XDF-百日行动派(Day 51 - Day 100)
《100 Words Almost Everyone Mixes》
Day 51 (2019.04.20 23:42 - 23:59, Pomo Time * ) ✅
1. adherence
- noun
- The process or condition of adhering.: 粘附,附着
- Faithful attachment; devotion: 坚持,坚信:忠诚的情感(faithful attachment);忠实
- “rigid adherence to . . . the teachings of a single man” (Janet Reitman).
2. adhesion
- noun
- The process or condition of sticking or staying attached to a surface.: 粘附:粘附的动作或状态
- The physical attraction or joining of two substances, especially the macroscopically observable attraction of dissimilar substances.: 附着力,粘附力:两种物质的物理吸引或相连,特指通过肉眼可观察到的(macroscopically observable)不同物质的吸引力
- A fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures.: 粘连:连接通常分离的解剖结构(anatomical structures)的疤痕组织纤维带(fibrous band)
Day 52 (2019.04.21 23:00 - 23:20, Pomo Time * 1)
3. adopted
- adjective
- Having taken on the legal responsibilities as a parent of a child that is not one’s biological child.: 收养的
- Having become the owner or caretaker of a pet, especially one from a shelter.: 领养的
- Being a place that one has moved to or resettled in: one’s adopted country.: 移居的
4. adoptive
- adjective
- Characteristic of or having to do with adoption.: 采用的
- Related by adoption: 收养的;有收养关系的
- “increased honesty and sharing between birth families, adoptive families and adoptees” (Robyn S. Quinter).
- Being a place where one has moved or been accepted as a new resident.: 所选择居住的;移居的
Day 53 (2019.04.22 23:00 - 23:17, Pomo Time * 0)
5. amend
- verb
- To change something for the better; improve: 修改
- We took steps to amend the situation.: 我们采取措施解决这个情况。
- To alter the wording of a legal document, for example, so as to make it more suitable or acceptable.: 修订
- To enrich soil, especially by mixing in organic matter or sand.: 丰富土壤,特别是通过混合有机物或沙子。
- To change something for the better; improve: 修改
6. baleful
- adjective
- Portending evil; ominous: 凶恶的
- The guard’s baleful glare frightened the children.: 警卫的凶恶的目光吓坏了孩子们。
- Harmful or malignant in intent or effect: a baleful influence.: 有害的
- Portending evil; ominous: 凶恶的
Day 54 (2019.04.23 22:40 - 22:50, Pomo Time * 1)
7. baneful
- adjective
- Causing harm, ruin, or death; harmful: the baneful effects of the poison.: 有害的
- Portending harm; ominous: a baneful dream: 苦恼之根;烦扰之源
8. beyond the pale
- idiom
- Utterly unacceptable or unreasonable.: 出格;出圈;越轨;令人不能容忍
Day 55 (2019.04.24 22:41 - 22:52, Pomo Time * 1)
9. cache
- noun
- An amount of goods or valuables, especially when kept in a concealed or hard-to-reach place: 贮存物;隐藏处
- They maintained a cache of food in case of emergencies.: 他们维持食物的储存以防遇到紧急情况。
- The concealed or hard-to-reach place used for storing a cache.: 电脑高速缓冲存储器
- An amount of goods or valuables, especially when kept in a concealed or hard-to-reach place: 贮存物;隐藏处
- verb
- To hide or store something in a cache.: 隐藏
10. cachet
- noun
- a&b
- a. A mark or quality, as of distinction, individuality, or authenticity: 威信
- “Federal courts have a certain cachet which state courts lack” (Christian Science Monitor).: 联邦法院有州法院所缺乏的某种威信*。
- b. Great prestige or appeal: 声望
- a designer label with cachet.: 带有声望的设计师标签
- a. A mark or quality, as of distinction, individuality, or authenticity: 威信
- A seal on a document, such as a letter.: 私人印戳
- a&b
Day 56 (2019.04.25 23:01 - 23:15, Pomo Time * 0)
11. condemn
- verb
- To express strong disapproval of: 谴责
- condemned the needless waste of food.: 谴责对食物不必要的浪费
- To pronounce judgment against; sentence: 宣判;判处(某人刑罚)
- condemned the felons to prison.: 判处重罪犯入狱
- To judge or declare to be unfit for use or consumption, usually by official order: 正式宣布(建筑)不安全
- condemn an old building.: 宣布这座老房子不安全
- To force someone to experience, endure, or do something: 使陷入(不愉快的境地)
- “No art critic likes to be condemned to a steady diet of second-rate stuff” (Ben Ray Redman).
- To express strong disapproval of: 谴责
12. congenital
- adjective
- Of or relating to a condition that is present at birth, as a result of either heredity or environmental influences: 先天的
- a congenital heart defect: 先天性心脏病
- congenital syphilis: 先天性梅毒
- Being or having an essential characteristic as if by nature; inherent or inveterate: 天生的
- “the congenital American optimism that denies conflicts and imagines all stories having happy endings” (Robert J.Samuelson).: 一种天生的否认冲突的美国乐观主义,想象所有的故事都有美好的结局。
- Of or relating to a condition that is present at birth, as a result of either heredity or environmental influences: 先天的
Day 57 (2019.04.26 23:00 - 23:10, Pomo Time * 0)
13. contemn
- verb
- To view with contempt; despise.: 侮辱;蔑视
- 生疏词汇
- contempt - n. 轻视,蔑视;耻辱
- despise - vt. 轻视,鄙视
14. contemptible
- adjective
- Deserving of contempt; despicable.: <正>可轻蔑的;可鄙的;卑劣的
Day 58 (2019.04.27 23:10 - 23:20, Pomo Time * 0)
15. contemptuous
- adjective
- Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful.: 蔑视的;鄙视的;表示轻蔑的
16. delegate
- verb
- To authorize and send another person as one’s representative.: 任命或委派…为代表
- To commit or entrust a task or responsibility to another.: 托付
Day 59 (2019.04.28 20:41 - 21:00, Pomo Time * 1)
17. deprecate
- verb
- To belittle or disparage; depreciate.: 贬低
- To express strong disapproval of; deplore or condemn.: 不赞成,反对
18. depreciate
- verb
- To lessen or diminish in price or value: 贬值,跌价;减价
- An increase in the supply of money depreciated the country’s currency.: 货币供应增加导致国家货币贬值。
- To think or speak of as being of little worth; belittle.: <正>贬低, 蔑视, 轻视
- To lessen or diminish in price or value: 贬值,跌价;减价
Day 60 (2019.04.29 23:10 - 23:25, Pomo Time * 1)
19. distinct
- adjective
- Readily distinguishable from all others; discrete: 完全分开的
- on two distinct occasions.: 两个毫不相干的理由
- Easily perceived by the senses: 明白的, 明显的
- a distinct flavor.: 明显的味道
- Clearly defined; unquestionable: 无疑的
- at a distinct disadvantage.: 在一个毫无疑问的不利条件下
- Readily distinguishable from all others; discrete: 完全分开的
20. distinctive
- adjective
- Serving to identify; distinguishing or characteristic: 有特色的
- the distinctive call of the hermit thrush.
- Distinguished or attractive: 特别的
- The new table gave the room a distinctive appearance.: 新桌子给了房间一个独特的外观。
- Serving to identify; distinguishing or characteristic: 有特色的
Day 61 (2019.04.30 23:10 - 23:20, Pomo Time * 0)
21. emend
- verb
- To improve a text or line of text by critical editing.: 校订,修改
22. energize
- verb
- To give energy to; activate or invigorate.: 给予…精力,能量
- To supply with an electric current.: 使通电
Day 62 (2019.05.01 22:20 - 22:30, Pomo Time * 0)
23. enervate
- verb
- To weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of someone or something.: 使衰弱;使失去活力
24. exceptionable
- adjective
- Open or liable to objection or disapproval.: <正>会引起反感的;可提出异议的
Day 63 (2019.05.02 22:19 - 22:40, Pomo Time * 1)
25. exceptional
- adjective
- Being the exception; uncommon: 例外的
- Our town is exceptional for the region in having a high tax rate.: 我们的城镇在这个高税率的地区是个例外。
- Well above average; extraordinary: 独特的, 异常的
- an exceptional memory.: 独特的记忆里
- Deviating widely from a norm, as of physical or mental ability: 优越的, 杰出的
- special educational provisions for exceptional children.: 给予这些杰书的孩子们优越的教育。
- Being the exception; uncommon: 例外的
26. expedient
- adjective
- Suitable or efficient for accomplishing a purpose: 方便的
- We all thought email was the most expedient way to communicate with our distant relatives.: 我们认为电子邮件是与远房亲戚沟通的最便捷方式。
- Convenient but based on a concern for self-interest rather than principle: 有利的,权宜之计
- My opponent often changes his position when it is politically expedient.: 当政治上有利时,我的对手经常会改变自己的立场。
- Suitable or efficient for accomplishing a purpose: 方便的
- noun
- Something that is a means to an end, especially when based on self-interest: 权宜之计
- I compromise only as an expedient to boost my career.: 我的妥协只是作为权宜之计,以促进我的职业生涯。
- Something contrived or used to meet an urgent need: 应急措施
- They really exhausted every expedient before filing the lawsuit.: 在提起诉讼之前,他们真的用尽了所有应急措施。
- Something that is a means to an end, especially when based on self-interest: 权宜之计
Day 64 (2019.05.03 22:20 - 22:38)
27. expeditious
- adjective
- Acting or done with speed and efficiency.: 迅速而有效率的,迅速完成的
- 例句
- The judge said that arbitration was a fair and expeditious decision-making process.: 法官说仲裁是公平且迅速有效的判决过程。
28. faze
- verb
- To disrupt the composure of someone; disconcert.: 打扰;使狼狈;折磨
- 例句
- She wasn’t fazed by his comments.: 她并没有因他的话而惊慌失措。
Day 65 (2019.05.04 15:05 - 15:30, Pomo Time * 1)
29. flounder
- verb
- To move clumsily or with little progress, as through water or mud.: (常指在水中)挣扎
- To act or function in a confused or directionless manner; struggle: 挣扎;漫无目标
- “Some of the study’s subjects floundered professionally, never quite deciding what they wanted to do” (Steve Olson, Count Down).: 一些研究对象漫无目标,从未决定他们想做什么
30. founder
- verb
- To sink below the surface of the water: 沉没
- The ship struck a reef and foundered.: 这艘船撞上了礁石沉没了。
- To cave in; sink: 垮掉
- The platform swayed and then foundered.: 平台摇摆不定然后倒塌了。
- To fail utterly; collapse: 倒塌
- a marriage that soon foundered.: 婚姻很快结束了。
- To sink below the surface of the water: 沉没
Day 66 (2019.05.05 15:05 - 15:30, Pomo Time * 1)
31. free rein
- noun
- Unlimited freedom to act or make decisions.: 完全的行动自由
32. gambit
- noun
- An opening in chess in which the player risks one or more minor pieces, usually a pawn, in order to gain a favorable position.: 行动,精心策划的一着,布局
- A maneuver, stratagem, or opening remark, especially one intended to bring about a desired result.: 开场白
- 生疏词汇
- maneuver - n. 策略;演习;调遣;机动。vi. 调遣;演习;用计谋;机动。vt. 演习;调遣;用计;机动
- stratagem - n. 诡计,计谋。花招
Day 67 (2019.05.06 23:03 - 23:16)
33. gamut
- noun
- A complete range or extent: 整个范围
- a face that expressed the gamut of emotions, from rage to peaceful contentment.
- A complete range or extent: 整个范围
34. gibe (also) jibe
- verb
- To make taunting, heckling, or jeering remarks.: 嘲笑;愚弄
- noun
- A derisive remark.: 嘲讽话
Day 68 (2019.05.07 22:40 - 22:48)
35. gotten
- verb
- Past participle of get.: get 的过去分词
36. gybe
- verb
- to change direction when sailing with the wind behind you, by swinging the sail from one side of the boat to the other: (顺风时使船帆从一舷转至另一舷以)改变方向,转帆
- noun
- an act of gybing: 船帆从一舷转至另一舷;转帆
Day 69 (2019.05.08 22:40 - 22:55)
37. historic
- adjective
- Having importance in or influence on history.: 具有重大历史意义的
- Historical.: 历史(性)的
38. historical
- adjective
- (书籍、电影或图片)描述历史的,基于史实的
- a. Of or relating to history; concerned with past events
- a historical account.: 历史账单
- b. Based on or set in the past
- a historical novel.: 历史小说
- c. Used in the past or providing evidence of the past
- historical weapons: 历史武器
- historical records: 史料录音
- a. Of or relating to history; concerned with past events
- Important or famous in history.: 历史(上)的
- Concerned with phenomena as they change through time: 有关历史研究的;历史学的
- historical linguistics.: 历史语言
- (书籍、电影或图片)描述历史的,基于史实的
Day 70 (2019.05.09 22:10 - 22:20)
39. hoard
- noun
- A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache.: (钱财、食物或其他珍贵物品的)储藏,积存
- verb
- To gather or accumulate a hoard.: 贮藏;囤积
- To keep hidden or private.: (尤指)秘藏
40. horde
- noun
- A large group or crowd; a swarm: 移动着的一大群
- a horde of mosquitoes.: 一大群蚊子
- a&b
- a. A nomadic Mongol or Turkic tribe.: 一个游牧的蒙古或突厥部落。
- b. A nomadic tribe or group.: 游牧部落
- A large group or crowd; a swarm: 移动着的一大群
Day 71 (2019.05.10 22:30 - 22:40)
41. injustice
- noun
- Violation of another’s rights or of what is right; lack of justice.: 不公平;非正义
- A specific unjust act; a wrong.: 待…不公正;冤枉
42. jibe(gybe)
- verb
- To shift a fore-and-aft sail from one side of a vessel to the other while sailing before the wind so as to sail on the opposite tack.
- noun
- The act of jibing.: 嘲讽;嘲弄;讥讽
Day 72 (2019.05.11 22:30 - 22:40)
43. jibe
- verb
- To be in accord; agree: (数字、陈述或事件)一致,相符,相匹配
- Your figures jibe with mine.: 你的数字与我的一致
- To be in accord; agree: (数字、陈述或事件)一致,相符,相匹配
44. jibe
- noun and verb
- Variant of gibe.: “gibe” 的变体。
Day 73 (2019.05.12 22:30 - 22:40)
45. jive
- noun
- a, b: 摇摆乐;摇摆舞
- a. Jazz or swing music.
- b. The jargon of jazz musicians and enthusiasts.
- Slang Deceptive, nonsensical, or glib talk: 隐语
- “the sexist, locker-room jive of men boasting and bonding” (Trip Gabriel, New York Times).
- a, b: 摇摆乐;摇摆舞
- verb
- To play or dance to jive music.: 跳摇摆舞
- Slang To talk or speak to in an exaggerated, teasing, or misleading way.: 哄骗
- adjective
- Slang Misleading; phony or worthless.: 假的
46. lend
- verb
- a, b: 借出;把…借给
- a. To give or allow the use of something temporarily on the condition that the same or its equivalent will be returned.
- b. To provide money temporarily on the condition that the amount borrowed be returned, usually with an interest fee.
- To contribute or impart: 平添;增添;赋予
- Books and a fireplace lent a feeling of warmth to the room.: 书和房内的火炉给人一种温暖的感觉。
- To make available for another’s use: 提供,给予(支持)
- We lent our help after the storm.: 我们在风暴后提供援助。
- a, b: 借出;把…借给
- lend (itself) to: To accommodate or offer itself to; be suitable for.: 使适合;使有帮助;使易遭受
Day 74 (2019.05.13 22:30 - 22:40)
47. load
- noun
- a, b
- a. Something that is carried, as by a vehicle, person, or animal: 装载量
- a load of firewood.: 一堆柴火
- b. The quantity that is or can be carried at one time.: 负载
- a. Something that is carried, as by a vehicle, person, or animal: 装载量
- The amount of material that can be inserted into a device or machine at one time: 负荷
- The washing machine has a full load.: 洗衣机在满负荷运转。
- a, b: 荷载;压力;负担
- a. A mental weight or burden.
- Good news took a load off my mind.: 这个好消息使我放下重担。
- b. A responsibility regarded as oppressive.
- a. A mental weight or burden.
- a, b
48. loan
- noun
- An instance of lending: 借出
- a bank that makes loans to small businesses.: 向小企业提供贷款的银行。
- a, b: 借款
- a. A sum of money that is lent, usually with an interest fee.
- took out a loan to buy a car: 贷款买车
- repaid the loan over five years.: 五年内还完贷款。
- b. The agreement or contract specifying the terms and conditions of the repayment of such a sum.
- a. A sum of money that is lent, usually with an interest fee.
- The state of being lent for temporary use: 暂借
- a painting on loan from another museum.: 从别的博物馆借来的画。
- An instance of lending: 借出
- verb
- To lend money or property.: 借出
Day 75 (2019.05.14 22:30 - 22:40)
49. lode
- noun
- a, b: 矿脉
- a. The metal-bearing ore that fills a fissure in a rock formation.
- b. A vein of mineral ore deposited between clearly demarcated layers of rock.
- A rich source or supply.: 丰富的资源或供应
- a, b: 矿脉
50. majority
- noun
- The greater number or part; a number more than half of the total.: 多数;大多数
- The amount by which the greater number of votes cast, as in an election, exceeds the total number of remaining votes.: 多数票;超过对方的票数
- The political party, group, or faction having the most power by virtue of its larger representation or electoral strength.: 拥有最高权力的党派,团体或者派系。
Day 76 (2019.05.15 22:30 - 22:40)
51. masterful
- adjective
- Acting or capable of acting as a master or leader, especially in being domineering or imperious.: 善于掌控局势的;指挥若定的
- Having or showing mastery or skill; expert: a masterful technique; masterful at filmmaking.: 巧妙的;熟练的;精彩的;精湛的
52. masterly
- adjective
- Having or showing the knowledge or skill of a master.: 熟练的,技艺高超的
Day 77 (2019.05.16 21:20 - 21:40)
53. militate
- verb
- To have force or influence; bring about an effect or a change.: 有影响;产生作用
54. mitigate
- verb
- To moderate a quality or condition in force or intensity; alleviate.: 使缓和
- To take measures to moderate or alleviate something: 使减轻
- a program to mitigate against beach erosion.: 一项减轻海滩侵蚀的计划。
- To make alterations to land to make it less polluted or more hospitable to wildlife.: 对土地进行改造,降低污染程度或对野生动物更加友好。
Day 78 (2019.05.17)
55. no holds barred
- idiom
- Without limits or restraints.: 不加约束;没有限制
56. old
- adjective
- a, b: (人)…岁的
- a. Having lived or existed for a relatively long time; far advanced in years or life.
- b. Relatively advanced in age:
- Pamela is our oldest child.: 帕梅拉是我们最大的孩子。
- Made long ago; in existence for many years: (事物)存在…久的
- an old book.: 一本古老的书
- a, b, c
- a. Of or relating to a long life or to people who have had long lives.
- a ripe old age.: 耄耋之年
- b. Having or exhibiting the physical characteristics of age.
- a prematurely old face.: 过早衰老的脸
- c. Having or exhibiting the wisdom of age; mature.
- a child who is old for his years.: 就其年龄来说显得成熟的孩子。
- a. Of or relating to a long life or to people who have had long lives.
- Having lived or existed for a specified length of time: 具体年龄;(多少)岁;年纪
- She was 12 years old. : 她今年12岁。
- a, b, c
- a. Exhibiting the effects of time or long use; worn.
- an old coat.: 一件老旧大衣。
- b. Known through long acquaintance; long familiar.
- an old friend.: 一个老朋友。
- c. Skilled or able through long experience; practiced.
- He is an old hand at doing home repairs.: 他是做家修的老手。
- a. Exhibiting the effects of time or long use; worn.
- a, b
- a. Belonging to a remote or former period in history; ancient: 古老的,悠久的
- old fossils.: 古化石
- b. Belonging to or being of an earlier time.
- her old classmates.: 她的老同班同学
- a. Belonging to a remote or former period in history; ancient: 古老的,悠久的
- a, b: (人)…岁的
Day 79 (2019.05.18)
57. older
- adjective
- Comparative form of old.: old 的比较级
58. ordinance
- noun
- A statute or regulation, especially one enacted by a municipal government.: 法令
- An authoritative command or order.: 训令
- A custom or practice established by long usage.: 因长期使用而建立的习惯或做法。
- A Christian rite, especially the Eucharist.
Day 80 (2019.05.19)
59. ordnance
- noun
- Military weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment.: 军火
- The branch of an armed force that procures, maintains, and issues weapons, ammunition, and combat vehicles.: 军械署
- Cannon; artillery.: 大炮
60. passed
- adj. 已被传递的;已经通过的;已经过去的
- verb
- Past participle and past tense of pass.: pass 的过去分词
- pass v. 通过;超过;传递
Day 81 (2019.05.20)
61. past
- adjective
- No longer current; gone by; over: 以前的
- His youth is past.: 他的青春已经过去了。
- Having existed or occurred in an earlier time; bygone: 刚过去的
- past events: 过去的事情
- in years past.: 一年后
- a, b: 过去的
- Earlier than the present time; ago
- 40 years past.: 40年前
- Just gone by or elapsed
- in the past few days.: 在过去的几天里
- Earlier than the present time; ago
- Having served formerly in a given capacity, especially an official one: 曾经拥有某种身份
- a past president.: 曾今的总统
- Of, relating to, or being a verb tense or form used to express an action or condition prior to the time it is expressed.: 过去式的
- No longer current; gone by; over: 以前的
- noun
- The time before the present: 过去;昔日;过去的事情
- History is the study of the past.: 历史是学习过去的事情
- a, b: (某人)过去的经历(或事业)
- a. Previous background, career, experiences, and activities
- an elderly person with a distinguished past.: 一名有着显赫过去的老人。
- b. A former period of someone’s life kept secret or thought to be shameful
- a family with a checkered past. : 一个过去盛衰无常的家庭。
- a. Previous background, career, experiences, and activities
- a, b: 过去式
- a. The past tense.
- b. A verb form in the past tense.
- The time before the present: 过去;昔日;过去的事情
- adverb
- So as to pass by or go beyond: 从一侧到另一侧;经过
- He waved as he walked past.: 他走过去时挥了挥手。
- So as to pass by or go beyond: 从一侧到另一侧;经过
- preposition
- Beyond in time; later than or after: 晚于;在 … 之后
- past midnight: 午夜之后
- a quarter past two.: 两点半
- Beyond in position; farther than: 在另一边;到另一侧
- The house is a mile past the first stoplight. 这座房子距离第一个红绿灯还有一英里
- They walked past the memorial in silence.: 他们沉默的走过纪念馆
- a, b: 多于;超过
- a. Beyond the power, scope, extent, or influence of
- The problem is past the point of resolution.: 这个问题很难解决。
- b. Beyond in development or appropriateness
- The child is past drinking from a bottle.: 孩子已经从瓶子里喝过了。
- You’re past sucking your thumb, so don’t do it.: 吮吸你的拇指是不对的,以后不要再做了。
- a. Beyond the power, scope, extent, or influence of
- Beyond the number or amount of: 越过
- The child couldn’t count past 20.: 孩子不会数20之后的数。
- Beyond in time; later than or after: 晚于;在 … 之后
62. peace
- noun
- The absence of war or other hostilities.: 和平,和平时期
- An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities: 和约
- negotiated the peace.: 协商和约
- Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: 和睦;和谐
- roommates living in peace with each other.: 家庭成员之间应当和睦相处。
- Public security and order: 公共安全与秩序
- a man who was arrested for disturbing the peace.: 一名因扰乱公共秩序而被捕的男子。
- Inner contentment; serenity: (心情)平静,平和
- peace of mind.: 安心
- keep or hold (one’s) peace: To be silent.: (想说却)保持沉默,缄口不语
Day 82 (2019.05.21)
63. peremptory
- adjective
- a, b
- a. Subject to no further debate or dispute; final and unassailable: 不容置辩的
- a peremptory decree.: 不容置辩的法令
- b. Not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative: 强制的
- The officer issued peremptory commands.: 官员发布了一个强制规定。
- a. Subject to no further debate or dispute; final and unassailable: 不容置辩的
- Offensively self-assured; dictatorial: 傲慢的,专横的,独断的
- a swaggering, peremptory manner.: 趾高气昂的专横态度。
- a, b
64. phase
- noun
- A distinct stage of development: 阶段;时期
- “The American occupation of Japan fell into three successive phases” (Edwin O. Reischauer).: 美国对日本的占领分为三个阶段。
- A temporary manner, attitude, or pattern of behavior: 一个暂时的态度
- His sullenness is just a passing phase.: 他闷闷不乐只是暂时的。
- An aspect; a part: 一方面
- We must reconsider every phase of the operation.: 我们必须重新考虑这个方案的每个阶段。
- Astronomy: (月亮、行星的)位相
- a. One of the cyclically recurring apparent shapes of the visibly illuminated portion of the moon or a planet.
- b. The relative configuration, measured in angular units such as degrees or radians, of two orbiting bodies that periodically eclipse.
- Physics: 相位
- a. A particular stage in a periodic process or phenomenon.
- b. The fraction of a complete cycle elapsed as measured from a specified reference point and often expressed as an angle.
- Chemistry: 相
- a. Any of the forms or states, solid, liquid, gas, or plasma, in which matter can exist, depending on temperature and pressure.
- b. A discrete homogeneous part of a material system that is mechanically separable from the rest, as is ice from water.
- Biology: 期
- A characteristic form, appearance, or stage of development that occurs in a cycle or that distinguishes some individuals of a group:
- the white color phase of a weasel
- the swarming phase of locusts.
- A characteristic form, appearance, or stage of development that occurs in a cycle or that distinguishes some individuals of a group:
- A distinct stage of development: 阶段;时期
- verb
- phase in
- To introduce, one stage at a time.: 分阶段引入,逐步采用
- phase out
- To bring or come to an end, one stage at a time.: 逐渐停止;使逐步淘汰
- phase in
Day 83 (2019.05.22)
65. piece
- noun
- A thing considered as a unit or an element of a larger thing, quantity, or class; a portion: 片;块;段;截;标准的量
- a piece of string.: 一截绳子
- A portion or part that has been separated from a whole: (断下、撕下或切下的)块,片,段,截
- a piece of pie.: 一块饼
- An object that is one member of a group or class: (与不可数名词连用)桩,项,条,件
- a piece of furniture.: 一件家具
- An artistic, musical, or literary work or composition: (文章、艺术品、音乐作品等的)一件,一篇,一首,一支
- “They are lively and well-plotted pieces, both in prose” (Tucker Brooke).: 这两部作品在叙述上都是很生动且情节精采的作品。
- An instance; a specimen: 实例,样本
- a piece of sheer folly.
- A declaration of one’s opinions or findings: 说自己想说的话;(毫不保留且不受打断地)发表意见
- speak one’s piece.: 表达你的意见
- A coin: 硬币
- a ten-cent piece.: 一枚十分硬币
- a&b
- a. One of the counters or figures used in playing various board games.
- b. Any one of the chess figures other than a pawn.: 棋子
- Slang A firearm, especially a rifle.: 枪
- Informal A given distance: 短距离;一小段距离
- “There was farm country down the road on the right a piece” (James Agee).: 在路的右边有个农场
- A thing considered as a unit or an element of a larger thing, quantity, or class; a portion: 片;块;段;截;标准的量
- a piece of (one’s) mind
- Frank and severe criticism; censure.: 向…表明不满;对…直言
- say (one’s) piece
- To express one’s opinion; say what one thinks.: 发表意见;说出自己的想法
- a piece of (one’s) mind
66. plurality
- noun
- A large number or amount; a multitude.: 多数状态;诸多;众多
- a, b
- a. In a contest of more than two choices, the number of votes cast for the winning choice if this number is not more than one half of the total votes cast.
- b. The number by which the vote of the winning choice in such a contest exceeds that of the closest opponent.
Day 84 (2019.05.23)
67. pore
- verb
- To read, study, or examine carefully and attentively.: 细想;凝视;熟读
68. pour
- verb
- a, b, c: 使(液体等)连续流出;倾倒;倒出
- a. To cause a liquid or granular solid to stream or flow, as from a container
- She poured tea from the pot into the cup.: 她把茶壶里的茶倒进杯子里。
- b. To pour a liquid or particles into a container
- I poured a glass of milk.: 我倒了一杯牛奶。
- c. To empty a container of a liquid or granular solid:
- The girl poured a bucket of sand on the ground.: 女孩把一桶沙子倒在地上。
- a. To cause a liquid or granular solid to stream or flow, as from a container
- a, b: 倾泻;涌流
- a. To stream or flow continuously or profusely
- Water poured over the dam.: 水倾泻到大坝上
- b. To rain hard or heavily
- It has been pouring for an hour.: 暴雨已经下了一个小时了。
- a. To stream or flow continuously or profusely
- a, ,b
- a. To send forth, produce, express, or utter copiously, as if in a stream or flood: 涌入
- The company poured money into the project.: 公司在这个项目中投入了大量的钱。
- poured out my inner thoughts.: 倾吐我内心的想法。
- b. To pass or proceed in large numbers or quantity: (人)大量涌入(或涌出),蜂拥
- Students poured into the auditorium.: 学生们涌进礼堂
- a. To send forth, produce, express, or utter copiously, as if in a stream or flood: 涌入
- a, b, c: 使(液体等)连续流出;倾倒;倒出
Day 85 (2019.05.24)
69. practicable
- adjective
- Capable of being effected, done, or put into practice; feasible.: 可行的
- Usable for a specified purpose: 适用的
- a practicable way of entry.: 一个适用的进入途径
70. practical
- adjective
- Of, relating to, governed by, or acquired through practice or action, rather than theory, speculation, or ideals: 实践的
- He gained practical experience sailing as a deck hand.: 他获得了作为一个甲板船员的实践经验。
- Manifested in or involving practice: 实际的
- practical applications of calculus.: 微积分的实际应用。
- Capable of or suitable to being used or put into effect; useful: 实用的
- She has practical knowledge of Japanese.: 她有日语的实用知识。
- Concerned with the production or operation of something useful: 实用的
- Woodworking is a practical art.: 木工是一种实用艺术。
- Having or showing good judgment; sensible: (意见和方法)切实有效的,可行的
- We need to be practical about how we approach this problem.: 我们需要切实可行地解决这个问题。
- Being actually so in almost every respect; virtual: 几乎完全的;实际上的
- The party was a practical disaster.: 这个党派几乎是个灾难。
- Of, relating to, governed by, or acquired through practice or action, rather than theory, speculation, or ideals: 实践的
Day 86 (2019.05.25)
71. preemptive
- adjective
- Undertaken or initiated to deter or prevent an anticipated, usually unpleasant situation or occurrence: 先发制人的;抢先的
- The two companies organized a preemptive alliance against a possible takeover by another firm.: 这两个公司组织了一场先发制人的联盟来反对另一家公司可能的收购。
- Undertaken or initiated to deter or prevent an anticipated, usually unpleasant situation or occurrence: 先发制人的;抢先的
72. rationale
- noun
- The fundamental reasons for something; the basis for something.: 理由;逻辑依据
Day 87 (2019.05.26)
73. rationalization
- noun
- The act, process, or practice of explaining or interpreting something rationally or of devising self-serving reasons to justify something.: 合理化,合于经济原则
74. relegate
- verb
- To place in an inferior or obscure place, rank, category, or condition: 贬黜;把…降级;把…降格
- an artist’s work that is now relegated to storerooms: 一个艺术家的工作室现在已经被降级为储藏室。
- a group that has been relegated to the status of second-class citizens.: 一个被降为二等公民的群体。
- To refer or assign a matter or task, for example, for decision or action: 分配任务,归入;提交
- The college relegated the teaching of writing to graduate students.: 学院将写作教学交由研究生。
- The Senate relegated the matter to a committee.: 参议院把此事提交给委员会。
- To place in an inferior or obscure place, rank, category, or condition: 贬黜;把…降级;把…降格
Day 88 (2019.05.27)
75. repress
- verb
- To put down by force, usually before total control has been lost; quell: 镇压(叛乱等)
- The government repressed the rebellion.: 政府镇压叛乱。
- To hold back by an act of volition: 压制,压抑,克制(情感)
- He couldn’t repress a smirk.: 他无法克制得意的笑容。
- To exclude (painful or disturbing memories, for example) automatically or unconsciously from the conscious mind.
- To block transcription of a gene by combination of a protein to an operator gene.: 抑制
- To put down by force, usually before total control has been lost; quell: 镇压(叛乱等)
76. restive
- adjective
- a, b
- a. Uneasily impatient under restriction, opposition, criticism, or delay: 不耐烦的
- Passengers on board the delayed airliner began to grow restive.: 被延误客机上的乘客开始变得不耐烦。
- b. Showing a pressing desire for change; unsettled or dissatisfied: 不满的
- a restive feeling.: 不满的情绪。
- a. Uneasily impatient under restriction, opposition, criticism, or delay: 不耐烦的
- Refusing to move. Used of a horse or other animal.: 难驾御的
- a, b
Day 89 (2019.05.28)
77. restless
- adjective
- Characterized by a lack of quiet, repose, or rest: 难以入睡的;辗转反侧的
- I spent a restless night sleeping on the floor.: 我在地板上度过了一个不眠之夜。
- a, b: 坐立不安的;不安宁的
- a. Not able to rest, relax, or be still
- a restless child.: 不安分的孩子
- b. Never still or motionless:
- the restless sea.: 汹涌的大海
- a. Not able to rest, relax, or be still
- Having or showing a pressing desire for change or action: 焦躁不安的;不耐烦的;不满的
- She started to feel restless in her job.: 她开始对她的工作感到厌倦。
- Characterized by a lack of quiet, repose, or rest: 难以入睡的;辗转反侧的
78. shined
- verb
- Past tense and past participle of shine.: ‘shine’的过去分词。
- Tips
- ‘shine’在做如下解释时,过去式和过去分词形式为 shone
- v. 发光;照耀
- v. 把…照向;使…的光投向
- v. (因反射而)发光,发亮
- n. 光亮;光泽
- v. (技巧或活动方面)出色,出类拔萃
- 做如下解释时,过去式和过去分词为 shined
- v. 擦亮;擦光;擦拭
- His high black boots had been shined to a gleaming finish.: 他那双黑色高筒靴被擦得光鉴照人。
- v. 擦亮;擦光;擦拭
- ‘shine’在做如下解释时,过去式和过去分词形式为 shone
Day 90 (2019.05.29) ✅
79. shone
- verb
- Past tense and past participle of shine.: shine 的过去式和过去分词
- Tips: 同上
80. sleight of hand
- noun
- a, b
- a. The performance of or skill in performing juggling or magic tricks so quickly and deftly that the manner of execution cannot be observed; legerdemain.: 戏法:由变戏法的人(juggler)或魔术师表演的一个或一套戏法,其动作非常快,观众无法看清其过程(the manner of execution);戏法(legerdemain)
- b. A trick or set of tricks performed in this way.: (变戏法的)技巧:在变戏法的表演中所用的技巧。
- a, b
- a. Deception or trickery.: 变魔术,变戏法的表演
- b. A deceptive or misleading act.: 欺骗性或误导性的行为
Day 91 (2019.05.30)
81. slew(1)
- noun
- Informal A large amount or number; a lot: 许多;大量
- a slew of unpaid bills.: 大量未被支付的账单。
- They dealt with a slew of other issues.: 他们处理了大量的其他问题。
- Informal A large amount or number; a lot: 许多;大量
82. slew(2) also slue
- verb
- To turn or cause to turn on an axis; rotate or spin.: 旋转
- To turn or slide, or cause to turn or slide sharply; veer or skid: 侧滑;转向;猛拐
- The bus slewed sideways.: 公共汽车滑到了一边。
Day 92 (2019.05.31)
83. slew(3)
- noun
- Variant of slough: slough 变体
84. slough(1) also slew
- noun
- A depression or hollow, usually filled with deep mud or mire.: 泥沼
- also slue A swamp, marsh, bog, or pond, especially as part of a bayou, inlet, or backwater.: 泥沼;泥淖;沼泽
- A state of deep despair or moral degradation.: 苦难的深渊;绝望的境地
Day 93 (2019.06.01)
85. slough(2)
- noun
- The dead outer skin shed by a reptile or amphibian.: 蜕下的皮(或壳)
- A layer or mass of dead tissue separated from surrounding living tissue, as in a wound, sore, or inflammation.: 腐肉
- An outer layer or covering that is shed.: 脱落的外层覆盖物
- verb
- To be cast off or shed; come off: 抛弃
- The snake’s skin sloughs off.: 蛇蜕皮了。
- To shed a slough: 脱落
- The snake sloughed its skin.: 蛇蜕皮了。
- To discard as undesirable or unfavorable; get rid of: 摆脱
- After he got the new job he sloughed off his former associates.: 他找到新工作后,他脱离了以前的同事。
- To separate from surrounding living tissue. Used of dead tissue.: 剥落
- To be cast off or shed; come off: 抛弃
86. slue
- verb
- Variant of slew(2).: slew 的变体。
Day 94 (2019.06.02)
87. suppress
- verb
- To put an end to forcibly; subdue: 镇压
- The government suppressed the rebellion.: 政府镇压了叛乱。
- To curtail or prohibit the activities of: 压制
- The government tends to suppress dissident groups.: 政府倾向于压制持不同政见的团体。
- To keep from being revealed, published, or circulated: 禁止发表
- The opposing lawyer suppressed evidence.: 反对的律师封锁了证据。
- The censors tried to suppress the film.: 审查员试图禁止这部电影上映。
- To deliberately exclude unacceptable desires or thoughts from the mind.: 抑制(身体的功能或反应)
- To inhibit the expression of: 抑制,控制,克制(感情或反应)
- She had to suppress her anger during the interview.: 在采访中她不得不压抑自己的愤怒。
- To restrain the growth, activity, or release of: 压制,抑制,阻止(进程或活动)
- The doctors did everything they could to suppress the virus.: 医生们竭尽全力压制病毒。
- To put an end to forcibly; subdue: 镇压
88. tenant
- noun
- A person who pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another.: 房客, 佃户, 承租人
Day 95 (2019.06.03)
89. tenet
- noun
- A doctrine, principle, or position held as part of a philosophy, religion, or field of endeavor.: (理论、信仰的)基本原则,根本信条
- The judge’s ruling was based on the simple commonsense tenet that no man is above the law.: 法官的判决基于一个常识性原则,即谁也不能凌驾于法律之上。
- A doctrine, principle, or position held as part of a philosophy, religion, or field of endeavor.: (理论、信仰的)基本原则,根本信条
90. throe
- noun
- A severe pang or spasm of pain, as in childbirth.: 阵痛;剧痛
- often throes A condition of extreme difficulty, struggle, or trouble.: 极度困难,挣扎或麻烦的状况。
Day 96 (2019.06.04)
91. toe the line or toe the mark
- idiom
- To adhere to doctrines or rules conscientiously; conform or do as one is told.: 顺从当局(或集体);遵循 … 路线
- to toe the party line: 遵循党的路线
- To adhere to doctrines or rules conscientiously; conform or do as one is told.: 顺从当局(或集体);遵循 … 路线
92. unexceptionable
- adjective
- Beyond any reasonable objection; irreproachable.: 完全满意的,无懈可击的
- The school’s unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children.: 学校的目的无非是让家长更多地参与孩子的教育。
- irreproachable - adj. 无瑕疵的,无可指责的
- Beyond any reasonable objection; irreproachable.: 完全满意的,无懈可击的
Day 97 (2019.06.05)
93. unexceptional
- adjective
- Not varying from a norm; usual.: 普通的;寻常的;平常的
94. unjust
- adjective
- Violating principles of justice or fairness; unfair: 不公正的;不公平的
- an unjust law.: 不公正的法律
- Acting in violation of such principles: 非正义的
- an unjust ruler.: 非正义的统治者
- Violating principles of justice or fairness; unfair: 不公正的;不公平的
Day 98 (2019.06.04)
95. venal
- adjective
- Given to or characterized by corrupt dealings, especially bribery: a venal police officer.: 贪财的;腐败的;贪赃枉法的;唯利是图的
96. venial
- adjective
- Easily excused or forgiven; pardonable: 轻微而可原谅的
- a venial offense.: 可原谅的过错
- Roman Catholic Church Minor, therefore warranting only temporal punishment:
- a venial sin.: 可原谅的过失
- Easily excused or forgiven; pardonable: 轻微而可原谅的
Day 99 (2019.06.05)
97. waive
- verb
- To give up or relinquish a claim or right voluntarily.: 放弃(合法权利等)
- To refrain from insisting on or enforcing (a rule or penalty, for example); dispense with: (特定情况下)不强求执行(规则等)
- “The original ban on private trading had long since been waived”(William L. Schurz).: 最初对私人交易的已被免除。
- To refrain from engaging in an activity, sometimes temporarily; cancel or postpone: 搁置
- Let’s waive our discussion of that problem.: 让我们暂时搁置对这个问题的讨论。
98. wangle
- verb
- To obtain or achieve something by cleverness or deceit, especially in persuading someone: 骗取
- She wangled the job even though she had no training.: 即使她没有接受过培训,她仍然骗取这份工作。
- To extricate oneself by subtle or indirect means, as from difficulty: 设法脱身
- He wangled out of a shift at work by pretending to be sick.: 他装病从轮班工作中设法脱身。
- To obtain or achieve something by cleverness or deceit, especially in persuading someone: 骗取
Day 100 (2019.06.08)
99. wave
- verb
- To move freely back and forth or up and down in the air, as branches in the wind.: 飘动;摆动;起伏
- To cause to move back and forth or up and down, either once or repeatedly: 挥舞
- She waved a fan before her face.: 她在面前挥舞着扇子。
- a-d
- a. To make a signal with an up-and-down or back-and-forth movement of the hand or an object held in the hand: 挥(手)示意(或致意)
- We waved as she drove by.: 她开车经过时我们挥手示意。
- b. To move or swing as in giving a signal: 挥手以发出信号
- He waved his hand.: 他挥了挥手。
- c. To signal or express by waving the hand or an object held in the hand: 挥动手或手上的物体来发出信号
- We waved goodbye.: 我们挥手说再见。
- d. To signal a person to move in a specified direction: 示意某人朝着指定方向移动。
- The police officer waved the motorist into the right lane.: 警察挥手让司机进入右侧车道。
- a. To make a signal with an up-and-down or back-and-forth movement of the hand or an object held in the hand: 挥(手)示意(或致意)
- To arrange into curves, curls, or undulations: (头发的)波浪卷,鬈曲
- wave one’s hair.: 鬈曲的头发
100. wrangle
- verb
- a. b
- a. To quarrel noisily or angrily.: 激烈争吵
- b. To win or obtain something by argument: 争论
- I wrangled a free ticket to a show.: 我为一张免费的演出票争论。
- a, b
- a. To grasp and maneuver something.: 掌控或操纵
- b. To attempt to deal with or understand something; contend or struggle: 斗争(为了试图理解某事)
- “In the lab . . . students wrangle with the nature of discovery”(New York Times).: 在实验室里,学生们争辩于发现的本质。
- To herd horses or other livestock.: 放牧(马或其它牲畜)
- To grasp and maneuver something; wrestle.: 摔跤?
- a. b