Origin 中文插件列表 - 数据分析(146 个)
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- 更新时间:2024-05-23 18:00:06
670 - NetCDF Data Analysis
对 NetCDF 数据执行分析。
Perform analysis on NetCDF data.
- 关键词:Netcdf、二、书、意义、对话
- Keywords: netcdf, two, mbook, significance, dialog
671 - Radiometric Geochronology Analysis
Analyze radiometric geochronological data.
- 应用目标:该应用程序可用于放射性年代学资料(Pb-Pb、 Ar-Ar、 Rb-Sr、 Sm-Nd、 Lu-Hf、 Re-Os、 U-Th-He、 U-Pb)的分析。它包括等时线、加权平均、核密度估计、累积年龄分布、约克拟合和协和图等工具。
- Propose: This App can be used to analyze radiometric geochronological data (Pb-Pb, Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, Re-Os, U-Th-He, U-Pb). It includes several tools, including isochron, weighted mean, kernel density estimate, cumulative age distribution, york fit and concordia diagram.
- 关键词:花生酱、年龄、等时线、分析型的、加重了
- Keywords: pb, age, isochron, analytical, weighted
357 - Advanced pCLAMP Analyzer
设计用于高级分析 pClamp 数据的8套工具。
Set of 8 tools designed for advanced analysis of pClamp data.
- 关键词:电压、设计的、目前、分析、受供养人
- Keywords: voltage, designed, current, analysis, dependent
315 - Simple pCLAMP Analyzer
设计用于分析 pClamp 数据的11套工具
Set of 11 tools designed for analysis of pClamp data
- 关键词:电压、曲线、分析、斜坡、曲线
- Keywords: voltage, curves, analysis, ramp, curve
900 - Calcium Transient Analysis
Perform calcium transient analysis
- 关键词:宽容、顶峰、结果、暂时的、床单
- Keywords: tolerance, peak, result, transient, sheet
661 - Drug Dissolution Analysis
Compare two groups of dissolution data, fit or compare models for dissolution data.
- 关键词:合身、分解、二、参数、功能
- Keywords: fit, dissolution, two, parameters, function
335 - Enzyme Kinetics
Fit enzyme kinetics data and rank models.
- 关键词:独立、抑制基质抑制基质、很有竞争力、很合适、变量
- Keywords: independent, inhibitionsubstrate, competitive, fitting, variable
565 - Fit Adsorption Isotherm
Help to transform raw data related to adsorption isotherm into a linear dataset then perform linear fitting.
- 关键词:很合适、变量、线性的、价值、一
- Keywords: fitting, variable, linear, value, one
522 - Gel Molecular Weight Analyzer
Determine gel molecular weight from electrophoresis.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序符合一个标准曲线,将一组标准(y 轴)中的蛋白质的已知分子量与它们的相对迁移(x 轴)联系起来,并估计未知蛋白质的分子量。
- Propose: This App fits a standard curve to relate the known molecular weights of proteins in a set of standards (y-axis) to their relative migration (x-axis), and estimates molecular weights of unknow proteins.
- 关键词:标准、分子、Lane、乐队、体重
- Keywords: standard, molecular, lane, bands, weight
383 - Cyclic Voltammetry
Perform multi-peak fitting and integration of cyclic data.
- 关键词:顶峰、山峰、伏安法、图表、面板
- Keywords: peak, peaks, voltammetry, graph, panels
946 - NMR Tools
Nuclear magnetic resonance data processing in Origin.
- 关键词:NMR、打开、工具、对话、阴谋
- Keywords: nmr, open, tools, dialog, plot
962 - Brain Atlas Analyzer
分析大脑图像,为集合中的每个所需图像定义多个 ROI,然后提取统计信息。
Analyze images of brain, define multiple ROIs for each desired image in the collection, and then extract stats.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以帮助神经科学家加快脑图谱分析的进展。这款应用程序是与美国康涅狄格大学医学院教授曼努埃尔 · 卡斯特罗-阿拉曼科斯合作开发的。
- Propose: This app can help neuroscientists to accelerate the progress of Brain Atlas Map analysis.
The app was developed in collaboration with Manuel Castro-Alamancos, a Professor at UConn School of Medicine. - 关键词:具体说明、阿特拉斯、矩阵、Svg、形象
- Keywords: specify, atlas, matrix, svg, image
987 - NIfTI Slicer
这个应用程序可以帮助神经科学家将3d NIFTI 文件转换成部分。
This app can help neuroscientists to convert the 3d NIfTI file into sections.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以帮助神经科学家将3d NIFTI 文件转换成切片。
- Propose: This app can help neuroscientists to convert the 3d NIfTI file into slices.
- 关键词:形象、颜色、具体说明、窗户、漂亮
- Keywords: image, color, specify, window, nifti
913 - Classify Points in Graph
Classify points in graph by each group’s boundary.
- 关键词:分数、边界、阴谋、小组、多边形
- Keywords: points, boundary, plot, group, polygon
472 - Gaussian Mixture Models
Fit Gaussian mixture models and cluster test data.
- 关键词:阴谋、变量、号码、输入、一
- Keywords: plot, variables, number, input, one
609 - Optimal Cluster Number
Identify the optimal number of clusters.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来确定最佳的集群数量,这是数据聚类中的一个重要参数。
- Propose: This App can be used to determine the optimal number of clusters, which is an important parameter in cluster analysis.
- 关键词:集群、号码、集群、间隙、最佳状态
- Keywords: clusters, number, cluster, gap, optimal
570 - SVM Classification
Support vector machine for classification.
- 关键词:训练、号码、一、内核、维度
- Keywords: training, number, one, kernel, dimension
329 - Logistic Regression
执行二进制,多项式和序数 Logit模型。
Perform binary, multinomial, and ordinal logistic regression.
- 关键词:变量、测试、预言、独立、纽扣
- Keywords: variable, test, predicted, independent, button
540 - Neural Network Fitting
Fit data with neural network.
- 应用目标:该应用程序为神经网络拟合数据提供了一种工具。它训练神经网络在一组输入和输出之间进行映射。你可以用它来预测自变量的响应。
- Propose: This App provides a tool for fitting data with neural network. It trains a neural network to map between a set of inputs and output. You can use it to predict response of independent variables.
- 关键词:网络、神经元、功能、号码、神经元
- Keywords: network, neural, function, number, neurons
581 - Neural Network Regression
使用 Python 执行神经网络拟合。
Perform neural network fitting using Python.
- 应用目标:该应用程序为神经网络反向传播拟合数据提供了一个工具。它训练神经网络在一组输入和输出之间进行映射。你可以用它来预测自变量的响应。
- Propose: This App provides a tool for fitting data with neural network backpropagation. It trains a neural network to map between a set of inputs and output. You can use it to predict response of independent variables.
- 关键词:网络、预测、神经元、号码、样本
- Keywords: network, predict, neural, number, sample
575 - Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling
Perform non-metric multidimensional scaling.
- 应用目标:非度量多维标度(nMDS)用于将多维数据转换为低维表示。使用 Bray-Curtis 矩阵作为相异矩阵。
- Propose: Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) is used to transform multidimensional data into lower dimensional representation. Bray-Curtis matrix is used as dissimilarity matrix.
- 关键词:用过、Nmds、维度、多维的、矩阵
- Keywords: used, nmds, dimensional, multidimensional, matrix
326 - Principal Component Analysis for Spectroscopy
Perform principal component analysis on spectroscopy data.
- 关键词:阴谋、样本、样本、分析、组件
- Keywords: plot, samples, sample, analysis, component
551 - 2D Peak Analysis
Perform 2d peak fitting and integration for each peak.
- 关键词:顶峰、很合适、整合、改变、表演
- Keywords: peak, fitting, integration, change, show
302 - Compare Datasets and Fit Parameters
Compare parameters across multiple datasets, or compare multiple datasets using a nonlinear model.
- 应用目标:提供了两种比较算法: 赤池信息准则(AIC)和 F 检验。
- Propose: Two algorithms are provided for comparison: Akaike Information Criteria(AIC) and F-test.
- 关键词:数据集、合身、参数、价值、价值观
- Keywords: datasets, fit, parameter, value, values
230 - Compare Linear Fit Parameters and Datasets
Compare datasets using a linear model, or compare intercept and slope.
- 关键词:数据集、比较、线性的、参数、对话
- Keywords: datasets, compare, linear, parameters, dialog
406 - Composite Spectrum Regression
Perform multiple linear regression for spectra.
- 关键词:频谱、价值、画廊、窗户、与众不同
- Keywords: spectrum, value, gallery, window, different
286 - Constrained Multiple Regression
执行约束多元回归和解决约束线性最小二乘问题(仅 PRO)。
Perform constrained multiple regression and solve constrained linear least-squares problems (PRO Only).
- 关键词:线性的、约束、准备好了、界限、多个
- Keywords: linear, bound, set, bounds, multiple
597 - Crystallization Fit
遵循结晶动力学使用 Avrami 和 Lauritzen 和 Hoffman 理论。只要把你的实验数据和一些理论参数输入应用程序,然后应用程序就会完成剩下的工作。
Follow the crystallization kinetics using the Avrami and Lauritzen and Hoffman Theory. Just feed the App with your experimental data and some theoretical parameters, and then the App will do the rest.
- 关键词:结晶、等温、Avrami、合身、选择
- Keywords: crystallization, isothermal, avrami, fit, select
423 - Fit Convolution
Perform convolution of the fitting function with the instrument response while performing the fitting.
- 关键词:功能、很合适、拯救、滴答声、专栏
- Keywords: function, fitting, save, clicking, column
500 - Fit ODE
Fit ordinary differential equation
- 关键词:很合适、合身、等式、首字母缩写、具体说明
- Keywords: fitting, fit, equation, initial, specify
501 - Fit Parameter Test
Test for a specific value of a fit parameter
- 关键词:合身、控制、很合适、功能、选择
- Keywords: fit, control, fitting, function, select
502 - Fit with Composite Functions
Perform fitting by combining two or more existing fitting functions
- 关键词:很合适、合身、报告、功能、表演
- Keywords: fitting, fit, report, functions, perform
490 - Fitting Function Library
让 Origin 用户搜索,查找和添加适合的功能。
Let Origin user search, find and add fitting functions to Origin.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序的目的是允许 Origin 用户搜索,发现和添加新的配件功能的 Origin 。只需选择功能,并点击按钮下载 FDF 文件,并添加到 Origin 的功能,然后找到并使用它时,执行拟合。
- Propose: The purpose of this app is to allow Origin user search, find and add new fitting functions to Origin. Simply select the function and click a button to download the FDF file and add the function to Origin, then find and use it when perform fitting.
- 关键词:功能、功能、选择、很合适、使用者
- Keywords: function, functions, select, fitting, user
475 - Global Fit with Multiple Functions
Perform global fit and share parameters for different functions.
- 关键词:很合适、参数、功能、参数、功能
- Keywords: fitting, parameters, function, parameter, functions
395 - Global Peak Fit
Fit multiple peaks in multiple datasets with parameter sharing.
- 关键词:顶峰、山峰、数据集、参数、相应的
- Keywords: peak, peaks, datasets, parameters, corresponding
560 - Linear Regression with Marginal Distribution
Linear regression with marginal distribution
- 关键词:线性的、报告、退化、应用程序、工作空间
- Keywords: linear, report, regression, apps, workspace
453 - Peak Deconvolution
Offer an intuitive and interactive interface to perform peak analysis.
- 关键词:顶峰、山峰、参数、很合适、参数
- Keywords: peak, peaks, parameters, fitting, parameter
325 - Piecewise Fit
Fit two or three segments of a data plot with same or different fitting function.
- 关键词:功能、很合适、偏移、片段、纽扣
- Keywords: function, fitting, offset, segments, button
282 - Polynomial Surface Fit
用 X 和 Y 中指定/最大度的多项式方程对 XYZ 数据进行拟合,并用秩方程确定最佳拟合(PRO Only)。
Fit XYZ data with polynomial equations of specified/maximum degree in X and Y, and rank equations to determine best fit (PRO Only).
- 关键词:学位、表面、指明、合身、功能
- Keywords: degree, surface, specified, fit, function
926 - Pulse Fit
Fit a series of pulses.
- 关键词:X _ c、我不知道、山峰、我不知道、合身
- Keywords: x_c, t_, peaks, a_, fit
440 - Rank Models
Fit and rank multiple functions to identify best fitting model.
- 关键词:图表、功能、很合适、桌子、结果
- Keywords: graph, function, fitting, table, result
584 - Rank Models by Fit Reports
Rank multiple fitting functions by their fit reports.
- 关键词:合身、应用程序、总数、模特、Bic
- Keywords: fit, theapps, sum, models, bic
662 - Redlich-Kister Polynomial Fit
执行 Redlich-Kister 多项式拟合。
Perform Redlich-Kister polynomial fit.
- 关键词:Xy、对话、Redlich、工作表、等式
- Keywords: xy, dialog, redlich, worksheet, equation
321 - Sequential Fit
Perform fitting on all datasets in a worksheet sequentially.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来适应大量的数据集从一个工作表顺序,并创建一个简单的报告表的参数值和适合统计。
- Propose: This app can be used to fit a large number of datasets from a worksheet sequentially, and create a simple report table of parameter values and fit statistics.
- 关键词:合身、价值观、参数、数据集、工作表
- Keywords: fit, values, parameter, dataset, worksheet
510 - Speedy Fit
Perform batch fitting fast
- 关键词:合身、价值观、目前、参数、装好了
- Keywords: fit, values, current, parameter, fitted
353 - Weibull Fit with Least Squares Method
使用 X 上的秩回归执行 Weibull 拟合
Perform Weibull fit using rank regression on X
- 关键词:阴谋、参数、百分比、对、概率
- Keywords: plot, parameters, percentile, right, probability
489 - 1D Binning
Bin data and calculate statistics on paired dataset.
- 关键词:选择、垃圾箱、统计数字、专栏、画廊
- Keywords: select, bin, statistics, column, gallery
616 - 1D Statistical Parametric Mapping
Perform one-dimensional Statistical Parametric Mapping.
- 应用目标:一维统计参数映射(SPM)是一种检测一维连续统场变化的拓扑方法。该应用程序目前支持 SPM 的 t 检验和 ANOVA 检验。
- Propose: 1D Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) is a topological methodology for detecting field changes in 1-dimensional continua. This App currently supports t tests and ANOVA tests of SPM.
- 关键词:样本、方式、测试、SPM、Anova
- Keywords: sample, way, tests, spm, anova
355 - 2D Convex Hull
Generate convex hull for 2D scatter data
- 关键词:Xy、船体、图表、应用程序、窗户
- Keywords: xy, hull, graph, apps, window
356 - 3D Convex Hull
Find the convex hull boundary for a set of 3D scatter points
- 关键词:船体、3D、凸起、窗户、分数
- Keywords: hull, 3d, convex, window, points
415 - 3D Smoother
平滑的3D 数据。
Smooth 3D data.
- 关键词:某某、矩阵、生的、柱子、应用程序
- Keywords: xyz, matrix, raw, columns, apps
591 - Apparent Integration
Use the apparent values for integration according to the current axis scales.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序计算视积分在笛卡尔和极坐标根据当前的轴尺度。
- Propose: This App calculates apparent integral in Cartesian and polar coordinates according to the current axis scales.
- 关键词:规模、样本、基线、使用、放下
- Keywords: scale, sample, baseline, use, drop
1005 - Asymmetric Correlation Matrix
计算 x 矩阵的列和 y 矩阵的列之间的相关矩阵。
Calculate the correlation matrix between the columns of x matrix and the columns of y matrix.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来计算相关矩阵(皮尔逊,斯皮尔曼,肯德尔)之间的列的 x 矩阵和列的 y 矩阵。
- Propose: This App can be used to calculate the correlation matrix (Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall) between the columns of x matrix and the columns of y matrix.
- 关键词:帽子、M1、M2、(法语)、压裂
- Keywords: hat, m1, m2, ij, frac
1018 - Attribute Agreement Analysis
It is used to assess if appraisers are consistent with themselves, with each other, and with the known standards.
- 应用目标:该应用程序可用于评估评估师是否与自己、评估师之间以及评估师与已知标准保持一致。
- Propose: This app can be used to assess if appraisers are consistent with themselves, with each other, and with the known standards.
- 关键词:评估、评估者、一致、已知标准
- Keywords: assess, appraisers, consistent, known standards
907 - Bootstrap Sampling
Use bootstrap sampling to estimate the statistic of input data.
- 关键词:帽子、阿尔法、_0、自信、统计数字
- Keywords: hat, alpha, _0, confidence, statistic
496 - Change Point Analysis
Detect single and multiple change points within data.
- 关键词:下载、改变、分数、改变、号码
- Keywords: download, changes, points, change, number
339 - Chi-Square Test
Compare observed and expected frequencies with the Chi-Square test.
- 关键词:意料之中、一、结果、放下、桌子
- Keywords: expected, one, results, drop, table
944 - Chi-Square Test for Contingency Table
Perform Chi-Square Test for contingency table to determine whether there is significant evidence of association between two variables.
- 应用目标:这个应用程式可以用来进行卡方检验列联表,以确定是否有显著的证据显示两个变数之间有关联。
- Propose: This App can be used to perform Chi-Square Test for contingency table to determine whether there is significant evidence of association between two variables.
- 关键词:(法语)、没有、正方形、测试、桌子
- Keywords: ij, n_, square, test, table
454 - Cochran’s Q Test
对多组二进制数据执行 Cochran 的 Q 检验。
Perform Cochran’s Q test on multiple groups of binary data.
- 关键词:多个、编码、没有编码、测试、输入
- Keywords: multiple, coded, uncoded, test, input
582 - Detrended Correspondence Analysis
Perform detrended correspondence analysis.
- 应用目标:此应用程序可用于执行去趋势对应分析(DCA)。对应分析中的主要问题(拱效应和梯度端点的压缩)进行修正是一种多变量方法。
- Propose: This App can be used to perform detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). It is a multivariate method that corrects for the major problems (the arch effect and compression of the ends of the gradient) of Correspondence Analysis.
- 关键词:号码、重新缩放、DCA、对话、下载
- Keywords: number, rescaling, dca, dialog, download
571 - Direct Linear Transformation
Apply direct linear transformation to do camera calibration and reconstruct 3D coordinates of points by 2D coordinates.
- 关键词:坐标、具体说明、加速度、速度、有空
- Keywords: coordinates, specify, acceleration, velocity, available
447 - Distributed Batch Processing
具有多个 Origin 实例的批处理。
Batch processing with multiple Origin instances.
- 关键词:正在处理、批次、分析、具体说明、模板
- Keywords: processing, batch, analysis, specify, template
613 - Empirical Mode Decomposition
Perform empirical mode decomposition
- 关键词:频率、选择、变形、信号、具体说明
- Keywords: frequency, options, transform, signal, specify
375 - Equivalence Test
Perform Equivalence Test for one sample, two samples and paired samples.
- 关键词:样本、测试、一、等效、画廊
- Keywords: sample, test, one, equivalence, gallery
354 - Gage Study - Continuous Data
Using repeatability and reproducibility analysis to measure the measurement error in measurement systems.
- 关键词:号码、学习、Gage、测量、一边的
- Keywords: number, study, gage, measurement, sided
331 - Hotelling’s T-squared Test
执行霍特林的 T 平方检验来比较两个样本或配对样本的多变量平均值。
Perform Hotelling’s T-squared test to compare multivariate means for two samples or paired samples.
- 关键词:二、工作表、平方、样本、需要
- Keywords: two, worksheet, squared, sample, requires
289 - Hurst Exponent
Calculate Hurst exponent with rescaled range analysis.
- 关键词:压裂、木头、子系列、系列、没错
- Keywords: frac, log, subseries, series, _n
312 - Log Histogram
用对数 X 尺度绘制直方图。
Plot a histogram with logarithmic X scale.
- 关键词:垃圾箱、号码、垃圾箱、选吧、专栏
- Keywords: bin, number, binning, choose, column
677 - Mann-Kendall Test
进行 Mann-Kendall 测试,以确定输入数据是否具有单调的上升或下降趋势。
Perform Mann-Kendall test to determine whether input data has a monotonic upward or downward trend.
- 关键词:Kendall、Var、压裂、画廊窗户、应用程序
- Keywords: kendall, var, frac, gallerywindow, theapps
442 - Mask or Change Data in Contour
Mask or change the data covered by rectangle, ellipse or free hand drawn shape in contour plot.
- 关键词:形状、价值、轮廓、面具、手
- Keywords: shape, value, contour, mask, hand
881 - Matrix Analysis
Help to perform analysis on matrices, including importing, calculating, and exporting.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序的目的是让您执行矩阵分析,包括导入,计算和导出。
- Propose: The purpose of this App is to allow you to perform analysis on matrices, including importing, calculating, and exporting.
- 关键词:矩阵、矩阵、允许、进口、计算
- Keywords: matrix, matrices, allow, import, calculation
528 - Onset for Peaks
Find onset and endset of a peak.
- 应用目标:此应用程序发现在 ROI 框内的一个峰的开始和结束集。起始和终止被定义为峰值切线与外推基线的交点。
- Propose: This App finds onset and endset of a peak within the ROI box. The onset and endset are defined as the intersection of the tangents of the peak with the extrapolated baseline.
- 关键词:国王、盒子、分数、基线、图表
- Keywords: roi, box, points, baseline, graph
371 - Overlap Area
Calculate the area shared by two overlapping plots.
- 应用目标:本应用程序的目的是计算两个地块之间的重叠面积,并输出一个重叠面积图、两个源地块图和积分结果图。
- Propose: The purpose of this App is to calculate the overlapping area between two plots and output a graph of the overlapping area, the two source plots, and the integration results.
- 关键词:图表、二、阴谋、来源、对话
- Keywords: graph, two, plots, source, dialog
674 - Overlap of Empirical Distributions
Calculate kernel density estimations and overlapped area from empirical data.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序使用高斯核对经验数据进行核密度估计,并计算每对分布的重叠区域。
- Propose: This App performs kernel density estimation from empirical data using Gaussian kernel, and calculates overlap areas relative to each pair of distributions.
- 关键词:内核、经验主义、样本、上、画廊
- Keywords: kernel, empirical, sample, onto, gallery
586 - Periodic Report
Group data according to periodic date/time range using specified statistical value.
- 关键词:时间、约会、柱子、句号、具体说明
- Keywords: time, date, columns, period, specify
400 - Post-hoc Analysis for Nonparametric Tests
对 Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA、情绪中位数测试和弗里德曼方差分析进行多重比较。
Perform multiple comparisons for Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, Moods Median Test and Friedman ANOVA.
- 关键词:测试、Anova、Kruskal、多个、中位数
- Keywords: test, anova, kruskal, multiple, median
941 - Power and Sample Size for Equivalence Tests
Perform power and sample size analysis for equivalence tests including one-sample, two-sample and paired-sample.
- 关键词:样本、尺寸、等效、力量、限制
- Keywords: sample, size, equivalence, power, limit
304 - Probability Distribution Calculator
Calculate probability density, cumulative probability, and inverse cumulative probability for common distributions.
- 关键词:价值观、分配、至关重要、对话、概率
- Keywords: values, distribution, critical, dialog, probability
606 - Probit Analysis
Fit the probit analysis procedure.
- 关键词:回应、变量、号码、计数、剂量
- Keywords: response, variable, number, count, dose
931 - Propagation of Error
Calculate the uncertainty of a function based on variables’’ uncertainties.
- 关键词:真的、复杂、项目、输入、错误
- Keywords: real, complex, project, input, error
377 - Randomness Tests
Test randomness of sequences.
- 关键词:测试、序列、频率、运行、表演
- Keywords: test, sequence, frequency, runs, perform
368 - Rank Data
Calculate ranks of values in a column.
- 关键词:选吧、工具、用过、方法、队伍
- Keywords: choose, tool, used, methods, ranks
372 - Redundancy Analysis
对解释性数据(x 矩阵)和响应性数据(y 矩阵)进行冗余分析。
Run redundancy analysis on explanatory data ( x matrix) and response data (y matrix).
- 应用目标:这个应用程序的目的是运行冗余分析与解释变量和响应变量的观察。
- Propose: The purpose of this App is to run redundancy analysis on observations with both explanatory variables and response variables.
- 关键词:变量、阴谋、解释、得分、回应
- Keywords: variables, plot, explanatory, scores, response
346 - Slope Analyzer
Graphically explore and record slope values within a region of interest.
- 关键词:斜坡、国王、第一、射程、价值观
- Keywords: slope, roi, 1st, range, values
573 - Standard Curve Analysis
拟合一条标准曲线并插值 x 值。
Fit a standard curve and interpolate x values.
- 关键词:曲线、标准、打开、台阶、样本
- Keywords: curve, standard, open, step, sample
455 - Stats Advisor
Help to determine the appropriate statistical test/tool/App.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序的目的是帮助您选择最适合您的数据的统计工具,包括测试,图表和应用程序。
- Propose: The purpose of this app is to help you pick the most appropriate statistical tool that is best suited for your data, including the tests, the graphs, and the Apps.
- 关键词:特写、选择、可以、专栏、打开
- Keywords: feature, select, could, column, open
932 - Steel Dwass Test
Perform Steel Dwass test.
- 关键词:专栏、打开、多个、小组、放下
- Keywords: column, open, multiple, group, drop
673 - Structural Equation Modeling
Perform structural equation modeling optimization.
- 关键词:描述、对话、输入、定义、盒子
- Keywords: description, dialog, input, definition, box
668 - Tangential Baseline
为 DSC 数据创建切线基线。
Create tangential baseline for DSC data.
- 关键词:基线、线性的、顶峰、片段、曲线
- Keywords: baseline, linear, peak, segments, curve
1012 - Tolerance Intervals
Calculate tolerance intervals for data from normal or non-normal distribution.
- 应用目标:此应用程序可用于确定量程,量程规定了正态分布或非正态分布数据的过程测量值的预期下降比例。
- Propose: This app can be used to determine the range, and this range specifies the proportion of the process measurements expected to fall for the data with normal or non-normal distribution.
- 关键词:确定、范围、比例、过程测量、分配
- Keywords: determine, range, proportion, process measurements, distribution
393 - Equation Solver
Solve a system of nonlinear equations with varying parameters. Examine how the parameters will affect the solutions.
- 关键词:方程式、变量、价值观、准备好了、独立
- Keywords: equations, variables, values, set, independent
222 - ODE Solver
Solve an ordinary differential equation or a system of first order differential equations.
- 关键词:对话、帮助、打开、Adams、Opx
- Keywords: dialog, help, open, adams, opx
592 - Optimization Solver
Find solutions that minimize or maximize a function defined in a worksheet’s cell.
- 关键词:功能、工作表、上校、很合适、曲线
- Keywords: function, worksheet, col, fitting, curve
563 - Canonical Correlation Analysis
Calculate correlation between two multidimensional variables.
- 应用目标:该应用程序用于测量两个多维变量之间的相关性。它通过寻找一组线性系数将它们转换成两个正则变量的组合。选择系数是为了使两个正则变量组合之间的相关性最大化。规范变量的数目等于两个源变量的较小维数。
- Propose: This App is used to measure the correlation between two multidimensional variables. It transforms them into two combinations of canonical variates by finding a set of linear coefficients. The coefficients are chosen so that they maximize the correlation between the two combinations of canonical variates. The number of canonical variates equals the smaller dimension of the two source variables.
- 关键词:二、规范、变量、选择、组合
- Keywords: two, canonical, variates, select, combinations
422 - Factor Analysis
Use a small number of latent variables to explain variability among many observed variables.
- 关键词:方法、输入、号码、选吧、阴谋
- Keywords: methods, input, number, choose, plot
457 - Independent Component Analysis
Separate mixed signals into sub-components.
- 关键词:下载、选择、选吧、选定、安装
- Keywords: download, select, choose, selected, installing
328 - Principal Component Analysis
An enhanced version of Principal Component Analysis tool.
- 关键词:阴谋和阴谋、得分、阴谋、组件、标准化
- Keywords: plotandbiplot, inscore, plot, component, standardize
976 - Sparse Principal Components Analysis
Find sparse principal components for optimally reconstructing data.
- 关键词:NBSpand、nbspbiplot、阴谋、这是什么、变了
- Keywords: nbspand, nbspbiplot, plot, nbspplot, nbsptransformed
617 - ANOVA from Summary Data
执行 N,均值和标准差的方差分析。
Perform ANOVA from N, mean and SD.
- 应用目标:此应用程式根据摘要数据(包括样本大小、平均数及标准差)进行方差分析。它目前支持单向 ANOVA (非重复测量)。
- Propose: This App performs ANOVA from summary data including sample size, mean and standard deviation. It currently supports one-way ANOVA (not repeated measures).
- 关键词:样本、Anova、摘要、项目、上
- Keywords: sample, anova, summary, project, onto
902 - Effect Size for ANOVA
根据 ANOVA 结果计算效应大小。
Calculate effect size from ANOVA results.
- 关键词:效果、你好、平方、错误、欧米茄
- Keywords: effect, ss_, squared, error, omega
602 - MANOVA
Perform multivariate analysis of variance.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序执行单向和双向方差多变量分析(MANOVA)。
- Propose: This App performs one-way and two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
- 关键词:方式、矩阵、选吧、二、Sscp
- Keywords: way, matrix, choose, two, sscp
665 - Welch ANOVA
Perform one-way Welch’s ANOVA.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来执行韦尔奇的单因素方差分析和游戏-豪厄尔配对比较。
- Propose: This App can be used to perform one-way Welch’s ANOVA and Games-Howell pairwise comparisons.
- 关键词:样本、上、拖、Anova、两人一组
- Keywords: sample, onto, drag, anova, pairwise
579 - Bayesian Ridge Regression
用 Python 执行贝叶斯岭回归。
Perform bayesian ridge regression with Python.
- 应用目标:该应用程序为贝叶斯岭回归模型的数据拟合提供了一个工具。它适合一个有一个因变量和多个自变量的数据集。您可以进一步使用它来预测自变量的响应。
- Propose: This App provides a tool for fitting data with Bayesian Ridge Regression model. It fits a dataset with one dependent variable and multiple independent variables. You can further use it to predict response of independent variables.
- 关键词:参数、分配、首字母缩写、Γ、副院长
- Keywords: parameter, distribution, initial, gamma, prior
336 - General Linear Regression
Perform regression to study the relationship between a response variable and categorical or continuous independent variables.
- 关键词:阴谋、残余物、绝对的、变量、刻薄
- Keywords: plot, residual, categorical, variables, mean
1004 - Generalized Additive Model
Fit a generalized linear model with spline functions of predictor variables.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来拟合线性组合的预测变量样条函数的广义线性模式。使用恒等式链接函数,可以选择几种响应分布(正态分布、二项分布、泊松分布、伽马分布和逆高斯分布)。
- Propose: This App can be used to fit a generalized linear model with spline functions of predictor variables in linear combinations. An identity link function is used, and several distributions can be selected for response (normal, binomial, poisson, gamma, and inverse gaussian distributions).
- 关键词:选择、用过、线性的、功能、受供养人
- Keywords: select, used, linear, functions, dependent
956 - Generalized Linear Mixed Model
Fit a generalized linear model with fixed effects and random effects.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来拟合一个广义线性混合模型,它将线性混合效应模型 扩展到非正常数据。
- Propose: This App can be used to fit a generalized linear mixed model, which extends Linear Mixed Effects Model to non-normal data.
- 关键词:选择、对话、影响、变量、好坏参半
- Keywords: select, dialog, effects, variables, mixed
567 - Linear Mixed Effects Model
Fit a linear model with fixed effects and random effects.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来拟合一个线性模型的数据收集在组。混合效应模型由固定效应和随机效应组成。固定效应是传统的线性回归。随机效应的线性系数随一个或多个分组变量而变化。
- Propose: This App can be used to fit a linear model for data collected in groups. A mixed effects model consists of fixed effects and random effects. Fixed effects are conventional linear regression. Random effects have linear coefficients that vary with respect to one or more grouping variables.
- 关键词:影响、变量、选择、主题、线性的
- Keywords: effects, variables, select, subject, linear
995 - Poisson Regression
用 Python 表演泊松回归。
Perform poisson regression with Python.
- 应用目标:这个应用程式提供了一个工具,以拟合数据与泊松回归模型。它适合一个有一个因变量和多个自变量的数据集。您可以进一步使用它来预测自变量的响应。
- Propose: This App provides a tool for fitting data with Poisson Regression model. It fits a dataset with one dependent variable and multiple independent variables. You can further use it to predict the response of independent variables.
- 关键词:独立、工作表、迭代、受供养人、预测
- Keywords: independent, worksheet, iterations, dependent, predict
512 - Quantile Regression
Explore the relation between continuous or categorical independent variables and specified quantiles of a dependent variable.
- 关键词:陶、分位数、变量、独立、是的
- Keywords: tau, quantile, variables, independent, y_i
549 - Video Data Explorer
Explore video and related measurement data.
- 关键词:事件、相框、视频、目前、阴谋
- Keywords: event, frame, video, current, plot
461 - Bubble Image Area
使用 Hough 圆圈查找图像中的气泡区域。
Find bubble area in an image using Hough circle.
- 关键词:转圈、形象、半径、圆圈、准备好了
- Keywords: circle, image, radius, circles, set
942 - Gaussian Filter in Surface Metrology
Use Gaussian filter to calculate surface roughness.
- 关键词:过滤器、圆周率、Lambda _ c、表面、对
- Keywords: filter, pi, lambda_c, surface, right
320 - Image Stack Profile
Import a stack of images and generate horizontal and vertical profiles
- 关键词:侧写、影像、形象、纽扣、栈
- Keywords: profile, images, image, button, stack
580 - Set Image Scale
Set scale for image.
- 关键词:规模、形象、酒吧、距离、已知
- Keywords: scale, image, bar, distance, known
663 - Surface Roughness Parameters
Filter surface profile and calculate surface roughness parameters.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来滤波表面轮廓与高斯滤波器和计算粗糙度参数。
- Propose: This App can be used to filter surface profile with a gaussian filter and calculate roughness parameters.
- 关键词:侧写、切断、长度、过滤器、粗暴
- Keywords: profile, cutoff, length, filter, roughness
675 - Advanced Time Series Analysis
Perform advanced time series analysis including stationarity test, Granger causality test and prewhitening etc.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序可以用来分析时间序列数据使用平稳性测试,格兰杰因果关系和预白化等。
- Propose: This App can be used to analyze time series data using stationarity test, Granger causality test and prewhitening etc.
- 关键词:测试、时间、系列、包括、秩序
- Keywords: test, time, series, include, order
231 - Allan Variance
在给定 tau 值下计算时间序列的 Allan 方差。
Compute Allan variance for time series at given tau values.
- 关键词:Allan、偏差、陶、很大、价值观
- Keywords: allan, deviation, tau, big, values
439 - Dynamic Time Warping
Calculate dynamic time warping of two series of values.
- 关键词:设置窗口、矩阵、窗户、扭曲、必须的
- Keywords: setwindow, matrix, window, warping, must
1019 - Extract Ridge from Spectrogram
Extract the maximum time-frequency ridge from the time-frequency spectrogram.
- 应用目标:该程序可用于从时频频谱图中提取最大时频脊。它能计算出每个时间段内功率最大的频率。
- Propose: This app can be used to extract the maximum time-frequency ridge from the time-frequency spectrogram. It calculates the frequency which has the largest power for each time.
- 关键词:时频脊、频谱图、频率、功率
- Keywords: time-frequency ridge, spectrogram, frequency, power
332 - Simple Time Series Analysis
Perform simple time series analysis including autocorrelation, cross correlation, differencing, and single exponential smoothing.
- 关键词:时间、系列、床单、结果、检查完毕
- Keywords: time, series, sheet, results, check
1016 - Time Series Analysis
Tools to analyze and forecast data recorded at consistent intervals over a period of time.
- 应用目标:时间序列分析是一种统计技术,用于分析和解释在一段时间内以一致的时间间隔记录的数据点。该应用程序提供了调查和模拟时间序列数据的工具。这些模型可用于预测时间序列。
- Propose: Time series analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze and interpret data points recorded at consistent intervals over a period of time. This App provides tools for investigating and modelling time series data. The models may then be used to forecast the series.
- 关键词:时序分析、统计技术、分析、解释、数据点
- Keywords: timeseries analysis, statistical technique, analyze, interpret, data points
298 - Time-Frequency Analysis
Compute one-dimensional CWT coefficients and scalogram, and create a time-frequency contour plot.
- 关键词:矩阵、频率、阴谋、时间、分析
- Keywords: matrix, frequency, plot, time, analysis
1017 - Time-Temperature Superposition
使用 Python 进行时间-温度叠加分析。
Perform time-temperature superposition analysis using Python.
- 应用目标:该应用程序提供了一个进行时间-温度叠加分析的工具。它有助于计算偏移因子并生成主曲线。
- Propose: This App provides a tool for performing time-temperature superposition analysis. It helps to calculate the shift factor and generate the master curve.
- 关键词:计算、移动因子、生成、主曲线、嵌入式 Python
- Keywords: calculate, shift factor, generate, master curve, embedded Python
497 - 2D Correlation Spectroscopy Analysis
Calculate synchronous and asynchronous correlation spectra.
- 关键词:光谱、充满活力、相关性、扰动、缩放
- Keywords: spectra, dynamic, correlation, perturbation, scaling
466 - Correlation Shift
Align signals with cross correlation.
- 关键词:数据集、相关性、专栏、取样、新的
- Keywords: dataset, correlation, column, sampling, new
226 - Curvature Radius
Calculate the radius of curvature of a data plot.
- 关键词:半径、曲率、对话、激活、打开
- Keywords: radius, curvature, dialog, active, open
420 - EMG Toolbar
EMG and related signals analysis.
- 关键词:电子邮件、工具栏、分析、数据集、信号
- Keywords: emg, toolbar, analysis, datasets, signal
494 - Elastic Response Spectra
Generate elastic response spectra from accelerogram.
- 关键词:光谱、贝塔、输入、Newmark、画廊
- Keywords: spectra, beta, input, newmark, gallery
309 - Fourier Self-Deconvolution
Perform Fourier self-deconvolution of a spectrum.
- 关键词:频谱、解卷、必须的、顶峰、画廊
- Keywords: spectrum, deconvolved, must, peak, gallery
456 - Inverse Laplace Transform in NMR
使用正规化的拉普拉斯逆变换恢复核磁共振中的 t2或 ln (T2)分布。
Use regularized inverse Laplace transform to recover the distribution of T2 or ln(T2) in NMR.
- 关键词:T2、结果、变形、拉普拉斯、分配
- Keywords: t2, result, transform, laplace, distribution
225 - Level Crossing
在数据图中感兴趣的区域上找到指定 Y 值处的 X 值。
Find X values at a specified Y value over a region of interest in a data plot.
- 关键词:对话、水平、阴谋、过马路、帮助
- Keywords: dialog, level, plots, crossing, help
569 - Modified Short-Time Fourier Transform
Perform short-time Fourier transform with the window size fixed in the frequency domain.
- 关键词:号码、间隔、取样、具体说明、频率
- Keywords: number, interval, sampling, specify, frequency
295 - Monte Carlo Simulation
Simulate your process by supplying a transform equation and distribution parameters for input variables.
- 关键词:具体说明、图表、敏感、限制、SD
- Keywords: specify, graph, sensitivity, limits, sd
367 - Peak Resolution Enhancement
Enhance resolution of poorly resolved peaks
- 关键词:信号、衍生品、第二名、四年级、山峰
- Keywords: signal, derivative, 2nd, 4th, peaks
1006 - Power Spectral Density
Estimate power spectral density using periodogram and Welch methods.
- 关键词:力量、长度、密度、我去、幽灵
- Keywords: power, length, density, fft, spectral
451 - Pulse Integration
Perform integration on the pulse data to calculate the area of pulses.
- 关键词:山峰、号码、可以选择、新的、脉搏
- Keywords: peaks, number, optionally, new, pulse
979 - Rainflow Counting
Perform rainflow cycle counting algorythm for fatigue analysis.
- 应用目标:本程序可用于 ASTM E1049-85雨量循环计数算法的疲劳分析。
- Propose: This App can be used to perform the ASTM E1049-85 rainflow cycle counting algorythm for fatigue analysis.
- 关键词:周期、射程、项目、样本、号码
- Keywords: cycle, range, project, sample, number
1013 - Signal to Noise Ratio
Calculate signal to noise ratio.
- 应用目标:该应用程序可用于计算信噪比。
- Propose: This app can be used to calcuate the signal to noise rate.
- 关键词:信噪比
- Keywords: noise rate
399 - Spectral Broadening
Apply a filter to broaden spectra.
- 关键词:过滤器、功能、频率、价值、一半
- Keywords: filter, function, frequency, value, half
676 - Spike Train Analysis
Analyze spike trains including peristimulus time histogram analysis and interspike interval histogram analysis.
- 关键词:Spike、钉子、垃圾箱、直方图、计数
- Keywords: spike, spikes, bin, histogram, count
557 - Synchronize Signals
Synchronize signals using specified sampling frequency.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序有助于同步信号记录不同的采样率使用用户指定的采样频率。
- Propose: This app helps to synchronize signals recorded with different sampling rates using a user-specified sampling frequency.
- 关键词:取样、信号、频率、信号、原创的
- Keywords: sampling, signal, frequency, signals, original
323 - White Noise
Generate Gaussian white noise for signal data.
- 关键词:噪音、应用程序、画廊、窗户、价值
- Keywords: noise, apps, gallery, window, value
878 - Zoom FFT
放大 FFT,分析一部分高分辨率的频谱。
Zoom FFT, analyze a portion of a spectrum at high resolution.
- 关键词:频率、过滤器、时间、射程、放大
- Keywords: frequency, filter, time, range, zoom
Origin 工具
359 - Gadget Replicator
Programmatically slide gadget and generate output.
- 关键词:小玩意儿、国王、设定、图表、产生
- Keywords: gadget, roi, settings, graph, generate
413 - Operations Manager
View and manage a list of operations (analyses, etc) in the current project.
- 应用目标:这个应用程序的目的是允许您管理操作(分析等,但不设置列值)在当前的项目,包括查看有关他们的信息,激活他们的输入和输出,并执行各种类型的更新他们。此外,操作表可以按列值排序,并按任意文本项进行筛选。
- Propose: The purpose of this App is to allow you to manage operations (analyses etc, but not Set Column Values) in the current project including viewing information about them, activating their inputs and outputs, and performing various types of updates to them. In addition, the table of operations can be sorted by column values and filtered by arbitrary text terms.
- 关键词:行动、项目、纽扣、行动、选定
- Keywords: operations, project, button, operation, selected
462 - Design of Experiments
DOE: 设计一个实验,根据实验数据拟合一个模型,并找到最佳的因子设置来优化响应。
DOE: Design an experiment, fit a model to experimental data, and find best factor settings that optimize responses.
- 应用目标:这个 DOE 应用程序可以帮助您确定影响流程的因素与该流程的输出之间的关系。你可以用它来设计一个实验,分析实验数据和优化输出。
- Propose: This DOE app helps you determine the relationship between factors affecting a process and the output of that process.
You can use it to design an experiment, analyze experimental data and optimize output. - 关键词:设计、样本、对话、回应、因素
- Keywords: design, sample, dialog, response, factors