.
        • They will go anywhere that they are welcome.: 他们去任何他们受欢迎的地方。
      • c. Used to introduce a subordinate clause that is joined to an adjective or noun as a complement.
        • She was sure that she was right.: 她很确信她是对的。
        • It is his belief that rates will rise soon.: 他相信利率将很快上升。
    3. Used to introduce a noun clause that is usually the subject or object of a verb or a predicate nominative.
      • That America is richer today as compared to 100 years ago almost goes without saying” (Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor).: 如今的美国人比100年前更富有,这是不言而喻的。

90. un·ex·cep·tion·a·ble

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Beyond any reasonable objection; irreproachable: 完全满意的,无懈可击的
      • Our accounting firm holds itself to the highest standards; therefore, any of its findings I believe to be unexceptionable.: 我们的会计师事务所坚持最高标准,因此,它的任何调查我相信都是无懈可击的。
    1. un′ex·cep′tion·a·bly — adverb. 无懈可击地,无可挑剔地

Day 45 (2019.04.14 22:32 - 23:08, Pomo Time * 2)

91. un·ex·cep·tion·al

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Not varying from a norm; usual: 普通的;寻常的;平常的
      • The professor gave the unexceptional paper a C.: 教授给了这篇普通的论文一个C。
    1. un′ex·cep′tion·al·ly — adverb. 普通地

92. un·in·ter·est·ed

  • 词性: adjective
    1. Marked by or exhibiting a lack of interest: 不感兴趣的;不关心的
      • Uninterested voters led to a low turnout on Election Day.: 不感兴趣的选民致使选举日投票率低。
    2. Having no stake or interest; impartial: (财产方面)无利害关系的
      • Both sides requested a mediator who was uninterested in the dispute.: 双方要求一名在争议中无利害关系的调解员。

Day 46 (2019.04.15 22:43 - 23:03, Pomo Time * 1)

93. u·nique

  • adjective
    1. Being the only one of its kind: 唯一的
      • The scholar studied the unique existing example of the eighteenth-century author’s handwriting.: 这位学者研究了18世纪作家笔迹中唯一的现存例子。
    2. Without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled: 独特的;无与伦比的
      • The one-time offer presented them with a unique opportunity to buy a house.: 这次一次性优惠为他们提供了一个独一无二的买房机会。
    3. Characteristic of a particular category, condition, or locality: 独有的;特有的
      • The marine biologist examined weather patterns unique to coastal areas.: 海洋生物学家研究了沿海地区的独有的天气情况。

94. u·til·ize

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To put to use, especially for a practical purpose: 利用;使用
      • “The . . . group has genetically engineered the bacterium so that more glucose is diverted toward the other main chemical pathway within the organism that utilizes the sugar” (Gary Stix, Scientific American).: 小组已经对这种细菌进行了基因工程改造,以便更多的葡萄糖转向生物体内的其他主要化学途径以用于利用糖。

Day 47 (2019.04.16 23:18 - 23:44, Pomo Time * 2)

95. weight

  • 词性: noun
    1. A measure of the heaviness of an object: 重量
      • The weight of the car is 3,000 pounds.: 这个汽车的重量是3000磅。
    2. The force with which a body is attracted to Earth or another celestial body, equal to the product of the object’s mass and the acceleration of gravity.: 重力
    3. a&b
      • a. A unit measure of gravitational force:
        • Comprehensive reference works contain a table of weights and measures.
      • b. A system of such measures:
        • Gemstones are measured using a system of measurement called “troy weight.”
    4. An object used principally to exert a force by virtue of its gravitational attraction to Earth, such as a paperweight or a dumbbell.: 哑铃;杠铃片
    5. A load or burden; oppressiveness: 加重量于;使负重
      • “Adding features to run complex software adds weight and bogs down portability” (Eric C. Evarts, Christian Science Monitor).; 添加运行复杂软件的功能会增加负载并降低可移植性。
    6. Influence, importance, or authority: 重要性;影响力
      • Her opinion carries great weight in the medical community.: 她的观点在医学界很重要。
  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To make heavy or heavier with a weight or weights: 加重量于
      • “Marine mud is a blue-gray mud that settled 15,000 years ago while much of Maine was weighted down with glacial ice and Boston was underwater” (Jamie Kageleiry & Christine Schultz, Yankee Magazine).: 冰川淤泥是一种沉积于15000年前的蓝灰色的淤泥,那时候大部分缅因州还在冰川的覆盖下,波士顿还在水下。
    2. To load down, burden, or oppress: 使变重
      • Until an extra associate was hired, I was weighted with heavy responsibilities at work.: 在新同事被雇用之前,我工作中的责任很重。

96. where·fore

  • 词性: adverb
    1. For what purpose or reason; why: 为什么
      • “O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?”(William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet).
  • 词性: noun
    1. A purpose or cause:
      • The editorial explained all the whys and wherefores of the tax proposal.: 社论解释了税收提案的所有原因。

Day 48 (2019.04.17 21:12 - 22:12, Pomo Time * 4)

97. which

  • 词性: pronoun
    1. What particular one or ones: (用于疑问句中)哪个,哪些
      • Which of these books is yours?: 那本书是你的?
    2. The one or ones previously mentioned or implied, specifically: (用来回指前面句子表达的观点或状况)这,那
      • a. Used as a relative pronoun in a clause that provides additional information about the antecedent:
        • I want to renovate my house, which is small and old.: 我想把我的房子翻修一下,它又小又旧。
      • b. Used as a relative pronoun preceded by that or a preposition in a clause that defines or restricts the antecedent:
        • The clerk provided him with that which he requested.: 职员给他提供了他要求的东西。
        • I was fascinated by the subject on which she spoke.: 我对她所说的主题很着迷。
      • c. Used instead of that as a relative pronoun in a clause that defines or restricts the antecedent:
        • The movie which was shown later was better: 之后上映的电影更好。
    3. Any of the things, events, or people designated or implied; whichever: (用于指明在两个或多个答案或选项中所作出的选择)哪个,哪些
      • Choose which you like best.: 选一个你最喜欢的。
    4. A thing or circumstance that: (用于关系从句句首,具体说明所谈论的事物或提供关于它的更多信息)
      • They left early, which was wise.: 他们早早离开,这是明智的。
  • 词性: adjective
    1. What particular one or ones of a number of things or people: 特定的一个或多个人或事物
      • Which part of town do you mean?: 你的意思是哪个城镇的一部分?
    2. Any one or any number of; whichever: 哪一个
      • Use which door you please.: 请你使用哪一扇门
    3. Being the one or ones previously mentioned or implied: 作为前面提到或暗示的一个或多个事物
      • It started to rain, at which point we ran.: 下雨了,我们要跑了。

Day 49 (2019.04.18 22:35 - 22:50, Pomo Time * 1)

98. wreak

  • 词性: transitive verb
    1. To inflict (vengeance or punishment) upon a person: 实施(报复)
      • “I at last devised a desperate plan that would not only blow my wedding to pieces but would wreak a terrible revenge on my parents and my betrothed” (Louis Auchincloss, DeCicco v. Schweizer).: 我最终设计了一个孤注一掷的计划,不仅会让我的婚礼破碎,而且会对我的父母和未婚妻进行可怕的复仇。
    2. To express or gratify (anger, malevolence, or resentment); vent: 发泄
      • “In his little evil brain he sought for some excuse to wreak his hatred upon Tarzan” (Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan of the Apes).: 他寻找一些借口在那个邪恶的小脑子里,以便发泄他对Tarzan的憎恶。
    3. To bring about; cause: 造成(混乱或破坏)
      • “A harmful recessive gene doesn’t wreak havoc unless it exists in two copies” (Jennifer Ackerman, Chance in the House of Fate).: 有害的隐性基因不会造成严重破坏,除非它存在两份。

Day 50 (2019.04.19 23:20 - 23:40, Pomo Time * 1)

99. wreck

  • noun
    • Accidental destruction of a ship; a shipwreck: 失事的船只(或汽车、飞机);损毁的建筑
      • The wreck of the Titanic occurred in the Atlantic Ocean in April of 1912.: 1912年4月,失事的泰坦尼克号在太平洋被发现。
    • a&b: 残骸
      • a. The stranded hulk of a severely damaged ship.
        • “I found a small barrel, and two or three pieces of the wreck of the ship, which were driven on shore by the late hurricane” (Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe).: 我发现了一个小桶,以及两三艘船的残骸,这些船被飓风赶到岸边。
      • b. Fragments of a ship or its cargo cast ashore by the sea after a shipwreck; wreckage.
    • The remains of something that has been wrecked or ruined: 破坏
      • “Up went the axe again . . . four times the blow fell; . . . it was not until the fifth, that the lock burst and the wreck of the door fell inwards on the carpet” (Robert Louis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).
    • A person who is physically or mentally broken down or worn out.: 失去健康的人
  • transitive verb
    • To cause the destruction of (something) in or as if in a collision: 使失事
      • “The morning after the storm that has wrecked the ship and drowned his companions, Crusoe wakes on shore with only a pocket knife, a pipe, and a tin of tobacco” (Hilary Masters, Making It Up).: 那场让船失事,同伴淹死的风暴过后的早晨,克鲁索在岸上醒来,只有一把小刀,一根烟斗和一罐烟草。
    • To dismantle or raze; tear down: 拆毁
      • The contractor wrecked the old building to make way for the new apartment complex.: 承包商拆除了旧建筑,为新的公寓大楼让路。
    • To cause to undergo ruin or disaster: 破坏
      • “I will not go along with a huge tax cut for the wealthy at the expense of everyone else and wreck our good economy in the process” (Al Gore, speech to the Democratic National Convention).: 我不会以其他人为代价为富人减税,这将破坏我们的良好经济。
  • intransitive verb
    • To suffer destruction or ruin; become wrecked: 失事
      • The ship wrecked in the shoals off the shore.: 这艘船在岸边的浅滩上失事了。