Origin 中文插件列表 - 绘图(77 个)


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2D 专业图表

365 - 2D Confidence Ellipse

Add confidence ellipse to 2D scatter plot

  • 关键词:椭圆、图表、自信、轴、2D
  • Keywords: ellipse, graph, confidence, axis, 2d

434 - 2D Smoother

执行 XY 数据图的平滑
Perform smoothing of XY data plots

  • 关键词:左边、对、进去、阴谋、合身
  • Keywords: left, right, ln, plots, fit

936 - Abbott-Firestone Curve

创建雅培-费尔斯通曲线并计算 Rk 系列值。
Create Abbott-Firestone curve and calculate Rk family values.

  • 关键词:面积、曲线、粗暴、二、三角形
  • Keywords: area, curve, roughness, two, triangle

402 - Andrews Plot

Create Andrews Plot

  • 关键词:输入、变形、变量、得分、小组
  • Keywords: input, transform, variables, scores, group

446 - Chromaticity Diagram

支持 PL 数据和 L * a * b * 数据的色度图模板。
Chromaticity diagram template with support for PL data and Lab* data.

  • 关键词:Lambda、酒吧、Cie、图表、图解
  • Keywords: lambda, bar, cie, graph, diagram

666 - Color Spectrum Plot

Create a spectrum plot with filled colors defined by wavelength data (nm).

  • 关键词:频谱、波长、价值观、RGB、某某
  • Keywords: spectrum, wavelength, values, rgb, xyz

506 - Concave Hull

创建 2D 凹壳
Create 2D concave hull

  • 关键词:xy、结果、输入、图表、准备好了
  • Keywords: xy, result, input, graph, set

574 - Correlation Plot

在图中显示包含 P 值的相关系数矩阵。
Display the correlation coefficient matrix including its P-value in a graph.

  • 关键词:图表、三角形、柱子、价值、矩阵
  • Keywords: graph, triangular, columns, value, matrix

558 - Double X Plot

通过从预定义模板列表中进行选择,快速创建双 X 轴图形。
Quickly create Double X Axis graphs by selecting from a list of predefined templates.

  • 关键词:对、轴、窗户、应用程序、类型检测
  • Keywords: vs, axis, window, apps, type

362 - Forest Plot

Create Forest Plot

  • 关键词:体重、可以选择、出现、比率、打开
  • Keywords: weight, optional, appear, ratio, open

919 - Gardner-Altman Plot

使用原始数据或索引数据创建 Gardner-Altman 图,以比较平均差异。
Create Gardner–Altman plot with raw or indexed data to compare mean difference.

  • 关键词:帽子、二、_0、水平、阿尔法
  • Keywords: hat, two, _0, levels, alpha

890 - Hansen Solubility Parameter Plot

用 Hansen 溶解度参数绘制溶质球和溶剂坐标。
Plot solute sphere and solvent coordinates using Hansen solubility parameters.

  • 关键词:三角洲、溶剂、Hansen、样本、溶质
  • Keywords: delta_, solvent, hansen, sample, solute

223 - Heat Map with Dendrogram

沿着列和行执行分层数据聚类,并用树状图(PRO Only)绘制热图
Perform hierarchical cluster analysis along columns and rows, and plot heat map with dendrogram (PRO Only)

  • 关键词:对话、分析、等级森严、工具、打开
  • Keywords: dialog, analysis, hierarchical, tool, open

495 - Isosurface Plot

Create isosurface from regular volume data.

  • 关键词:预览、床单、图表、补丁、等表面
  • Keywords: preview, sheet, graph, patches, isosurface

408 - Kernel Density Plot

Create kernel density plot for Cartesian, Polar, or Ternary data.

  • 关键词:密度、三元、极地、阴谋、内核
  • Keywords: density, ternary, polar, plot, kernel

324 - Manhattan Plot for GWAS

为 GWAS (全基因组关联研究)创建曼哈顿图。
Create Manhattan Plot for GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Studies).

  • 关键词:台词、颜色、别说了、价值、具体说明
  • Keywords: line, color, snp, value, specify

240 - Maps Online

从 WMS 服务器获取地图图像,并将其作为背景图像放在图形中。
Fetch map image from a WMS server and place as background image in a graph.

  • 关键词:地图、图表、来源、激活、窗户
  • Keywords: map, graph, source, active, window

327 - Means Plot

为分组数据创建2D 均值-错误图。
Create 2D means-with-error plot for grouped data.

  • 关键词:小组、水平、根据、工具、一
  • Keywords: group, levels, according, tool, one

390 - Paired Comparison Plot

Create plots with significant differences for pairwise comparison

  • 关键词:小组、Anova、选吧、一、阴谋
  • Keywords: group, anova, choose, one, plot

449 - Phylogenetic Tree

Plot phylogenetic tree, swap subtrees and reroot tree from a node.

  • 关键词:上、样本、对、画廊、拯救
  • Keywords: onto, sample, right, gallery, save

543 - Piper Diagram

Make piper diagram using specified ions dataset.

  • 关键词:纽扣、专栏、离子、准备好了、工作表
  • Keywords: button, column, ion, set, worksheets

450 - Plot Dialog Filter

筛选出现在各种情节相关对话框中的选定工作表,排除它们(通过 wks.epd 属性)。
Filter selected sheets from appearing in various plot-related dialogs by excluding them (via wks.epd property).

  • 关键词:床单、梅、号码、对话、床单
  • Keywords: sheets, may, number, dialogs, sheet

228 - Plot Sub Matrix

Interactively examine selected sub range of a matrix as a 3D surface, contour or image plot.

  • 关键词:国王、矩阵、阴谋、潜艇、形象
  • Keywords: roi, matrix, plot, sub, image

404 - Poincare Plot

创建带有置信椭圆的 Poincaré 图
Create Poincaré plot with a confidence ellipse

  • 应用目标:该应用程序可用于根据指定的阿尔法值创建带有置信椭圆的 Poincare 图。
  • Propose: This app can be used to create a Poincare plot with a confidence ellipse from a specified alpha value.
  • 关键词:庞加莱图、置信椭圆、α值
  • Keywords: Poincare Plot, Confidence Ellipse, Alpha Value

314 - Polar Contour Profile

Compute profile for polar contour plot.

  • 关键词:侧写、台词、方向、放射状、纽扣
  • Keywords: profile, line, direction, radial, button

612 - Polar Heatmap with Dendrogram

Perform hierarchical cluster analysis along columns and rows, and plot polar heatmap with circular dendrogram.

  • 关键词:树状图、热图、放射状、圆形的、用过
  • Keywords: dendrogram, heatmap, radial, circular, used

284 - Polyline Profiles

Generate straight, polyline or freehand line profiles from image or contour plots.

  • 关键词:台词、对象、阴谋、侧写、形象
  • Keywords: line, object, plot, profile, image

605 - Rectangle and Ellipse Profile

Get profiling data for rectangle and ellipse.

  • 关键词:点、侧写、长方形、椭圆、规模
  • Keywords: point, profile, rectangle, ellipse, scale

316 - Soil and Rocks Classification Diagrams

Provide ternary plot templates for soils and rocks.

  • 关键词:选择、模板、新的、分类、Le
  • Keywords: select, template, new, classification, le

588 - Taylor Diagram

Create taylor diagram for facilitating the comparative assessment of different models.

  • 关键词:标签、参考文献、具体说明、专栏、系数
  • Keywords: labels, reference, specify, column, coefficient

672 - Ternary Contour Profile

Perform profiling on ternary contour plot.

  • 关键词:侧写、台词、侧写、目前、纽扣
  • Keywords: profile, line, profiling, current, button

678 - Torsional Angle Wheel Plot

Create torsional angle wheel plot.

  • 关键词:角度、放射状、应用程序、间隔、小组
  • Keywords: angles, radial, theapps, interval, group

303 - Treemap Plot

Create treemap plot with custom order and coloring.

  • 关键词:树木地图、阴谋、柱子、尺寸、具体说明
  • Keywords: treemap, plot, columns, size, specify

425 - Venn Diagram

Create Venn Diagram

  • 关键词:出现、号码、设置、真的、人际关系
  • Keywords: appear, number, sets, actual, relationships

296 - Volcano Plot

创建褶皱变化和 p 值数据的火山图。
Create volcano plot for fold change and p-value data.

  • 关键词:改变、弃牌、阴谋、切断、价值
  • Keywords: change, fold, plot, cutoff, value

416 - Voronoi Diagram

Voronoi 图。
Voronoi diagram.

  • 关键词:Xy、图解、地区、2D、详情
  • Keywords: xy, diagram, region, 2d, details

471 - Word Cloud

Generate the word cloud image from the provided data

  • 关键词:字、云、形象、预览、面板
  • Keywords: word, cloud, image, preview, panel

554 - X-Ray Diffraction Analysis

这个应用程序可以帮助做简单的 X 射线衍射分析在 Origin 。
This app can help to do simple X-Ray diffraction analysis in Origin.

  • 关键词:参考文献、模式、拯救、资料库、加
  • Keywords: reference, patterns, save, database, add

998 - Youden Plot

Help to create Youden Plot

  • 关键词:实验室、具体说明、阴谋、尤登、可变性
  • Keywords: laboratory, specify, plot, youden, variability

3D 专业图表

229 - 3D Antenna Radiation Pattern

Help to prepare data and plot 3D antenna radiation pattern.

  • 关键词:回应、矩阵、专栏、方位角、价值
  • Keywords: response, matrix, column, azimuth, value

280 - 3D Confidence Ellipsoid

绘制三维散点数据的三维置信椭球(仅 PRO)。
Plot 3D confidence ellipsoid for 3D scatter data (PRO Only).

  • 关键词:阴谋、椭球体、散开、自信、图表
  • Keywords: plot, ellipsoid, scatter, confidence, graph

590 - 3D Polar Strain Map

Create 3D polar strain map plot.

  • 关键词:紧张、极地、深度、应用程序、角度
  • Keywords: strain, polar, depth, theapps, angle

322 - 3D Stacked Histograms

创建具有分布曲线的3D 堆叠直方图。
Create 3D stacked histograms with distribution curves.

  • 关键词:分配、曲线、直方图、堆积如山、定制
  • Keywords: distribution, curve, histograms, stacked, customize

340 - 3D Surfaces Intersection

Extract the intersection points of two 3d surface plots.

  • 关键词:阴谋、价值观、第一、矩阵、Xy
  • Keywords: plot, values, first, matrix, xy

318 - 3D Wall Profile

从三维表面图创建 XZ 和 YZ 墙壁轮廓
Create XZ and YZ wall profiles from 3D surface plots

  • 关键词:侧写、3D、墙、表面、侧写师
  • Keywords: profile, the3d, wall, surface, profileicon

507 - 3D Wind Rose

创建一个3D 风玫瑰图形。
Create a 3D Wind Rose graph.

  • 关键词:风、方向、具体说明、方向、目的
  • Keywords: wind, direction, specify, directions, purpose

614 - Cube Plot

Draw cubes with the specified color and transparency.

  • 关键词:图表、立方体、对话、颜色、脸
  • Keywords: graph, cube, dialog, color, face

301 - Z Profiler

从三维表面图创建特定 Z 值的 XY 数据。
Create XY data at specific Z values from 3D surface plots.

  • 关键词:图表、柱子、被创造出来、矩阵、虚拟的
  • Keywords: graph, columns, created, matrix, virtual


465 - Chebyshev Polynomial Fit

Determine the coefficients of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.

  • 关键词:酒吧、我不知道、我不知道、阴谋、多项式
  • Keywords: bar, t_, a_, plots, polynomial

334 - Colormap for Map Data

从 Import Shapefile App 中重新排序数据,然后创建色彩映射图。
Reorder the data from Import Shapefile App, and then create colormap map plot.

  • 关键词:地图、专栏、价值观、Shapefile、工作表
  • Keywords: map, column, values, shapefile, worksheet

398 - Data Highlighter

将颜色设置为散点图、线条图或线条 + 符号图的特定区域。
Set color to a specific regions of a scatter plot, line plot or line+symbol plot.

  • 关键词:阴谋、颜色、台词、地区、窗户
  • Keywords: plot, color, line, region, window

464 - Density Filter

Use color scale slider to filter data from 2D kernel density contour plot.

  • 关键词:轮廓、密度、价值观、滑球、对话
  • Keywords: contour, density, values, slider, dialog

555 - Extract Graph Data

Extract or export data plotted in the graph.

  • 关键词:提取物、来源、具体说明、图表、是否
  • Keywords: extract, source, specify, graph, whether

945 - Extract XY Data from Graph

从当前图中的所有曲线中提取包括元数据在内的 XY 数据。
Extract XY data including meta data from all curves in the current graph.

  • 关键词:图表、提取物、Xy、看得见、目前
  • Keywords: graph, extract, xy, visible, current

412 - FFT Examiner

检查信号的 FFT 频谱。
Examine FFT spectra of signals.

  • 关键词:分层、方法、窗户、准备好了、力量
  • Keywords: layer, method, window, set, power

483 - Increment List Manager

Manage increment lists and selectively apply them to any and all graphs in your project file. Customize lists and save them for future use.

  • 关键词:增量、清单、名单、系统、激活
  • Keywords: increment, lists, list, system, active

538 - Marginal Abatement Cost Curve

Create marginal abatement cost curve.

  • 关键词:减少、工作表、柱子、曲线、放下
  • Keywords: abatement, worksheet, columns, curve, drop

407 - Outlier Detector

Mark outliers on graphs or worksheet columns

  • 关键词:专栏、申请、水平、价值观、准备好了
  • Keywords: column, apply, level, values, set

239 - Simple Fit

A simplified tool to perform curve fitting.

  • 关键词:功能、很合适、一、盒子、表演
  • Keywords: function, fitting, one, box, perform

934 - Statistical Process Control

Statistical process control (SPC) or statistical quality control (SQC) is the application of statistical techniques to measure, monitor and control the quality of a process.

  • 关键词:程序、控制、质素、对话、工具
  • Keywords: process, control, quality, dialog, tools

227 - Tangent

Draw a tangent line at selected point of a data plot.

  • 关键词:台词、切线、对话、点、打开
  • Keywords: line, tangent, dialog, point, open


664 - Animate Plots in Layer

Animate or browse plots in a graph layer.

  • 关键词:阴谋、表面、分层、动画、相框
  • Keywords: plots, surface, layer, animation, frame

470 - Batch Plotting

Create graphs using existing graph, cloneable template or from existing sheet.

  • 关键词:使用、图表、存在、图表、清单
  • Keywords: using, graphs, existing, graph, lists

345 - Cloneable Template Plotter

Create graphs using multiple Cloneable Templates that match your worksheet.

  • 关键词:模板、选择、工作表、名单、可克隆的
  • Keywords: templates, select, worksheet, list, cloneable

432 - Font Changer

Batch modify fonts in a graph.

  • 关键词:尺寸、字体、准备好了、对话、图表
  • Keywords: size, font, set, dialog, graph

482 - Graph Anim

动画图形与许多不同的效果,并导出为动画 GIF 或 MP4
Animate graphs with many different effects and export as animated GIF or MP4

  • 关键词:Gif、充满活力、动画、数据图、差不多
  • Keywords: gif, animated, animation, dataplot, close

638 - Graph Annotator

在带标记和标签的图表上添加 XY 点
Add XY points on a graph with a marker and label

  • 关键词:图表、画廊窗户、应用程序、对话、分数
  • Keywords: graph, gallerywindow, theapps, dialog, points

445 - Graph Maker

Create graph with grouped data interactively by drag-and-drop.

  • 关键词:柱子、放下、图表、很合适、拖
  • Keywords: columns, drop, graph, fitting, drag

374 - Send Graphs to PowerPoint

将图形作为图片或嵌入对象发送到 PowerPoint。
Send graphs to PowerPoint as picture or embedded object.

  • 关键词:图表、图表、名单、幻灯片、幻灯片
  • Keywords: graphs, graph, list, slide, powerpoint

238 - Send Graphs to Word

将选定的 Origin 图表发送到 Microsoft Word。
Send selected Origin graphs to Microsoft Word.

  • 关键词:字、图表、文件、打开了、纸条
  • Keywords: word, graphs, document, opened, note

310 - Zoomed Inset

Add an inset plot by interactively zooming into a plot.

  • 关键词:分层、插图、国王、图表、阴谋
  • Keywords: layer, inset, roi, graph, plot

572 - Zoomed Inset Plus

Zoom graph in inset layer.

  • 关键词:分层、长方形、插图、颜色、表演
  • Keywords: layer, rectangle, inset, color, show


564 - Batalyse

Batalyse-Data Analysis 是独立于测试装置和文件结构的电池和燃料电池测量数据的通用评估程序。使用数据分析,您可以比以前更快更好地评估测量数据!
Batalyse - Data Analysis is a universal evaluation program for measurement data of batteries and fuel cells independent of the test device and file structure. With Data Analysis you evaluate measured data faster and better than ever before!

  • 关键词:Batalyse、测试、分析、图表、测量
  • Keywords: batalyse, test, analysis, diagrams, measurement

611 - Common Bar Width

Help to share bar width and gap in different graphs.

  • 关键词:图表、酒吧、间隙、纽扣、选择
  • Keywords: graph, bar, gap, button, select

221 - LaTeX

在工作表单元格、图轴标题、图例和文本标签中插入 LaTeX 对象。
Insert LaTeX objects in worksheet cells, graph axes titles, legends and text labels.

  • 关键词:乳胶、版本、图表、Miktex、博客
  • Keywords: latex, version, graph, miktex, blog

263 - Layer Stack Manager

Insert a layer before or after the active layer, or delete the active layer or selected layers in a stacked graph.

  • 关键词:分层、图表、堆积如山、纽扣、选定
  • Keywords: layer, graph, stacked, button, selected

476 - Theme Preview

Preview and apply graph themes.

  • 关键词:主题、纽扣、图表、主题、应用
  • Keywords: theme, button, graph, themes, applied